Pregnancy and travel


Who does not like to relax? New impressions, active walks or an imposing vacation by the very blue sea according to the all inclusive system, when you do not have to worry about preparing food for yourself and your family, when the room is carefully cleaned, and dishes for blissful two weeks will cease to be the hostess's headache - this perfectly. However, many women, being in a position, believe that this pleasure is now not for them. Climate change, flight, a new foreign country - all this scares and makes you spend time waiting for the baby in their native walls.

Is there a travel hazard for the expectant mother? Why does a lady in a position continue to work for seven months, expecting a baby, but deny herself the pleasure of rest?

Society treats pregnant tourists ambiguously. Someone twists a finger at the temple, condemning a woman. After all, "she risks not only her health, but also the life of the baby, going to distant lands." People remember the stories they heard about the sudden birth in a foreign land, about a sharp deterioration in well-being after the flight.

Others, on the contrary, rightly consider pregnancy to be not a disease, but a natural state that does not interfere with a full life. Ladies with a rounded tummy, relaxing on the beach and even making small excursions are not uncommon, you can meet courageous women in any resort.

There is a third, special, view - it is extreme lovers who continue to conquer the mountains and make kayaking trips even in an interesting position.

Truth, as always, is somewhere in between. A healthy pregnancy, in fact, is not an obstacle to relaxation, and the sea, the sun and fresh air can only benefit both the mother and the baby. You can go on a trip, observing several mandatory conditions.

  • Consultation with your doctor - a specialist can evaluate how much a woman’s condition allows her to enjoy her usual way of life. And it will be calmer if the good for your trip is given by a professional who has carefully examined your indicators.
  • You must always remember your situation. From long walks, travels and flights, being in the open sun and sun, you have to refuse. Yes, and with exotic dishes it is better to wait.

The ideal time to relax is the second trimester. At the beginning of pregnancy, despite the fact that the figure remains the same and the growing belly does not constrain movements, there is still a risk of terminating the pregnancy. In addition, toxicosis - a faithful companion of the first months, does not have to travel. In the third trimester, it's time to get ready for childbirth - a small tone, training fights, the appeared clumsiness - all this can interfere with enjoying the trip. But the second trimester is the most pleasant, when unwell, weakness and lightheadedness remain only in the memories, and it is still a long time to give birth to a wonderful time to relax.


Watch the video: Traveling During Pregnancy. Kaiser Permanente (July 2024).