Indulge your family with yummy sweets! Various sweets in haste for family, guests and yourself, beloved


Modern housewives are mostly working women who do not have any opportunity to stand idle for half a day at the stove.

But you still want to treat your family with something like that!

What to do? Of course, cook various sweets in haste.

And for this, try to follow some rules.

General principles for the preparation of fast-food sweets

Firstly, it would be nice to have a freezer or at least a refrigerator with a large freezer. You can store a lot of useful products and semi-finished products in it, which can then be turned into a variety of tasty sweets in a hurry: frozen sweet peppers, Brussels sprouts, potato wedges, berries and fruits; forcemeat, it is better already in the form of formed cutlets or meatballs, puff pastry, ice cream, fish fillets, etc.

Secondly, canned goods can also come in handy: peas, beans, corn, salmon in their own juice, and the like, quickly turn into unsurpassed goodies in a hurry.

Thirdly, it is better to keep ready-to-use ready-to-cook foods in your freezer. That is, having bought, say, a chicken, you do not immediately push it into the freezer until better times, but before you wash and cut it into pieces that you plan to use in the future. For example, you separate the breast fillet, wings, thighs, skeleton, cutting it into convenient pieces. Fillet can be immediately cut into portioned or just small pieces. Now, when you just needed to cook a stew or baked chicken, you take out a bag with the necessary contents, thaw in the microwave and simmer or bake.

A microwave, by the way, like a crock-pot, is also able to help reduce the time for preparing sweets in haste.

If you have a bag of cream for whipping in your refrigerator, a packet of chocolate chip cookies in the cabinet, and a pack of frozen cherries in the freezer, you can prepare a delicious dessert in a matter of minutes!

Recipe 1. Yummy quickie: Omelet with crab sticks

One of the main reasons to cook a delicious meal in a hurry is, of course, breakfast. Time is short, but I want to offer the family something tasty. Use this recipe.


Eggs - 3 pieces

Sour cream - 2/3 cup

Crab sticks - 200 g

Cheese - 200 g

Omelette butter

Salt to taste, but not very much

Dill or parsley

Cooking method

Knock down the eggs with sour cream, if desired, slightly salt (however, you can do without salt). Crush crab sticks, grate cheese. Cook in butter (in a water bath or just fry) a thin omelet. As soon as the top grasps, put crab sticks on half the omelet, then cheese. Immediately bend the second, empty, half omelet on cheese, folding it in half so that the filling is inside.

Warm up for another minute, turn carefully and hold for another two minutes.

When serving, sprinkle with dill or parsley.

Recipe 2. Snack "Fake Lasagna"


Thin pita bread - 2 sheets

Sausages (or sausage, or liver paste)

Cheese - 300 g

Sour cream (or mayonnaise) - half a glass

Tomato Sauce or Ketchup

Chopped greens

Mold release oil

Cooking method

Unroll the pita bread and cut from it 6-8 pieces of approximately the same size.

Mix mayonnaise or sour cream with ketchup or tomato sauce, add chopped herbs and a little water.

Rub cheese, cut sausage or sausages arbitrarily, but not large.

In a form that must first be greased with oil, put a piece of pita bread, paste or sausage on it, then a piece of cheese, the next layer of pita bread - and continue in this way until all pieces of pita bread are over. Pour the sauce and sprinkle the remaining cheese on top. Put in the oven or microwave and cook until the cheese melts.

Recipe 3. Chicken Whipped Cashew Snack

And you can cook up such a yummy whip when guests suddenly rushed into the house. It is better to cook it in a wok, but you can just do it in a thick-walled pan.


Chicken fillet - from one breast

Green peas - 300 g frozen or canned

Sweet bell pepper - 300 g frozen or fresh

Green onion - bunch

Carrot - a pair of medium-sized pieces

Cashew - half a cup

Vegetable oil for frying - a little

Soy sauce - to taste

Cooking method

Cut the chicken fillet across the fibers into slices, and those, in turn, into strips. You can cover with a bag and beat off slightly.

Cut onions, peppers, if fresh, chop, rub carrots. Chop cashews with a knife.

Place the butter in the wok or in the pan when it is heated - chicken, carrots, peppers and peas, if it is frozen (you must put canned ones at the very end, along with onions!), And cook, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes on low heat. .

Put nuts and onions to the chicken and vegetables and cook for another 5 minutes.

Arrange on plates and season to taste with soy sauce.

Recipe 4. Delicious whipped dumplings


Dumplings with meat, fish or cheese (you can also dumplings with potatoes) - 500 g

Mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons

Sour cream - 3 tablespoons

Ketchup - one tablespoon

Cheese - 200 g

Egg - 1 or 2 pieces

Salt to taste

Butter - a slice of 50 - 70 g

Cooking method

Cook dumplings or dumplings in a small amount of water for 2-3 minutes and remove them with a slotted spoon.

Grease the mold with half the butter and put the dumplings there.

Mix sour cream, ketchup and mayonnaise. Finely grate the cheese and half it into the sauce. Drive an egg or two into it.

Pour the dumplings with the sauce, cover with the remaining cheese, put the butter cut into slices on top and bake for 5-7 minutes in the oven or microwave until the cheese is browned (in the oven) or melted (in the microwave).

Recipe 5. Yummy quickie "Omelet-pie with minced meat"


Minced chicken or mixed - 400 g

Chinese cabbage (or just young) - 300 g

Sorrel, spinach, parsley, dill in any proportions or any of this - 100 g

Eggs - 4 pieces

Flour - 5 tablespoons

Sour cream - half a glass

Mayonnaise - half a cup

Vegetable oil

Garlic - 2 cloves

Cheese - 200 g

Cooking method

Finely chop cabbage, sorrel, spinach, chop dill and parsley. Grate the cheese.

Beat eggs with mayonnaise, sour cream, flour and half grated cheese.

Put the minced meat in a pan with heated oil and cook it for 5 minutes, constantly breaking lumps and stirring. Put cabbage and greens to the minced meat and cook for another 3 to 4 minutes.

Squeeze the garlic into the filling through a press, mix and immediately pour the egg-flour mixture. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese, cover and cook over the smallest fire until the dough is ready.

If there is no minced meat, you can cook such a yummy quickie from sausages or bacon with canned beans (the liquid from the beans must be drained). Only in this case, add another spoonful of tomato to the dough.

Recipe 6. Snack "Quick Cupcakes"

This sweet yummy is cooked in the microwave.


Flour - 150 g

Butter - 100 g

Liquid honey - 50 g

Sugar - 75 g

Eggs - 2 pieces

Milk - 75 ml

Baking powder - 1 teaspoon

Cinnamon, ginger and other spices - 1 teaspoon of everything

Raisins, dried cherries, candied fruits or chopped dried apricots - to taste, about 50 grams

Cooking method

Mix butter (75 g) with honey and sugar using a mixer or whisk. Beat eggs in, pour milk, and then mix flour, spices and baking powder. Lastly add dried fruit or candied fruit.

Place the dough in molds, oiled, filling them only 2/3 of the volume. Put in the microwave and cook at full power 4 - 5 minutes until cooked.

Recipe 7. Snack yummy Black Forest


Chocolate Chip Cookies - 200 g

Cream 30% fat - 300 ml

Frozen cherries - 300 g (you can, of course, use fresh)

Sugar - to taste, grams 100

Dark Chocolate - 50 g

Cooking method

Break the chocolate chip cookies and put them in the bowls.

Churn cream with or without sugar.

Defrost the cherry and cover it with sugar.

Put berries on top of cookies. Place whipped cream on top, sprinkle with grated dark chocolate.

Recipe 8. Delicious whipped up "Dear guests"

As the name implies, you won’t be able to cook such a quickie every day: this dish is not cheap and at the same time fatty, so it’s more suitable for a festive table.


Ricotta or mascarpone cheese - 220 g

Cream 30% fat - 150 ml

Zest of one lemon and one medium-sized lime

Powdered Sugar - 50 - 70 g

Mint and fresh berries for decoration

Cooking method

Remove the zest from lemon and lime and grind it immediately.

Beat cheese with icing sugar. Add chopped zest and mix again.

In a separate bowl, whip the cream. When the foam becomes resistant, very carefully mix it with the cheese mixture.

Arrange the cream in a bowl and garnish with mint and berries, such as strawberries.

Recipe 9. Ice cream whip


Bananas - 2 pieces

Sweet - 1 piece

Strawberries - a couple of handfuls (the number of fruits and berries is indicated conditionally, in reality they can be taken in any quantities and combinations)

Bitter Chocolate - 100 g

White Chocolate - 50 g

Cream 30% fat - 200 ml

Cooking method

Peel the bananas, cut them into circles and arrange them in the bowl.

Wash and peel strawberries. Put to bananas.

Clean, disassemble the slices, remove the film and break it into pieces. Put also in a bowl.

Beat the cream so that they do not fall off. Put half the cream on the fruit.

Melt white and bitter chocolates in the microwave. Pour white into bitter and stir slightly with a stick, but so that the mass remains bicolor. Pour the striped chocolate over the dish. Garnish with the remaining cream, releasing them from a cooking syringe or bag.

Quickies: Tricks and Tips

  • The simplest sauce can transform any dish. For example, mixing equal amounts of lemon juice and broth, seasoning with soy sauce and garlic and thickening with a little starch, we will get a wonderful gravy for our sweets in a hurry.

  • When cooking the broth, make it bigger and partially freeze in small tins or in a shallow baking tray. Then remove from the mold and store in the freezer, placing in a plastic bag. When you need some broth for the sauce, break off a piece.

  • Frozen berries can be poured with hot melted chocolate without thawing. The berries will thaw and the chocolate will slightly harden.

  • Bananas can be fried in butter, and in this form they go well with ice cream, cream cheese or whipped cream, which will be an excellent quick dessert.

  • It is better to melt the chocolate in the microwave in several stages, including baking for a minute, then stirring the chocolate.

  • Cold cream whips faster and better than lukewarm ones.


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