Prayer to raise money


Faith encourages Orthodox to live modestly and honestly, to get along small and not to chase after wealth. However, there are many prayers that allow you to attract well-being to a home, live in prosperity and not know disasters, while helping others. Who should pray in such cases? Read more about this in the article.

Who will help prayer to raise money?

Despite the church’s instructions about living in abstinence and moderation, there are many prayer services designed to attract prosperity and welfare to the house. However, these prayers do not always work, and not every request is heard.

Will consider The basic rules that should be followed when going to pray for raising money:

  1. Exclude mercenary goals. The need for money should not come from the thirst for profit, but only from necessity. You should only ask about the amount that is needed, or about stability in financial matters.
  2. Help others. Having received the desired, do not forget about others. Be sure to help the people in need, and bring them joy.
  3. Wording Proper formulation of the petition - the key to success. Do not jump from topic to topic, not knowing what you want to achieve in the end. Clearly imagine the result and do not be distracted by third-party.

Having understood the instructions, you can determine the purpose of the prayer. Strong prayers for wealth are capable of:

  • to give money to those who are not enough for living;
  • contribute to successful business development;
  • assist in career advancement;
  • attract new customers;
  • resolve difficult financial issues.

It remains to determine the last and most important question: to whom to pray? For information on which of the Saints is best addressed, read on.

Three strong prayers for money

The universal petition for well-being are three strong prayers for money. Although they are addressed to the Saints, do not forget that we always pray to God, no matter who the message is directed to.

Among the Saints, the greatest influence on the financial sphere have:

  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Matron Moscow;
  • Spiridon Trimifut.

It is to them who seek help in solving difficult monetary situations. The listed saints led a modest and simple way of life, but never shied away from helping people in need and distress. Nowadays, prayers addressed to them are extremely popular and have a greater effect than others, bringing results in a short time.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for money

It is recommended to give a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker on Thursday. And it can be done both in the church and at home. In order to ask the Holy for help in financial matters, it is not necessary to acquire icons, just simply out loud or mentally repeat the prayer text:

"O Most Blessed Nicholas, I call upon you humbly and in need for help and blessing! As during your life miracles you did, helped the poor, healed and blessed you, so don’t go around me with your attention. Our Almighty. Point with your finger the right way, money, in order to get out of poverty, to find happiness, help others. I will praise You and Our Father, carry your name with a sign and lead a righteous life. I believe in Heaven and their justice. Amen. "

Most prayers reached our days exclusively in ancient languages, and then were translated into Church Slavonic, which causes some difficulties for home reading. However, a solution was found. To offer a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in work and money in Russian, read the introductory prayer, and then add the petition in your own words. Begin to pray with the words:

"Oh, all-holy Nicholas, it is most pleasing to the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in the sorrowful speedy helper!"

Further text of the appeal depends solely on your imagination. You can use the advice: write down in advance everything on the sheet, and then select the most important points and arrange them in the text. For example, if the request is to obtain additional funds for the purchase, you can pray as follows:

"Wonderworker Nikolay help me! There is a need, there would be money! I must buy (the name of the thing) and I don’t have enough funds. I wish your luck and your goodness to attract finances and make the necessary purchase. Thank you, amen."

The same algorithm can be used to search for a job or move up the career ladder. The main thing is not to forget to thank the Prelate for the attention paid.

Prayer to Spiridon of Trimifunts

The most popular at the present time has the praise, addressed to Saint Spyridon. Spiridon Trimifuntsky is the patron saint of traders and all workers. It is believed that it helps in solving material problems, in legal matters and life difficulties. Read the liturgy to the Prelate should be in the morning during the week, in order to be heard and understood. It does not require any difficult prayers, it is enough to speak sincerely and from the heart, starting the petition with the phrase:

"Hail Saint Spyridon!"

A prayer for money should also include a direct request and a mental message. Speak confidently, say the words clearly, focus not on the duration of the prayer, but on the composition. So the prayer can be short, but capacious and to the point.

Prayer for the money Matrona of Moscow

The matron is known for its kindness and religiosity. And until now she helps everyone who comes to bow or ask. To appeal to the Matrona of Moscow, it is enough to purchase an icon with its face or go to church. Before the lit candle should read the prayer:

"Matushka Matrona, intercessor and helper of the afflicted, I pray you for grace and sympathy. Take me to the poor, bring prosperity to the house. Send me material goods, and leave me there. Help and save me from poverty. As at God's mercy, I trust in you. Amen. "

The prayer should be repeated regularly throughout the week, and on Sunday it is necessary to go to the church service and take communion.

Prayer for immediate profit

For the urgent attraction of money will have to make more effort. You can also pray to the Saints mentioned in the article, but you should also contact the Guardian Angel. With it, you do not miss welfare. In the mornings, it is necessary to read from the memory of "Our Father" and then cry out to heaven for favor.

"My guardian angel, my soul intercessor, I cry for your talisman and help! In finances lend complicity, point to the source of money, bring to the blessings, in order to get rid of my misfortune and peace to find. Son and Holy Spirit. Amen! "

Then prayers are recited to the chosen Saint, according to the directions in the article. Do not forget, truly believers will be rewarded! Invest all faith in your words and message, and financial well-being will not keep you waiting.


Watch the video: Prayer For Financial Increase - Financial Increase Prayer (July 2024).