Celery Slimming


Celery is, without exaggeration, an amazing vegetable. And those who want to use celery for weight loss should definitely know about its beneficial properties. By regularly consuming celery, we cleanse and rejuvenate our body. Celery is able to relieve fatigue, increase tone and performance, soothe nerves and improve sleep. It contains active compounds that can reduce the level of stress hormone.

Celery contains important minerals for humans in the form of potassium, zinc, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as vitamins. Therefore, using celery for weight loss, you can not only lose weight, but also improve the health of the skin, hair and eyes. Other indications for the use of celery are gastritis, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcers, constipation, allergies, and various inflammatory processes.

Celery for weight loss is valuable in that we get energy from it, but at the same time it is famous for its low calorie content, which is only 18 kcal per 100 grams. That is, in 2 tablespoons of chopped celery stalk contains a large dose of vitamins and minerals, and at the same time - only 3 kcal! In addition, the calorie content of celery is "negative" - ​​they say that when a product, when consumed, gives the body less calories than it takes to digest it.

You can eat celery for weight loss in different forms. Its root, juicy and fleshy, is most often boiled or baked; stalks are used raw, stewed or fried; leaves are traditionally used as greens, and various dishes are seasoned with seeds. Dishes with celery, perfectly satiating, permanently eliminate the feeling of hunger. That is, not only during the diet, you can use celery for weight loss: you can constantly enrich your diet by preparing salads, soups from it, serving it with meat, fish, and seafood. It will bring nothing but benefit.

Celery for weight loss: how to use juice

Celery juice is a very valuable product for those who have extra pounds. It is an excellent diuretic and laxative; It also helps cleanse the body of toxins, slow down the aging process, and normalize metabolism. Therefore, it is very appropriate in the diet of those who want to lose weight. Juice made from celery root should be consumed daily, before meals, up to 3 times, 2 teaspoons each.

You can increase the effectiveness of celery juice if you take it with carrot juice. And using celery juice, adding the juice of nettle and dandelion to it, you can not only lose weight, but also cleanse the blood and cure many skin diseases.

Taking celery juice mixed with honey before meals can significantly reduce appetite and improve digestion. It is noticed that with regular consumption of celery juice, weight loss is more easy and without loss of cheerfulness.

Celery for weight loss: recipes

Recipe 1: Celery Slimming Soup

The most popular celery for weight loss in the form of soups. Such a soup perfectly saturates and at the same time has a very low calorie content. To add an original flavor note to the soup, celery root can be fried before being added to the soup, add crushed garlic to it. White cabbage can be replaced with cauliflower. In a word, there are a lot of options for experimenting with vegetables, the main thing is that celery should remain the main ingredient of the soup, and the calorie content of the dish should not go beyond dietary boundaries. If possible, it should be prepared without salt, however, if you can not eat it in this form, the soup can be salted. Using celery soup for weight loss during the week, you can lose up to 8 kg.


300 gr celery in the form of roots and leaves;
4 tomatoes:
500 gr. cabbage (can be pickled),
2 bell peppers,
to taste greens.

Cooking method:

1. After cutting the vegetables in any form, dip them in boiling water and boil over high heat for about 10 minutes. Then we reduce the fire and cook until done.

2. Finely chopped greens, at the last moment add it to the soup, turn off the fire and, tightly closing the pan with a lid, let the soup brew.

Recipe 2: Oat Meat Cutlets with Celery

Oatmeal and celery are a great duo! Oatmeal perfectly saturates, celery gives the body useful substances and promotes weight loss. Having made this dish a frequent guest on your table, you will soon feel positive results on your well-being and appearance.


300 gr oatmeal,
300 gr celery roots and stalks;
1 egg
2 onions;
2. Art. l lemon juice;
breadcrumbs for breading.

Cooking method:

1. Pour oatmeal with a small amount of water, leave them for about half an hour. Then, draining the water, squeeze it well.

2. Finely chop the roots and stalks of celery, onions. Add the prepared oatmeal and lemon juice to them, mix everything well.

3. Having formed small cutlets from the resulting mass and roll them in breadcrumbs, fry in a small amount of vegetable oil.

Recipe 3: Celery Salad with Carrots and Turnips

Celery for weight loss is often used in the form of salads. This is the simplest of them, and at the same time - one of the most useful.


200 gr. celery root;
200 gr. turnips;
2 carrots;
1 tbsp. l lemon juice;
parsley greens.

Cooking method:

Grate raw celery, turnips and carrots, season them with lemon juice, add chopped parsley, mix well, and our salad is ready!

Recipe 4: Celery Salad with Carrots and Eggs

This salad perfectly saturates, while it is very healthy and tasty. Losing weight with such dishes is a pleasure!


200 gr. celery stalk;
2 carrots;
2 eggs;
1 cucumber;
50 gr yogurt.

Cooking method:

1. Boil carrots and eggs.

2. Grind the stalks of celery, cut into thin strips carrots with eggs and cucumber.

3. Combining all the components, season them with yogurt and mix well.

In fact, there are many recipes for celery salads. Those who need more nutritious dishes will like a salad of celery stalks, Beijing cabbage, cucumbers and boiled chicken; or from stalks of celery, apples, boiled chicken and boiled eggs. Having mastered such recipes, you can lose excess weight without much hardship.

Recipe 4: A cocktail of celery juice, apples and tomatoes

A wonderful tasty vitamin drink that will saturate your body with vitamins and give it energy for the whole day.


0.5 kg of celery;
250 gr green apples;
100 ml of tomato juice;
to taste parsley.

1. We clean celery and apples, wash. Squeezing the juice out of them, mix it with tomato juice. Wash parsley, finely chop and decorate it with a glass of cocktail.

Celery for weight loss: useful tips

All recipes that we talked about can be included in the diet, both together and separately. For example, with their help, one-day unloading or a short-term low-calorie diet can be carried out. Another option - with such dishes you can replace the usual high-calorie foods in your diet. In this way, you can ensure stable weight loss, which will go away slowly (no more than 2 kg per week), but reliably and irrevocably.


Chinchilla 03/25/2016
I ate celery soup for 10 days. I lost about 8 kilograms, and then lost weight for several days! I even managed to get scared that I would be like a board))) So, if you want to lose weight, and strengthen your immunity - go ahead, get celery! Enjoy your meal!

Leela 03/25/2016
I have never eaten celery root ... As if there was no suitable case. Now, having learned so much good about him, of course, I will try to cook it. I don’t know how my household members will perceive it ... but if I cook it deliciously, I think they won’t be very indignant.

Natalia 03/25/2016
I didn’t even know that such a popular product in our family is so useful. It turns out that it contains a lot of various necessary substances and even strengthens nails and hair! Thanks for the information, now we will eat it twice as often))

Svetlana 03/25/2016
I spend days of unloading with celery, add more apples. I didn’t try a cocktail with tomatoes, it’s probably very tasty and healthy. only apples there, in my opinion there’s nothing ... Celery really supports well, rejuvenates the body.

Little thing 03.25.2016
Well, I don't like celery! I can neither eat, nor drink it, and in general - this is not for me. I eat all the greens, but not this one. Here are diet salads - this is welcome, with great pleasure. All for an amateur, I know a girl who simply adores him.


Watch the video: Juice Cleansing Diet: Does It Work? UCLA Center for Human Nutrition (July 2024).