Pancakes with apples on kefir - such a bastard! Recipes fritters with apples on kefir: ordinary, yeast, with oatmeal and cottage cheese


Apple cider is the favorite addition to pancakes.

After all, there is nothing easier than throwing crumbled fruit into the dough and getting a dish with an amazing aroma at the exit.

Preparing such pancakes is very easy, but it turns out just extraordinary.

Pancakes with apples on kefir - the general principles of cooking

Why is kefir the main ingredient of the test? It’s just a unique product that replaces liquid, fats, acid. It allows you to get soft, porous and delicate pancakes at the exit. And additional ingredients improve their taste.

Apples are peeled before laying in the dough, core and crushed. You can grate or just cut. But it is important to lay them in front of the hottest, until the fruit has secreted juice.

What else is put in the dough:

• eggs;

• salt;

• sugar;

• flour;

• baking powder.

Cottage cheese, other dairy products, dried fruits, nuts, and flour can also be replaced with semolina or oatmeal. The exact list of ingredients is indicated in the selected recipe.

Fried apple pancakes in a pan. Be sure to add oil. If the pan is non-stick, then simply grease the surface.

Correct consistency

How thick should the dough be? Many recipes indicate that the mass should resemble sour cream. In fact, it all depends on personal preferences. For thin fritters, the dough is made thinner than for lush cakes.

By adding apples and other juicy fruits, the dough may become more liquid. It also liquefies over time towards the end of cooking. It is not necessary to start frying lush pancakes, and end with thin flat cakes. You can always add a spoonful of flour, regardless of the stage.

Recipe 1: Hash browns with apples on kefir

The recipe for ordinary fritters with apples on kefir with soda. They are prepared very simply, and eaten quickly. If there is no soda, then similarly, you can put a baking powder in the dough, increasing the amount by a third.


• 200 ml of kefir;

• two tablespoons of sugar;

• one pinch of salt;

• two apples;

• two tablespoons of powder;

• one egg;

• 1 tsp baking soda;

• one pinch of vanilla or 0.5 sachets of vanilla sugar;

• a glass of flour.


1. Beat the egg with sugar, vanilla and salt.

2. Pour soda into kefir, shake it. We hold it for a minute until the reaction passes, then pour into the egg mass.

3. Add prescription flour and stir.

4. Peel the apples, rub coarsely, bypassing the stub. You can just cut into cubes, but small.

5. Transfer the apples to the dough and mix. If it turns out a little liquidy, then add more flour. You can read about the correct consistency above.

6. Pour a layer of oil 3 millimeters into the pan. Warm up.

7. Spread apple fritters with a spoon and fry on both sides.

8. We shift onto a plate, cool slightly and sprinkle with powder. Serve them hot or cold.

Recipe 2: Yeast pancakes with apples on kefir

For such kefir pancakes, quick dry yeast is required. Of course, you can cook the dough with fresh yeast, but in this case, the amount of product must be increased three times.


• 1.5 cups flour;

• 3 medium sized apples;

• 1 egg;

• 1 cup of kefir;

• 7 grams of yeast;

• 3 tablespoons of sugar.


1. Pour 40 ml of warm water into a bowl and add the recipe yeast, add sugar and stir. Leave the resulting mass for 15 minutes.

2. Add warm kefir, followed by a pinch of salt and an egg, stir.

3. Sift the flour and also pour into the dough. Stir well.

4. Cover the bowl with a towel and leave it warm to lift. As soon as the dough increases 2.5 times and bubbles appear on the surface, add apples.

5. Apples must be peeled with three large chips. If a lot of juice will stand out, then it is better to drain it.

6. Mix the dough with a large spoon and fry the pancakes in oil until tender. We don’t make big fires so that the flat cakes bake well inside.

Recipe 3: Oatmeal pancakes with apples on kefir

Tasty and healthy breakfast? Yes Easy! These wonderful pancakes with apples on kefir are made from oatmeal, they are tasty, juicy and very healthy. A wonderful option for those who are fed up with porridge. Fritters according to this recipe can not only be fried in a pan, but also baked in the oven.


• 0.2 kg of kefir;

• 0.1 kg of oatmeal;

• 1 apple;

• 1 tablespoon of sugar;

• some oil.


1. Combine warm kefir with oatmeal and sugar, stir, leave for half an hour. It is advisable to use quick-cooking flakes for this recipe; they swell more easily.

2. Peel the apple, cut the fruit into cubes and send to the oatmeal, stir.

3. Heat a little oil in a frying pan, spread the dough with tortillas and fry ordinary pancakes until golden brown.

4. Either we put parchment or a silicone mat on a baking sheet, grease it with butter and spread the pancakes with a spoon. Bake at 220 degrees until tender. Time depends on the thickness of the pancakes, but rarely exceeds 10 minutes.

Recipe 4: Pancakes with apples and bananas on kefir

A wonderful recipe for fritters with apples on kefir, in which bananas are also added. It is better to choose a ripe, but not dark fruit, so that the pieces retain their shape.


• 250 ml of kefir;

• 150 grams of flour;

• 0.5 tsp soda;

• an Apple;

• banana;

• 1.5 tablespoons of sugar;

• 2 eggs.


1. Pour kefir into a bowl and add eggs to it.

2. Pour sugar, for a more pronounced taste, you can add a pinch of salt. Immediately pour half a teaspoon of soda.

3. Take a mixer and beat the mass for a minute to make it homogeneous.

4. Add the flour. It can also be stirred with a mixer. Pour a pinch of vanilla or cinnamon to taste.

5. Peel the apple and rub with medium chips.

6. Peel the banana. First, cut lengthwise into four parts, then transversely into thin pieces.

7. We shift the fruit into the dough, stir.

8. Fry fritters in the usual way in a pan. If the dough becomes thinner with juice, you can add a little flour.

Recipe 5: Pancakes with apples on kefir (with semolina)

The recipe for pancakes, in which instead of flour goes semolina. Products are more tender and unusual crumb texture.


• 0.1 kg semolina;

• 0.15 liters of kefir;

• 1 apple;

• 2 tablespoons of sugar;

• ½ tsp soda;

• 1 egg;

• 1 pinch of vanilla;

• oil (for frying).


1. Beat the egg with kefir, pour soda with sugar and semolina. Stir, cover and forget about the dough for half an hour.

2. Peel the apple, cut into any pieces or rub with chips, send to the total mass.

3. Add vanilla to the pancakes. Instead, you can add a pinch of cinnamon or not put anything at all.

4. The dough is ready! If suddenly the consistency is weak (for example, kefir was liquid), then it is not necessary to prepare thin pancakes. You can add a couple of tablespoons of flour, the taste will not suffer from this.

5. We collect the dough with a spoon and prepare ordinary pancakes. Serve with sour cream, sprinkle with powder on top, but not immediately. Let the heat subside.

Recipe 6: Carrot Pancakes with Kefir Apples

To prepare these fritters with apples on kefir, you will also need juicy carrots, as well as several pieces of prunes. If it is very dry, then you can pre-soak it in ordinary water.


• 2 carrots;

• 1 apple;

• 7 pieces of prunes;

• 100 ml of kefir;

• 5 tablespoons of flour;

• 1 egg;

• 1 tablespoon of sugar;

• a pinch of soda.


1. Beat the raw egg with kefir, sugar and soda. Add flour to them and set aside for a while, let it be insisted. The dough may seem too thick, even if it doesn’t scare.

2. Peel the carrots and rub finely.

3. Peel the apple and rub it too, but not finely.

4. Prune cut into cubes.

5. We send all the ingredients to the dough and stir.

6. We fry in the usual way in a pan, but after the coup on the second side we cover so that they bake inside.

Recipe 7: Fritters with apple filling on kefir

Variation of wonderful fritters with apples on kefir, in which the fruit is used as a filling. It turns out very fragrant mini pies with juicy filling. The dough is kneaded not very thick, the cakes should spread well in the pan.


• 0.25 liters of kefir;

• two eggs;

• 25 grams of sugar;

• salt;

• 1 cup flour;

• 2 apples;

• one pinch of soda;

• cinnamon 0.5 tsp.


1. In a bowl, beat together: kefir, soda with sugar and salt, throw eggs and add flour. For now, leave the dough alone.

2. Grate apples, squeeze out excess juice and mix with cinnamon. The filling is ready.

3. Pour thin cakes on a well-heated pan with a spoon. A layer of oil must be at least 3 millimeters for the products to bake well.

4. Take the filling and quickly spread on top, one teaspoon is enough.

5. Fill the filling with fresh dough.

6. As soon as the fritters are fried on one side, turn over to the second and bake until ready.

Recipe 8: Cottage Cheese Pancakes with Kefir Apples

This recipe for kefir fritters with apples and cottage cheese will especially appeal to those who do not make cheesecakes. You can take any cottage cheese. If the product has a lot of whey, then just add a little more flour or reduce the amount of kefir.


• 0.15 kg of flour;

• 0.2 kg of cottage cheese;

• kefir 0.14 ml;

• two apples;

• 1 tsp cultivator;

• 3 eggs;

• 3 tablespoons of sugar.


1. Rub the cottage cheese and eggs in a bowl.

2. In another bowl, mix kefir with sugar, shake to dissolve the grains, then pour into the cottage cheese.

3. Combine the flour and the cultivator, pour into the dough. To taste, put a small amount of lemon peel or cinnamon.

4. Peel both apples, remove the middle with the seeds and cut the clean pulp into thin slices.

5. Send the fruit to the dough, stir.

6. Put the pan to heat. Pour some oil, it is necessary that the layer was about three millimeters.

7. Spoon the pancakes, but do not make them thin. Let them be like cheesecakes, about 0.5 centimeters. In the process of cooking, they will become even more magnificent. Fry on both sides.

Pancakes with apples on kefir - useful tips and tricks

• If the apple is peeled or cut in advance, then it must be sprinkled with lemon juice. This will prevent darkening and maintain a natural look.

• To make fritters quickly, you can arm yourself with a mixer. Just throw all the ingredients into a cup, beat for a minute and you're done!

• If the apples are sweet, then to give a brighter taste, you can add a little sour apples to them or just sprinkle with lemon juice.

• Sugar is laid in the dough strictly according to the recipe. If you add more, the pancakes will quickly burn. It is better to sprinkle pancakes for sweet tooth on top with powder or offer condensed milk, cream, jam to them.

• Kefir for the test should have room temperature or be a little warm. If the product is cold, then the gluten in the flour does not swell, it will be more difficult for the soda to react, the pancakes will turn out to be stiff and sticky.


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