Pie with lemon - an unforgettable taste! Recipes homemade yeast, puff, shortcakes with lemons


It is very difficult to resist homemade lemon pie.

Amazing aroma of fresh pastries and citrus smacks on the spot.

Indulge in lemon pies?

Lemon pie - general principles of preparation

The dough for lemon pies is prepared in standard ways. It can be yeast, shortbread or any other. Almost all recipes are designed for premium wheat flour. Usually sugar, fats, dairy products, yeast or baking powder are added to it.

Lemons are laid fresh in pies, various sweet minced meat is made from them, and Kurd is cooked. Sometimes citrus is combined with other fruits, nuts, raisins, berries. Vanilla, cinnamon can be added to it and sugar always goes. Its amount may exceed the mass of citrus itself, due to the acidic taste.

Recipe 1: Lemon Pie "Low Cost"

A variant of the simplest pie with lemon, which does not require a lot of time, money or effort. We buy any puff pastry in the amount of one pack, a few lemons and the kitchen!


• packaging of yeast puff pastry;

• 3 lemons;

• 1 yolk;

• 50 grams of oil;

• 2 tablespoons of milk;

• 2 tablespoons of starch;

• 250 grams of sugar.


1. While the dough is thawing, prepare the filling. To do this, simply twist the lemons through a meat grinder along with the peel.

2. Add sugar, stir.

3. Divide the dough into two parts.

4. Sprinkle one starch with starch and put lemon filling on it.

5. On the second layer we make cuts with a knife, the amount does not matter. Transfer it to the cake, stretch it a bit and pinch the edges together.

6. Pour milk into the yolk, whisk. You can add a pinch of sugar and the color will be even brighter.

7. Grease the cake, send to bake. Temperature 200 ° C, time about 35 minutes.

Recipe 2: Simple Shortcake with Lemon

The recipe for a simple shortcake with lemon, which will fit perfectly into a family tea party. Oil is easily replaced with margarine, if necessary.


• 0.1 kg of oil;

• 0.5 tsp soda;

• 0.25 kg fat sour cream;

• 2 cups of flour.

Lemon filling and decoration:

• one egg;

• two lemons;

• sugar 0.18 kg;

• 2 tablespoons of powder.


1. Put all the sour cream in a bowl, put prescription soda and stir. To make the dough crumbly and soft, you need to use fat sour cream at least 20%.

2. Combine the flour with melted butter, grind. You can just do it with your hands.

3. Add to sour cream with soda, stir. If suddenly the dough turns out liquid, you can add a couple more tablespoons of flour. Divide the mass into two balls of different sizes, send it to the freezer.

4. Cut the lemon into small pieces, take out the seeds and put in a blender. Grind until puree, mix with sugar.

5. Roll out two different sized cakes from the dough. We form an ordinary pie with a filling in the middle, pinch the edges tightly together.

6. Lubricate the top and peeking sides with an egg, send it to bake 200 degrees. To prevent the product from bubbling and becoming crooked, you can make several holes.

7. Cool a little, sprinkle with flavored pastry powder.

Recipe 3: Fast Yeast Lemon Pie

Despite the presence of yeast in the recipe, you don’t have to bother with this cake for a long time, and it is very easy to prepare.


• 2 tsp dry yeast;

• 160 ml of warmed milk;

• 0.2 kg of oil;

• flour three glasses;

• 3 tablespoons of sugar.

In the filling, 1 large lemon or two small citrus fruits, as well as half a glass of sugar.


1. The oil must be melted and allowed to cool to a warm state.

2. Dissolve a pinch of salt in milk, throw yeast with sugar, add flour with melted butter.

3. Cover the kneaded dough and leave it for about fifteen minutes, but for now we are preparing the filling.

4. Free the lemons from the seeds, grind them in a meat grinder, in a combine harvester or just chop them finely. Season with prescription sugar.

5. Divide the dough into two parts. We roll out the bottom cake a little more, shift it into a mold and cover it with the sides.

6. Pour the lemon mass, cover with a cake from the remaining dough.

7. Immediately send to bake, you can grease the cake with yolk. Cook until rosy in color at 200 degrees.

Recipe 4: Grated Lemon Pie

To make grated lemon pie you will need any fat, butter or margarine. The dough needs to lie a little in the freezer, you can knead it in advance.


• flour 0.3 kg;

• 1 pinch of salt;

• 0.1 kg of fat, oil, margarine;

• 1 packet of vanilla;

• 1 egg;

• 0.5 tsp soda;

• 50 ml of water;

• 200 grams of sugar;

• 2 tablespoons of starch;

• 2 lemons.


1. Mix the butter with half the prescription sugar, throw the salt and slaked soda there and add the flour, grind everything together.

2. Put vanillin, soda and water in the dough. We make the dough, tweak the fourth part and send it to the freezer. The rest of the dough is just put in the refrigerator.

3. Turn the oven on 180, let it heat.

4. Cooking lemon filling. Remove the zest with a grater, send to a bowl. We remove the seeds and peel the flesh of the white skin. Finely chop the lemon, shift to the zest. Add the remaining sugar and starch. Just stir.

5. Roll out the bottom layer of the pie from the dough that is in the refrigerator. We shift to a baking sheet.

6. Pour lemon filling, distribute with a spoon.

7. We take a piece of dough from the freezer, take a coarse grater and three directly on the lemon.

8. Immediately send to the oven, cook for about half an hour. Cut the pie while it is warm. Otherwise, in a cooled state, it is more difficult to do.

Recipe 5: Cake with lemon "Air" from biscuit dough

A variant of light and airy pie, which is prepared on a regular test of eggs and sugar. But you need to beat it with a mixer, the whisk will complicate and delay the cooking process.


• 0.16 kg of sugar;

• four eggs;

• 0.16 kg of flour;

• 1 pinch of vanilla;

• 1 tsp without ripper mound;

• 1-2 lemons.


1. Break all the recipe eggs in a bowl, add sugar, stir and leave until.

2. Remove the zest from the lemon, grind it, add the sifted flour to it, immediately you can pour out and baking powder.

3. We cut the citrus into thin slices, you can take two lemons.

4. Now beat the eggs until fluffy foam for about seven minutes. Turn on the maximum speed of the mixer.

5. Enter the flour with zest, stir. Pour the dough into a mold.

6. Top with lemon slices. It is not necessary to heat the pieces, they themselves will be correctly distributed in the mass.

7. We send to bake, check for readiness with a match or a toothpick. After the puncture, they should remain dry.

Recipe 6: Shortcake with Lemon and Margarine

For such a shortcake with lemon, you need a good, fat margarine of at least 75%. Only in this case, the dough will really turn out loose and crumbly.


• 0.45 kg of flour;

• 2 glasses of sugar;

• 1 tsp cultivator;

• 2 eggs;

• 0.2 kg of margarine;

• 2 lemons.

To taste, you can add cinnamon, vanilla, alcohol to lemons.


1. Grate two lemons on a grater or kill in a combine, add sugar to them, exactly half. If the citrus is juicy and the filling is liquid, you can pour a couple of spoons of corn or potato starch.

2. For the dough, just mix all the other ingredients and grind it well with flour. Sent to the freezer, dividing into two lumps a little different in size.

3. After half an hour, roll out a cake for the bottom of the pie, spread the lemon filling.

4. Put a layer of the remaining dough on top.

5. It remains only to bake a lemon pie at 190 until cooked. Cool before serving, sprinkle with powder or cinnamon.

Recipe 7: Yeast Cake with Lemon and Apple

A variant of a juicy pie with lemon, the filling for which is diluted with fresh apples. According to this recipe, you can make one larger product or stick portioned cakes.


• 0.2 liters of water;

• 1 tsp with a mountain of yeast;

• 1 egg;

• 3-4 glasses of flour;

• 50 grams of sugar;

• 1 tsp salts;

• 4 tablespoons of oil.

For the filling, one lemon, two apples, 150 grams of sugar.


1. We make ordinary yeast dough. To do this, dissolve yeast with sugar and salt in warm water, throw one egg and add flour, but not all at once. We control the density. When kneading the dough, gradually pour in the oil.

2. Let the yeast dough stand for 2.5 hours in a warm place.

3. For the filling, grind the lemon in any way. Peel the apples, cut into slices and combine with citrus, season the filling with sugar.

4. We pluck the fourth part from the dough, put it off. The rest is rolled into a crust, sent to a baking sheet or in a mold.

5. Spread the lemon filling.

6. From the remnants of the dough, roll thin flagella, lay on top of the lemon filling.

7. Let the cake stand for ten minutes, grease and send to bake. For lubrication, you can use just the yolk or mix it with a spoonful of milk.

Recipe 8: Shortcake with Lemon and Meringue

A variant of the amazing shortcake with lemon and airy meringue. This treat is worth a try! There are two options for the filling: lemon with sugar and citrus Kurd. Let's go on a simple path, just twist the citrus and sugar.


• 2 yolks;

• 40 grams of sugar;

• 0.15 kg of flour;

• 0.11 grams of oil.

For filling:

• 2 lemons;

• 1 tablespoon of starch;

• 1 cup of sugar.

For meringue 4 protein and 7 tablespoons of powder. You can take sugar, but it will take longer to beat.


1. Cooking the dough. Grind margarine (butter) with flour, pour sugar, throw yolks. The test will be a bit. Cool the lump, it should harden.

2. Roll out a thin cake, transfer to a mold with sides, bake for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.

3. Twist lemons, mix with sugar and starch.

4. Beat powder with proteins. You can add a little vanilla to the meringue.

5. We take out the sand cake and spread the lemon filling. Put in the oven for another 10 minutes.

6. We take out the cake again and decorate it with meringue. Bake until the caramel color of the proteins.

Lemon pie - tips and tricks

• Shortbread dough loves cold, and yeast is warm. For baking to be successful, all ingredients must have an appropriate temperature. Before kneading yeast dough, the products stand an hour on the kitchen table. And for shortcakes, you need to cool everything.

• Lemon seeds may be bitter. Before twisting the citrus, they must be removed.

• Grater - the best assistant for removing the zest. Citruses need to be washed, dried and just grate in a circle.

• If the lemon filling is acidic, you can add more sugar than the recipe. You can use honey.

• Lemon is wonderfully in harmony with all berries and fruits. They can be added to expand tastes, increase the amount of filling or reduce acidity.


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