The best recipes for cooking aromatic meat in a cauldron, the secrets of adding spices. Meat in a cauldron: pork, lamb, lamb


In order for the meat cooked in a cauldron to turn out to be juicy, appetizing and tasty, it is necessary, based on existing recipes, to observe and know some of the rules and features of making products in this real "cast-iron miracle."

Therefore, choosing one or another method of cooking meat, it is necessary to take a sensible approach not only to the cooking process itself, but also to observe a certain technology of manufacturing the available components in the cauldron.

The unusual aroma, piquant taste, as well as the appetizing look of meat cooked in a cauldron will not leave anyone indifferent, be it a real gourmet - a dock in his business or an ordinary person who loves a delicious meal.

General principles and rules for cooking meat in a cauldron

• Any kind of meat intended for cooking in a cauldron, first of all, needs to be washed, cleaned of films, and depending on the recipe, pickled, soaked or simply cut into large pieces and mix with spices.

• Before cooking, in particular, meat of a cauldron must be warmed up well. In a heated cauldron, melt fat, melt fat - for further cooking on it. If it is necessary to fry the meat in vegetable oil, then it must be calcined until a certain haze appears from the cauldron.

• After that, you can begin to fry the meat. Roasting must be carried out on a large fire, in a preheated cauldron, so that the meat inside is filled with juice and becomes tender, and on top of it an appetizing - crispy and rosy crust is formed.

• In order for the meat to be well fried, it must be laid in small quantities in a cauldron, otherwise it will release juice ahead of time and will not be fried, but stewed.

• When adding a large amount of onion to the meat, it is more advisable to tightly cover the cauldron with a lid. Onions, when laid in a cauldron, begins to secrete juice, which drains onto its hot bottom and evaporates. And since the cauldron is covered with a lid, fragrant fumes emanating from onions infiltrate the meat and make it even more tasty and fragrant.

Recipes and features of cooking appetizing meat in a cauldron

Recipe 1. Meat in a cauldron with vegetables


• Meat - 1 kg.

• Onion - 1 kg.

• Potato - 800 gr.

• Carrot - 400 gr.

• Cabbage - 800 gr.

• Garlic - 2 heads.

• Tomatoes - 4 pcs.

• Eggplant (can be replaced with zucchini) - 2 pcs.

• Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.

• Hot pepper - 1 pod.

• Salt.

• Greenery.

• Spices.

Cooking method:

First you need to warm up the cauldron. Next, lay on its bottom first pieces with lard and possible bones, and only then meat sliced ​​in medium squares.

Then you need to salt and sprinkle the meat with zira.

Next, you need to peel the onion, chop it with rings and put on the meat. Then coarsely chop the tomatoes, put them in a cauldron and salt. Further on top, you need to put carrots, chopped round beef, potatoes, cut in half and salt.

Then it is necessary to chop all the other vegetables medium-sized and, together with the garlic, transfer to the cauldron, lay greens on top, add salt and add cumin.

On top of all the components, you need to lay coarsely chopped cabbage, pre-salted and grated with salt and zira.

The final touch is wrapping all the ingredients with whole cabbage leaves.

After the cauldron, it is necessary to tightly close the lid and put on the stove making an average fire under it. After boiling, the fire must be reduced and continue cooking for another hour.

After the dish is cooked, he needs to let him brew in a cauldron for 15 minutes under a closed lid.

Recipe 2. Meat in a cauldron - Chakhokhbili


• Meat (chicken) - 1.5 kg.

• Onion - 1 kg.

• Tomatoes - 1 kg.

• Garlic.

• Salt, pepper.

• Greens - parsley, coriander, basil.

Cooking method:

The chicken joints must be divided into parts with a knife and fry in a heated cauldron on its own fat without adding oil.

Then, chicken should be lightly salted, add oil to the cauldron and onion.

After a few minutes, add chicken, sliced ​​into slices, to the chicken and onion. All ingredients must be cooked over low heat under a closed lid for 30 minutes.

15 minutes before complete readiness, chakhokhbili must be sprinkled with garlic. Greens and spices.

Recipe 3. Meat in a cauldron - a lamb on a bone


• Lamb meat on the bone - 1 kg.

• Onion - 2 pcs.

• Kurdyuk - 100 gr.

• Garlic - head.

• Coriander.

• Salt, pepper.

Cooking method:

The lamb meat must be thoroughly washed and dried. Next, the meat must be cleaned of unnecessary films, cut into small pieces and put in a cauldron.

Then the meat must be poured with water so that it completely covers the lamb. You need to cook meat in a cauldron over low heat, constantly removing the foam. Until fully cooked, the meat will be cooked for 1.5 to 2 hours.

After the meat broth, you need to strain, add onion, finely chopped, garlic and chicken to the meat.

Then prepared in this way, the dish must be salted, pepper and stew the meat for another 25 minutes.

Before serving, ready-made lamb meat should be decorated with chopped greens.

Recipe 4. Meat in a cauldron - roast


• Pork - 1 kg.

• Potato - 4 pcs.

• Carrot.

• Onion.

• Garlic.

• Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.

• Fungi - 350 gr.

• Salt, spices.

• Greenery.

• Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Pork must be cut into portions. Chop onions and peppers with rings. Finely chop the garlic with a knife. Peel and chop the potatoes, and chop the carrots with thin strips. Boil the mushrooms in a little salty water.

Then you need to warm the cauldron and pour vegetable oil into it. Next, you need to fry the pork in oil until a spicy crust appears on it, salt and season it with spices.

After that, you need to add onion to the meat, and after a few minutes report the carrots, Bulgarian pepper, garlic and fungi.

After the vegetables are softer, you need to put potatoes in the cauldron and pour all the ingredients with water. Then you need to cover the cauldron with a lid and put it in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. In half an hour the dish will be ready.

Recipe 5. Meat in a cauldron - "Azu"


• Lamb - 1 kg.

• Potato - 5 pcs.

• Onion 2 pcs.

• Cucumbers (salted) - 4 pcs.

• Tomatoes (ketchup or tomato paste) - 0.5 kg.

• Butter (melted) - 80 gr.

• Broth.

• Greenery.

• Salt, pepper.

Cooking method:

Onions must be cleaned and chopped with rings. Pickled cucumbers need to be peeled and cut into strips. The meat is cut into portions in long, small pieces.

Then you need to warm the cauldron thoroughly and fry the existing meat in small parts in melted butter until an appetizing crust is formed on it.

Further from the cauldron, put the fried meat in a clean bowl and temporarily set aside.

Then, in the cauldron, you need to add more ghee, in which it is necessary to fry the onions. Next, add the laid out meat to the onion and add salt and pepper to all the ingredients.

Then add finely chopped tomatoes to the products. And cook all the ingredients, stirring constantly, without closing the cauldron with a lid.

After this, you need to add the broth to the cooking dish and continue simmering the products over 50 minutes over low heat.

Cucumbers previously cut must be slightly lowered in the remaining broth. Fry the potatoes in oil until cooked. Then you need to lay the potatoes with cucumbers in a cauldron, mix all the ingredients well and leave to simmer with the lid closed for another 20 minutes.

Before serving, the finished dish can be nicely decorated with chopped greens.

Recipe 6. Meat in a cauldron - lamb with vegetables


• Lamb.

• Potato, carrot.

• Tomatoes, onions.

• Garlic, pepper.

• Kurdyuk.

• Lavrushka, zira.

• Pepper, salt.

• Greenery.

Cooking method:

The meat must be cut into medium-sized pieces, and the fat tail in small cubes. Chop the onion rings. Cut carrots into small cubes, and chop the tomatoes into cubes.

Then the cauldron must be put on fire and melt fat tail fat in it. Next, in the cauldron, you need to throw the meat and fry it with constant stirring until a brown crust forms.

After in the cauldron you need to put the onions, fry the carrots for some time, then add the garlic, pepper and lavrushka.

Next, put tomatoes in a cauldron, and when they turn into a kind of tomato paste, season the dish with pepper, salt and zira.

Next, you need to reduce the fire and toss into the cauldron, prepared whole potatoes. After leaving the stew in a cauldron for two hours under a closed lid.

Before serving the food to the table, it must be beautifully decorated with greens.

Meat in a cauldron - small tricks and useful tips for cooking it

• In order for the meat to cook juicy and soft, it must be fried in large pieces and in small portions.

• Meat, likes spices, seasonings, garlic and greens from this it becomes more fragrant and piquant.

• When cooking meat in a cauldron, it is not necessary to constantly mix the ingredients in order to avoid burning products. Thick walls of a cauldron will protect any components and meat too.

• You can cook any meat in a cauldron - pork, beef, lamb, chicken. But if you decide to cook a dish of lean meat, then it is advisable to add a small piece of fat to it.

• There are two ways to stew meat in a cauldron - in an oven or over low heat with a small addition of broth.

• Meat in a cauldron turns out to be very tasty and fragrant if cooked with a lot of onions and spices.


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