Is it possible to nursing cheese: its benefits and harms. You can give cheese to a nursing mother, the question is: what type to prefer


Cheese is one of many favorite treats.

It has many types, different in taste.

Is it possible to nursing cheese and are all its types equally healthy?

Is it possible to nursing cheese: what are its benefits for mom and baby

Cheese is not only tasty, but also a healthy product. It is made using sour milk bacteria and enzymes. Most cheeses are made from cow's milk. However, depending on the species, goat, sheep, and buffalo can be used.

Each type of cheese differs in its chemical composition, however, there are common components contained in all cheeses. These include organic acids and trace elements necessary for the health of mothers and children. Classic cheeses are rich in potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, copper, iodine, zinc and manganese. They also include vitamins of groups A, B, C, D, E and PP.

This composition makes cheeses healthy, especially during breastfeeding. It is also noteworthy that the protein of cow's milk in cheese is absorbed much easier by infants than the one found in pure milk. Cheese is valuable in that all the substances in its composition are easily assimilated both by the mother’s body and the baby’s body.

High-quality cheese made from natural ingredients has a beneficial effect on mom's health:

● improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;

● blood formation normalizes;

● improves the movement of lymphatic fluid;

● increased immunity;

● energy appears;

● bones, nails, hair, teeth are strengthened;

● normalized water balance in the body.

By the way, scientists have found that even 30 g of quality cheese per day is an excellent prevention of diabetes.

The beneficial substances found in cheese also get into the milk that the baby eats. Thus, cheese is necessary for its health:

● B vitamins are responsible for the formation of the nervous and immune systems, improve the appetite of the baby, and normalize muscle function;

● Vitamin A improves vision, promotes bone growth;

● Vitamin C helps to cope with viral diseases;

● Vitamin PP improves blood circulation and improves bowel function.

Most cheeses have a lot of phosphorus in their composition. It is useful for the child in that it improves memory and contributes to the development of the brain. Copper in cheese helps the baby sleep better, and potassium contributes to the smooth operation of the heart.

But are cheeses so useful and can they be consumed in unlimited quantities?

Is it possible to nursing cheese and when it can become harmful

The negative effects of cheese consumption can affect people with urinary tract diseases. Sodium salts, found in almost all types of cheese, contribute to the deposition of salts in the kidneys, and can also provoke the movement of stones. This is due to the interaction of sodium and calcium in the human body. Calcium begins to be deposited in the muscles and settle in the kidneys in the form of salt, which will subsequently cause the appearance of stones.

Fatty cheeses are not recommended for nursing mothers. They increase the fat content of milk, which leads to a quick saturation of the baby with front milk, which does not carry much benefit. Back milk is considered the most valuable, but the baby by that time has eaten the front and will not receive the substances necessary for health and development.

Also, fatty varieties more often than others cause intestinal disorders in babies, which are accompanied by the appearance of loose stools and severe colic.

It is not recommended to introduce cheeses with various additives - spices, mushrooms, ham, during breastfeeding. They are not only capable of causing allergies, but also poisoning in the baby.

Is it possible to nursing cheese and which one is better to choose

The choice of cheese should be approached from personal preferences, as well as relying on their composition and benefits. For example, if mom does not have enough calcium, then you can get it in sufficient quantities from hard cheese. These include, for example, Dutch, Swiss, Cheddar, Parmesan.

When breastfeeding, soft varieties will be useful - Roquefort, Smolensk, Dorogobuzh. They are prepared from fresh pasteurized milk and bacterial sourdough. These are delicate creamy cheeses that have a pasty consistency.

Least of all chemical additives will be in light pressed cheese - Turkish, suluguni, ricotta, feta cheese and Greek from sheep’s milk. It is prepared by pressing the cottage cheese and then lowering it for a short time in boiling water.

But in boiled cheeses, additives are most often put during production. You can distinguish it from a pressed one by color - it is much darker. Such cheese is obtained after prolonged cooking of butter and milk.

All kinds of processed cheeses and cheese for sandwiches, although they are tasty, however, do not bring any benefit to either mom, or even less a child. These products have a rich list of chemical additives in their composition.

If the mother before pregnancy and childbirth loved cheese with mold, then at the time of breastfeeding it will be necessary to completely abandon it, no matter how tasty and expensive it may be. If simple penicillin is present in the cheese, then it will be addictive in the baby. Subsequently, if a child becomes ill and has to prescribe antibiotics, doctors will need to sweat a lot to find the one that will help.

Cheeses with other types of mold can cause a severe allergic reaction in the baby, as well as cause digestive upset.

For those who are still wondering if it is possible to breast-feed cheese, we can safely answer: it is possible! Like many dairy products, it is useful during lactation. However, among the purchased cheeses there are not many really high-quality ones that can be eaten not only for pleasure, but also for the sake of good. The more natural the product, the higher its benefit is a fact. The most useful are products made by yourself. You can cook at home and processed, and pressed and boiled cheese. If you don’t have time for this, then you can look for a natural home-made product from small farmers who often stand in the markets.

Including cheeses in the diet, it is important for mom to remember that measure is important in everything. If you do not get carried away, then even processed cheese will not cause any harm.


Watch the video: Is Breast Milk Healthy For Adults? (July 2024).