A stomach ache in the navel is a serious symptom. Find out what diseases your stomach hurts around your belly button


People in everyday life often experience pain in the lower abdomen.

This can be either mild discomfort, easily stopped by medications, or severe bouts of acute pain, when emergency medical care is indispensable.

In any case, pain is a symptom of a disease or disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Men and women of different age groups equally suffer from pathological processes of the gastrointestinal tract.

What is characteristic is that the stomach hurts in the navel area in different ways.

It is by nature that you can determine the class of the disease. If this is a sudden attack with sharp, burning and spasmodic pain, then the disease is acute, that is, requiring immediate medical attention. With pains of a periodic nature, prone to gradual increase, the pathology is chronic, which indicates problems of absorption or digestion in the intestine.

Most often, the stomach hurts in the navel area for the following reasons:

• acute appendicitis develops;

• the body received an increased dose of food toxins;

• umbilical hernia progresses;

• there are gynecological diseases in women;

• during pregnancy.

A detailed review of common causes will help you understand how to urgently see a doctor.

Belly aches around the navel - the first sign of acute appendicitis

The main feature of the acute form of appendicitis is a sharp attack of severe, intolerant pain. Unpleasant sensations are localized under the spoon, around or slightly above the navel. Gradually, but in a short period of time, a person notices that the degree of pain increases, and its location shifts to the right side. This condition is supplemented by concomitant symptoms, among which: drying out of the mucous membrane of the oral region (the tongue becomes rough), the speed and frequency of heart contractions, the body temperature rises.

To confirm the diagnosis, if the patient can be in a standing position, you should ask him to lower his arms along the body, if the pain is significantly worse, then the diagnosis can be considered confirmed. The following actions are as soon as possible to call emergency care and deliver the patient to the hospital, directly to the operating table. There is no conservative treatment method if the stomach hurts in the navel area with appendicitis.

An increased dose of food toxins in the body

Quite often, people notice that they have a stomach ache in the navel area, after eating any food. The first thing that comes to mind is poisoning. In part, this diagnosis can be considered correct. However, it is necessary to make a small correction for the fact that the discomfort and painful sensations are caused not by the microorganisms themselves that live in spoiled foods, but by the toxins (harmful substances) produced by them.

The most poisonous microorganisms are:

1. Strains of E. coli;

2. Salmonella;

3. Yersinia;

4. Proteins;

5. Staphylococci;

6. Streptococci.

Speaking of toxic damage to the body, it is worth mentioning that infection occurs not only through products. Microorganisms are easily moved from the body of an animal or person (carrier of infection) to the body of a healthy person.

Why does intoxication occur? Under the influence of positive factors, for example, a comfortable temperature, the presence of yeast, etc., the process of active vital activity of microorganisms begins in the products. When their number exceeds normal, they begin to secrete toxins - substances hazardous to the human body. After the absorption of such products, food poisoning occurs. That is why, after eating not fresh fish, meat, dairy products and confectionery creams, a person notices that his stomach hurts in the navel area, the frequency of bowel movements increased, and the stool acquired a fluid consistency.

Already by these symptoms, food poisoning can be suspected. Naturally, it is better not to self-medicate, and will go to see a doctor. As first aid, you can take activated carbon. To make an accurate diagnosis and determine the necessary therapeutic medications, the doctor will prescribe tests, including bacteriological examination of biological materials. This will accurately determine the type of pathogen.

Belly aches around the navel - the main symptom of a hernia

Symptomatic manifestations of umbilical hernia can be confused with acute appendicitis, because the localization of painful sensations is identical. However, the disease has one distinctive feature - protrusion of the skin on the anterior abdominal wall. Therefore, if your stomach hurts in the navel area and there is a protruding area, you must go to the doctor as soon as possible. The disease at an early stage is easily treatable, even without the need for surgical intervention. An advanced hernia is difficult to treat, and often requires an operational approach.

It is categorically not recommended to independently correct the resulting hernia on your own. It is better to entrust this matter to specialists, because commissures form between the anterior abdominal wall and the walls of the bag, and incorrect orientation is fraught with serious consequences.

At a consultative appointment with a doctor, patients are necessarily prescribed radiography. It allows you to accurately establish what is part of the hernial sac, whether there is a violation of patency of the intestines and adhesions.

In some cases, people do not have a stomach ache in the navel area, but if the hernia is injured, then pain is present. Such a complication is fraught with circulatory disorders and necrosis of surrounding tissues.

In women, it hurts in the navel area with gynecological pathologies

Some women may experience bouts of pain in the lower abdomen. This symptom is a sign of such gynecological diseases:

• violation of the integrity of the follicle - a characteristic feature is the occurrence of pain during the period from 10 to 16 days of the menstrual cycle. The pain can be localized on the right or on the left, depending on the side of the gap, however, although it is acute, it is short-lived, no more than two minutes;

• inflammation in the appendages - the pain occurs suddenly and is characterized by cramping, localized on both sides of the navel. Increased discomfort occurs during intercourse. Concomitant symptoms are fever, nausea and vomiting, fever, general weakening.

With a rupture of the follicle, special treatment is not required, you can not even contact a gynecologist. Inflammation of the appendages is a serious process, which in the absence of timely and proper treatment can lead to infertility.

Does a pregnant woman need to worry if her stomach hurts in the navel area

Girls in a position with special awe relate to their health. This is due not so much to self-love as to a reverent attitude towards your unborn child. Of particular concern to women are the symptoms in which the stomach hurts in the region of the navel and below it.

If such sensations were noticed, their character should be clearly defined. Most patients say that they are similar to mild tingling sensations, like colic in the abdomen. Such pain is localized both in the central part of the abdomen, and in one or both sides of the navel. This is due to the fact that gradually, with the growth of the fetus, the uterus expands, respectively, there is pressure not only on the bladder, but also on the intestines.

If a girl in the second trimester has a stomach ache in the navel area, then there is no reason to worry - this is normal from a medical point of view. However, when the time of birth approaches, such symptoms should completely disappear. That is, pressure is compensated by increasing the size of the child’s head. If the pain persists, consultation and examination of the obstetrician-gynecologist is necessary, because the probability is high that the infection is progressing in the mother's body.

It is very important that patients understand how insignificant, at first glance, minor pain attacks can be. Therefore, in any case, if discomfort occurs, you should go to the doctor’s office.


Watch the video: What causes pain in the belly button ? Good Health for All (July 2024).