The meaning of the name Andrew


Name Andrew came from the ancient Greek word "andros", which means a man, it can also be translated as "courageous, courageous, courageous". In Russia, the name gained popularity after the adoption of Christianity, before that it was spread in Byzantium. It was believed that the baby named Andrew will always be under the auspices of the heavenly guardian angel.

Andrey - character traits

In childhood, the boy is highly energetic and resourceful. A little fidget for hours can rush around the apartment, and then also sit for a long time and craft something. He has a lively, vivid imagination - any trinket in his hands becomes a significant toy. Diligence of Andryusha is expressed literally in everything.

He studies secondary at the school, takes an active part in the life of the school, he fulfills the task in good faith, approaching him with all responsibility. He does not tolerate injustice and always protects the weak.

Andrey - the soul of the company, a merry fellow, a "lively joke"; he is sociable, witty, knows how to make contact even with difficult people, and especially with girls. Such qualities as determination, sociability will help him achieve success in all matters. Andrey is a reliable and good friend, if necessary he will rush to help even at night, for this his friends really appreciate him. But if you offended Andrei, beware! He does not forgive insults, although he keeps the negativity in himself.

In relations with women is fickle. Easily parted with one, and without remorse, and the next day walks with another. Andrey is an inventive and fiery lover, trying to please his partner and often has several women at the same time.

However, if a representative of this name really fell in love, he easily says goodbye to a bachelor's busy life and enters a new family level of existence. For marriage, Andrei is looking for a lively and sociable lady with whom there is something to talk about, and not a primitive housewife, always pacing in a bathrobe and curlers.

Andrey - name compatibility

To create a family, the owner of this name needs to look for Angelica, Alice, Valery, Antonin, Veronika, Alina, Galina, Dina, Larisa, Maria, Lyudmila and Natalia.

An unstable marriage can develop with Barbara, Olga, Oksana, Irina, Zoya, Victoria, Ekaterina, Vera, Anna and Yana.

Famous people named Andrey

Russian painter A. Rublev, Prince A. Trubetskoy, poet A. Bely, writer A. Platonov, A. Goncharov - People's Artist of the USSR, A. Mironov - a talented actor, A. Makarevich - composer, singer, TV presenter and others.

Andrey - interesting facts about the name

- patron planet - the Sun, Uranus;
- Zodiac of the name - Sagittarius, Cancer;
- colors that bring good luck - steel, dark brown, thick red, lilac;
- stone amulet - amber, amethyst;
- plant - fir;
- animal - reed lynx.


Veronica 04/14/2016
My ideal man is concentrated in one name - Andrey. As a teenager, I only had a relationship with Andrei)) Well, somehow fate brings us together)) And now, I'm with Andrei again, in my opinion - it's a long time! Cool they are these Andrei!))

Anya 04/14/2016
I have Andrew brother. About women - the real truth. If he doesn’t like something, he will easily break off relations, no matter what stage they are at. And with the same ease - find another girl. But this does not mean that he cannot have strong feelings, just, you need to find the one!

Alice 04/14/2016
My husband is Andrey. And I can say with confidence that Andrei is exactly as it is written here. Recently, at the expense of helping friends, there was a night call from a friend. Andrey without any questions, got dressed and went to him!

Brunette 04/14/2016
Unfortunately, I am familiar with a completely different Andrei. This Andrey, will not rush to your aid, will not rush, for example, to borrow money. Maximum - you can expect advice from him, and then, he will do more emphasis on what you did wrong and got into such a situation.

Larisa 04/14/2016
Well, I don’t know what Andryushka will be in adulthood ... But now, at the age of five, it’s just a whirlwind !!))) He can sit still for exactly one and a half minutes, and then, if it’s a very interesting activity))) Stop his constant movement is absolutely not possible!
