Prince - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Prince - general description

The Siberian prince (Latin Atragene sibirica) is otherwise called wild hops. This is a creeping shrub that resembles a vine, which is capable of clinging leaf petioles to trees, thus rising up the trunk. Its length can reach from 0.5 to 3 m. The plant blooms profusely in large single white or yellowish flowers ranging in size from 2.5 to 5.0 cm, having the shape of a bowl.

The rim of a cup-shaped flower has from 4 to 12 petals. In the center of the flower there are many stamens, both ordinary and abnormal without anthers. Pestles are also many, they have long columns that are stored on the fruit. Flowering prince falls in the summer, reaches its peak by July. Starting in late July, fruits begin to form. They have the shape of nuts, are carried by air currents due to the fact that they have cirrus columns with an edge.

Prince - types and places of growth

The prince of Siberia grows in coniferous and deciduous forests. The range of its distribution is extremely wide: in the European part of Russia it can be found in the forests from the upper Volga to Karelia on the sunlit or partial shaded edges and glades.

Beyond the Urals, the prince of Siberia grows almost everywhere, including at the foot of the mountains of the Altai Territory. Outside Russia, the prince can be found in China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan. The Siberian prince prefers stony soils, most often grows along the banks of water bodies.

In addition to the Siberian, there is a prince of Okhotsk (Latin Atragene ochotensis), growing in the forests of the Far East and Eastern Siberia. It is distinguished by the color of the petals. They have a hue from bright pink to blue-violet. The prince of Okhotsk also prefers semi-shady and sunny places along rivers or streams.

Prince - healing properties

The healing properties of the prince of Siberia have been known since ancient times. Tibetan monks and healers have been successfully using it for hundreds of years to treat tumors. This property of the prince is scientifically proven, and therefore it is now used in antitumor therapy. In addition, the prince is used in folk medicine to treat tuberculosis, pneumonia, liver diseases, epilepsy, edema, and also as a general strengthening agent for metabolic disorders. Outwardly, the prince can be used for rheumatism and as a wound healing and antibacterial agent.

Prince - dosage forms

The prince of Siberia is used only in dried form. It is strictly forbidden to use a freshly picked plant, as this is fraught with poisoning. For decoctions and tinctures, dried branches and leaves of the prince are used. Roots and fruits for decoctions are not suitable.

The prince’s action on the human body is due to the presence of protoanemonins, triterpene saponins, flavenols, polysaccharides, quinic, ascorbic and caffeic acids, alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, phytoncides, as well as trace elements (aluminum, manganese, magnesium, sodium, nickel, iron, silicon) in its composition and cobalt).

Prince - recipes

The following recipe is used to treat cancer, tuberculosis, epilepsy: 1 tablespoon of dried prince leaves is steamed with 2 glasses of boiling water. Next, the tincture is kept under the lid for an hour, filtered and taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. If necessary, the doctor can increase the dose - up to 1 tbsp. tablespoons in 1 glass of water.

For lung diseases, the dose is usually 1 tbsp. l leaves for 1 cup boiling water.

Prince - contraindications

The prince is absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy. In other cases, it should be used only under the supervision of a doctor, since the plant is poisonous, so self-medication can lead to serious poisoning. With caution, prescribing drugs from the prince is worthwhile for patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, in particular, with paroxysmal tachycardia and extrasystole.


Lyudmila 04/26/2016
Of course, such really, medicinal, just wonderful plants, are poisonous. You need to take them very carefully, but the result can be much higher than from other drugs. In general, you should definitely try!

Dasha 04/26/2016
We have a friend, extended his life. for 10 whole years !! He had cancer, he was already only morphine and was given from pain. And then his sister, from somewhere found out about the prince, began to give him water. When he went for another examination, the doctors were in shock! True, after 10 years, the cancer cells have grown again. But he no longer accepted the prince, maybe if he drank it for prevention, everything would have worked out.

Jeanne 04/26/2016
My grandmother was dying of cancer, but I didn’t hear about such a wonderful plant! Really, it's a shame. Moreover, the prince's beneficial effect on cancerous tumors has been proven. It’s even said that he is treating ... I hope this information is useful to someone ...

Alina 04/26/2016
We have such a plant growing. It looks very nice, decorates the territory. True, the name Prince, I have not heard. And I did not know that this flower is medicinal, and even helps with various tumors. Thank you, very useful information.

Valeria 04/26/2016
What a pity that I had not read such articles before. And in general, somehow did not believe in alternative medicine. I thought that science had already passed all this, and all the best was collected in various tablets. And how wrong I was ... Now, I try to resort only to treatment with folk remedies - the effect is greater.


Watch the video: Herbal medicine: Helpful or harmful? (July 2024).