Obesity - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Obesity - one of the most common metabolic diseases. This disease is characterized by excessive deposition of adipose tissue in organs and subcutaneous tissue, excess of normal body weight by 20% or more. The greatest danger lies not in the disease itself, but in the possible consequences of the development of obesity, such as diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver and other organs and systems of the body.

Obesity - Causes

The main reason leading to obesity is a violation of the energy balance of the body. The leading role is played by systematic overeating and lack of physical activity. The body, functioning in this mode, gradually begins to store unused energy in the form of adipose tissue.

Fatty and carbohydrate foods predominate in the diet of obese people. The use of alcoholic beverages, as well as the intake of the main portion of food in the evening, negatively affects the development of the disease. Obesity can be the result of a hereditary predisposition, a number of neuroendocrine diseases, stroke, encephalitis, traumatic injuries of the body.

Obesity - Symptoms

Symptoms of obesity can be very diverse. It all depends on the severity and duration of the disease. Most often, patients complain of increased fatigue, decreased performance, shortness of breath, sweating, increased appetite, bloating, weakening libido. During an external examination, deposits of adipose tissue in the abdomen, nape, mammary glands, hips and buttocks are observed.

Quite often, obesity is accompanied by atherosclerotic changes in the cardiovascular system and several other organs. Patients may complain of symptoms of diseases that provoke obesity.

Obesity - Diagnosis

Diagnosis of obesity is carried out on the basis of an external examination and consideration of patient complaints. Sometimes the degree of development of the disease can be estimated by the body mass index. It is defined as the quotient of a person’s body weight (in kilograms) and his height squared (in meters). Values ​​in the range of 20-24.9 are accepted as the norm, values ​​from 25 to 40 correspond to the first and second degrees of obesity, with a body mass index of more than 40, third-degree obesity is diagnosed. Patients with a mild degree usually have no complaints.

Obesity - treatment and prevention

The main way to treat obesity is to follow a strict diet and exercise regimen. Recommended diet number 8, which provides for the restriction of carbohydrates and fats and the use of high amounts of protein. Fruits and vegetables are also introduced into the patient's diet, the use of salt is limited, nitrogenous substances and seasonings are excluded, which can provoke an increase in appetite. Only constant (for months and even years) adherence to a strict diet can guarantee a gradual and safe weight loss.

We should not forget about the need for complex therapy. For the treatment of obesity, therapeutic exercises, physiotherapeutic procedures, and hydro-procedures are used.

Sometimes drugs that reduce appetite are used, but their use often causes side effects.

An important role is played by herbal medicine. Cholagogue and diuretic fees are used, which contribute to the normalization of metabolism and a decrease in appetite.

Prevention of obesity is reduced to a balanced diet, to eating small portions. For prevention, carrots, cranberries, and salad (high iodine content) are recommended. In case of metabolic disorders in the body, the use of gooseberries is indicated.

Prevention of obesity is impossible without regular physical exertion, as well as an active lifestyle.


Watch the video: Treatments for Obesity (July 2024).