Loose barley with meat in a slow cooker will always work! A hearty dish of simple products - recipes of pearl barley with meat in a slow cooker


Pearl barley, the so-called "fraction 16", familiar to all who served in the army ten years ago, or more.

Non-fables are told about it no less than about aliens, but in fact this product is very useful, and with little effort the cook is also delicious!

Properly cooked with meat, friable pearl barley porridge, if it does not become a permanent dish, the menu is very good for a change.

Barley with meat in a slow cooker - general principles of preparation

• Pearl barley must be pre-filled with cold water and soaked for several hours. To make barley grains boil faster and better, it is advisable to soak it in the evening about 8-10 hours before cooking. Before this, the croup must be sorted out and washed many times. The swollen grains are transferred to a colander and washed again.

• Barley in a slow cooker is prepared with any kind of meat: lamb, beef, pork or poultry. The meat is cut into pieces of arbitrary size and shape or twisted in a meat grinder into minced meat. Often stew is used instead of fresh meat.

• Pieces of meat or minced meat are fried in the mode of "Frying" or "Baking" until softened. Then pour the barley soaked in water and continue to cook, changing the multicooker mode to “Pilaf” or “Porridge”. The stew is added to the porridge that has already reached readiness and simmer on "Heating".

• Together with meat, mushrooms or vegetables are often added to barley. Often, cereals are prepared without mixing with meat in a steam container of a multicooker.

• The duration of the preparation of the dish depends on how long the cereal has been soaked and always specified in the recipe.

Barley with meat in a slow cooker: recipe for loose pilaf from barley and chicken


• 700 gr. chicken legs or thighs;

• two glasses of barley;

• two small onions;

• three carrots;

• a tablespoon of vegetable refined oil;

• seasoning ready "For pilaf" - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. Chopped washed and poultry meat in portions and place in the cooking bowl. Add vegetable oil, turn on the frying mode and fry the chicken on all sides.

2. Cut the carrots as small as possible into strips, peeled onions peeled from the husks - chop with medium-sized half rings.

3. As soon as the pieces of meat are browned, lower the chopped vegetables to them and continue cooking in the same mode until the carrots and onions are completely softened.

4. Then lay the pearl barley over the meat. Add some salt and spices to your liking.

5. Then fill everything with four glasses of cold drinking water and close the lid tightly.

6. Change the multicooker mode to “Pilaf” and cook one hour. If your device does not have such an option, put "Porridge".

7. Ready pilaf do not rush to spread, keep it for about half an hour on heating. This will allow the cereal to steam better.

Barley with meat in a slow cooker: steamed barley recipe with lamb (ribs)


• fresh mutton (ribs) - 700 gr;

• barley (cereal) - 2 glasses;

• 75 gr. nucleoli of pine nuts;

• 100 ml of olive, or other high-quality oil;

• three large cloves of garlic;

• three small bunches of fresh green basil;

• 100 gr. cheese, such as "Russian" or "Kostroma";

• head of salad onions;

• three sprigs of fresh rosemary.

Cooking method:

1. In advance, about 3 hours before cooking, fill the already washed barley with a little warm water and leave it in it.

2. Rinse the basil, wipe dry and tear off the leaves from the branches. Gather them in a pile, chop as finely as possible and transfer to a mortar. Grind with a small pinch of salt with a pestle. If there is no mortar, grind the basil with a blender or in a combine.

3. Transfer the mixture to a separate bowl and immediately cover with vegetable oil. This must be done very quickly, otherwise the grated basil will darken.

4. Crush the sliced ​​garlic in a mortar and mix it with basil.

5. Start the baking mode on the multicooker and bake in a dry bowl the kernels of nuts until light brown. Do not overcook, burnt nuts will ruin the taste of the dish.

6. Put half the fried nucleoli aside, and grind the remaining with pestle and add to the basil. Rub the cheese finely here, add the shelved cedar kernels and mix thoroughly. Ready sauce must be sour cream in density. If thicker, add more olive oil.

7. Rinse the ribs, rub the pulp between the bones with a mixture of pepper (ground) with salt. On the slow cooker, run the option "Fry", fill one and a half tablespoons of oil and fry the lamb on it, for 3 minutes on each side. After turning the ribs, add chopped onions as finely as possible, slightly crushed by the back of the knife.

8. Stop the frying option and put the device into baking mode.

9. On top of the lamb, lay the branches of rosemary. Place the soaked barley in the “steam” container and place it over the bowl.

10. On the timer, set 40 minutes and cook with the lid tightly closed.

11. Then mix the prepared pearl barley with basil sauce and transfer to a flat dish in the form of a "slide", place lamb at its edges.

Barley with meat in a slow cooker: recipe with pork


• one glass of cereal - barley;

• a pound of pork (neck);

• one large carrot;

• red bell pepper - 1 pc.;

• onion;

• two cloves of garlic;

• 900 ml of filtered water;

• non-aromatic sunflower oil;

• to taste dried dill and herbs.

Cooking method:

1. Sort the groats, transfer to a sieve and rinse until clean water comes off. Then move it into a bowl, fill with half a liter of cold water and leave to swell overnight.

2. Chop the onion finely, and cut the carrots into medium-sized cubes. Peppers peeled from seeds - in thin strips.

3. Rinse the barley a couple more times and leave it in a sieve so that all the liquid is gone.

4. Wash the neck and cut into medium sized pieces.

5. In frying mode, warm the oil almost to a haze and lower the meat into it. To your taste, add pork with ground pepper, salt and fry for three minutes.

6. Next, add the carrots with onions and continue cooking.

7. Three minutes later, put the bell pepper in the bowl, mix well and fry everything together for another two minutes.

8. Fried meat with vegetables, sprinkle with pearl barley. Pour 900 ml of filtered drinking water, mix and close the lid.

9. Change the cooking mode to “Porridge” or “Pilaf” and cook pearl barley porridge with meat and vegetables for one hour.

Barley with meat in a slow cooker: recipe with beef and fresh mushrooms


• 400 gr. pearl barley;

• a pound of young beef (pulp);

• large onion head;

• one medium carrot;

• a quarter of a teaspoon of Sunflower Hops seasoning;

• 300 gr. young champignons.

Cooking method:

1. Sort out cereals and rinse well. Strain the remaining liquid by laying the barley in a colander.

2. Chop the onion finely, and on the contrary, grate the carrots on a grater larger. Thin slices of champignons.

3. Rinse the pork. Remove the film from the pulp and cut the meat into slices of not very large size or simply strips. If there is lard on the meat, it is better to leave it.

4. Turn the slow cooker into "Frying" mode, if there is "Intensive frying". Pour 2 tablespoons of butter, lay out the pieces of pork. Cook for a quarter of an hour, stirring systematically.

5. Add carrots with onions to the meat and fry everything together for another ten minutes. Remember to mix from time to time.

6. Put the plate of champignons for the vegetables and meat and cook everything together until the resulting liquid evaporates (about 10 minutes).

7. After that, place the dried pearl barley in the bowl of vegetables and meat and close the slow cooker.

8. Set the timer for one hour, change the "Fry" option to "Extinguish".

9. Prepare the prepared barley with meat and mushrooms after stopping the previous timer, on “Heating” for half an hour, and only then serve.

Barley with meat in a slow cooker: a simple recipe with stew


• one can of beef stew;

• pearl barley - 360 gr.;

• onion - a small head;

• five cloves of garlic;

• carrots - 1 pc.;

• greens of young dill or curly parsley - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the garlic into thin slices. Chop the onion in small pieces, and grate the carrots coarsely.

2. Start the multicook processor in the “Baking” mode, put the chopped carrots, onions and garlic in the cooking bowl.

3. Collect all the fat from the stew and transfer it to the vegetables. You can add a little vegetable or butter.

4. Systematically mixing, spasser chopped vegetables until soft. Do not overcook, slices of vegetables should not be fried.

5. To the softened vegetables, lay out the washed cereal. Add one liter of drinking water, salt and mix well. You can season the barley with ground pepper.

6. After that, start the “Pilaf” cooking mode for 60 minutes and cook under a tightly closed lid.

7. Add stew and finely chopped greens to the finished pearl barley. Stir and simmer the porridge on the “Heat” for 15 minutes.

Barley with meat in a slow cooker: recipe for quick barley with minced meat


• a pound of any dense minced meat;

• small carrots - 1 pc.;

• onion;

• two tablespoons of refined oil;

• spices - a little to taste;

• two glasses (360 gr.) Of barley.

Cooking method:

1. Stuff the mince well with a fork. Cut the vegetables as small as possible. Onions in cubes and carrots in strips.

2. Put the carrots and onions in the cooking bowl, add oil and start the “Baking” on the multicooker panel.

3. After the vegetables are well softened, put the minced meat to them. Do not add all at once. Put 2-3 tablespoons and knead each serving well.

4. When put all the minced meat, mix well and fry everything together for a quarter of an hour.

5. Thoroughly rinse the barley, drain the water well from the cereal and transfer to a slow cooker.

6. Add salt to your taste, season with ground pepper and spices.

7. Pour the cereal with fried minced meat a liter of boiling water and set the operation mode to "Extinguishing", set the timer for two hours.

8. Five minutes before the end of cooking, you can put a small leaf of parsley in the porridge.

Barley with meat in a slow cooker - cooking tricks and useful tips

• If after soaking pearl barley is rinsed with boiling water, the dish will turn out to be friable.

• Ready barley with meat is not recommended to be served immediately after cooking, it should be kept a little on heating.

• If you forgot to soak the barley in water in advance or there is simply no time for it - steam it. To do this, fill the barley with freshly boiled water and leave it under the lid for an hour. Then rinse already in cold water, dry a little in the air and transfer to a slow cooker.


Watch the video: Beth's Beef Bourguignon Recipe. ENTERTAINING WITH BETH (July 2024).