June 25th: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on June 25th.


Holidays June 25

Day of the seafarer (sailor)

The decision to establish the celebration of the Day of the Sailor on June 25, was made in 2010. in Manila, at a conference there organized by the International Maritime Organization. Representatives of the states included in this organization decided that such a holiday is important and necessary for all workers in the maritime professions. After all, the contribution of sailors to the development of world trade, the economy, society, is extensive and invaluable. First of all, the holiday was established for 1.5 million employees of the merchant marine fleet, who, unlike military sailors, had not had a professional holiday before that time. But it is they who carry out more than 80% of all trading activities in the world. On this day, they not only congratulate, express gratitude and honor the most worthy representatives of maritime professions, but also talk about the problems that concern modern sailors. One of the most acute and topical issues on the agenda for more than a year has been the problem of piracy. If previously water areas of Southeast Asia and Latin America have always been considered as traditionally dangerous areas, now they are the coast of Africa, especially the water area near the state of Somalia.

Day of friendship and unity of the Slavs

In the world there are about three hundred million people of Slavic nationality. They make up the majority of the population of all of Europe. Most of them are settled in the southern and eastern regions of this part of the world. These are Bulgarians, Serbs, Macedonians, Slovenes, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Russians. In the central region of Europe, Czechs, Poles, Slovaks, Kashubians live. Slavs are a peace-loving people who have always coexisted amicably between themselves and people of other nationalities and faith. Unfortunately, in any family, especially a large and international one, sometimes there are disagreements and divergence of views on certain moments. At the end of the twentieth century, several multinational states, such as Czechoslovakia, the USSR, Yugoslavia, collapsed. As a result, more individual Slavic states appeared in the world, and the need arose to establish new friendships. Therefore, this holiday was established, which would help the Slavs forget the old grievances, and establish good neighborly relations between the newly formed states. And also recall the common historical roots, preserve a rich common heritage, culture and centuries-old fraternal relationships. The most mass celebration is celebrated in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The heads of these states congratulate their citizens, recall Slavic traditions and customs, and wish peace, harmony and good. This holiday is more popular than state, because it comes from common Slavic roots, customs, cultural heritage that are passed on to new generations.

June 25 on the folk calendar

Peter Solstice. Peter Kapustnik. Peter the Fisherman.

From Peter the summer began to turn in the heat, and the Sun in the winter. The heat began, which usually stood for forty days. The peasants had a long tradition that day - they climbed the mountain and met the sunrise at dawn. The last seedlings of cabbage, cucumbers were planted on Peter, and grain was sown. It was customary to sow wheat or oats - white grain before dinner, and buckwheat - black grain - in the afternoon. For planting late buckwheat, this day was considered the most favorable. The peasants even sentenced, if you sow "Peter" on Peter, then in winter it will be possible to bake pancakes. They always went fishing at Peter, prepared fish dishes, and the ear was especially revered.

Historical events of June 25

June 25, 1961 riots took place in Biysk, which went down in history as the “Biysk pogrom”

It all started with drinking alcohol in a public place with two friends who arrived in Biysk to buy a car. Maybe it would all end with a private drive to the police, a fine and a determination in a sobering-up center, if a woman had not intervened in the matter. The wife of one of her friends, seeing her husband and his companion taking the police outfit under his arms, started screaming that they were being abducted. A crowd of onlookers and sympathizers gathered around. They turned the police car over and recaptured those arrested. This seemed not enough and threats rained towards the police, then stones flew and a fight ensued. The situation has become uncontrollable. Stopping the riots could only military personnel, who were called in to help. For the incident, everyone got it: the police authorities received a severe reprimand, and the instigators and participants in the fight were imprisoned for 10 to 15 years.

June 25, 1999 in Moscow, died a popular actor Evgeni Morgunov

Evgeni Morgunov starred in more than fifty paintings. But viewers still recall him more often on the comedies of Leonid Gaidai, which brought the actor popular popularity. Together with Yuri Nikulin and George Vitsin, he played the comedic trinity of Coward, Dunce and Experienced. Evgeni Morgunov was a lover of practical jokes, a great joker and joker. In his life he was always surrounded by a cheerful company of acquaintances and friends. Eugene Morgunov died at the age of 72 from a stroke. His grave is located at the Kuntsevo cemetery.

June 25, 2009 the legend of pop music of the twentieth century, the American singer Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson - an ordinary child from a Negro large family, with his diligence, determination and perseverance was able to achieve worldwide fame, becoming not only a famous pop artist, but also making a significant contribution to the development of world popular music. In 2009 he was officially recognized as the American Legend and Icon of music. He won the Grammy Award 15 times and hundreds of other equally important awards, his name entered the Guinness Book of Records 25 times, and the total number of copies of his albums sold exceeded one billion. The day that news came of the death of the pop idol was a black date for many of his fans. He was only 50 years old. The official version of the singer’s death is an overdose of drugs.

Born on June 25

Timur Bekmambetov (born 1961), Kazakh, Russian director, clip maker

The first fame came to Timur Bekmambetov in 1992, when commercials of the Imperial Bank appeared on the country's screens. Even then, they stood out against other advertising stories by their creativity, “catching” the viewer from the very first seconds. It was such an advertisement that I wanted to watch, and not click the remote control to switch the channel. His "World History" from Imperial Bank has become a classic of Russian advertising. Timur later tried his hand at directing feature films, which the audience also took with a bang. He made such films as The Night Watch, Especially Dangerous, The Day Watch, The Irony of Fate. Continuation "," Peshawar Waltz ".

Vladimir Kramnik (born 1975), Russian chess player

Vladimir Kramnik began to comprehend the strategy and tactics of the chess game at the age of 11, attending the school of Mikhail Botvinnik. At the age of 16, he became an international grandmaster. And at 18 - one of the participants in the tournament of candidates for the chess crown. After 7 years, in 2000 in London, he defeats Garry Kasparov himself and becomes the World Champion. After 4 years in Brissago, Vladimir confirms the title by drawing with Peter Leko. In 2006 in Elista, he defeats Veselin Topalov and becomes the absolute world champion.

Name day june 25

Name Day Celebrate: Arseny, Andrey, Ivan, Onufriy, Peter, Timothy, Stepan, Anna, Efrosinya


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (July 2024).