Tartar - how to remove at home quickly and effectively. Best ways to deal with tartar


Often, even a beautiful smile can cease to be so attractive, due to the fact that plaque has accumulated on the teeth.

It forms a small thin film, which primarily consists of food debris and bacteria.

If you brush your teeth regularly, the film will be easily cleaned, otherwise it will mineralize and hard dental deposits will form.

Tartar - how to get rid of at home: is it possible, but is it necessary?

Tartar occurs due to the fact that we do not take good care of the oral cavity. Food debris gradually builds up on our teeth, forming a thin film. Soft plaque can be removed independently, but only if you start to do it on time. But if more than six months pass, then the plaque will become hard, tartar will form, it will be difficult to get rid of it.

It would seem that everyone knows that you need to brush your teeth every day, and many do it even in the morning and evening, however, tartar continues to accumulate on the teeth, in places where it is difficult to penetrate. The most common place for its deposition is the front teeth on the lower jaw and the lateral surfaces of our molars. In these places, the process of self-cleaning is difficult, and many forget about these places when brushing the rest of the teeth.

For some reason, many people believe that tartar can only be removed in the dentist’s office, but you can do it yourself. There is a lot of information on how to remove tartar at home. It is mainly used by those who are interested in the condition of their teeth.

Determine if you have tartar or not, you can do it yourself, and this is quite simple. Visually, you can consider the formation over the gum, for this you just need to look in the mirror. It is difficult to detect stones under the gum, only a dentist can do this.

Tartar can cause a number of troubles, so it must be removed, at home as well. A sign that you really have it may be a sudden bleeding of the gums, the appearance of halitosis. You can notice it even if it has formed over the gum: a white coating with a yellow tint appears in the space between the teeth. In advanced cases, tartar can acquire a green tint, while the teeth can stagger a little.

Be sure to think about removing tartar, and take the necessary actions as soon as possible. Since if you leave everything as it is, other diseases related to the gums can develop in the mouth.

Tartar - how to get rid at home: methods

If you talk about folk methods of getting rid of tartar, then the simplest thing you can do is to include raw vegetables and hard fruits in your diet. They will be able to naturally cleanse your teeth of plaque, especially in the case when the matter has not gone far, and you can do without the help of specialists. It’s better not to follow such old tips as brushing your teeth with sand or other abrasive products. There will still be no sense from this, but without knowing all the intricacies of the treatment, you can only do harm. Below are the most effective folk recipes to get rid of plaque in a short time.

It would be better, of course, to go to the dentist, where a specialist with the help of special tools will quickly and painlessly get rid of stones. But if at the moment you cannot go to the dentist’s office for some reason, and dental deposits are just beginning to appear, then start getting rid of them yourself.

1. Pour boiled water at room temperature into a glass, then add one a spoonful of honey and stir until completely dissolved. It is necessary to rinse the oral cavity with this solution for several months in a row, this is done only before bedtime.

2. In ancient times, in order to get rid of tartar, our grandmothers used the usual rock salt. To do this, you just need to sprinkle your toothbrush on it and gently massage it over the area of ​​the gums and teeth with soft massage movements for no more than three minutes. The procedure must be done for at least 2 months. For the first three weeks, brush your teeth like this every day, then every other day. After two months, you do not need to completely stop the procedure, do it once a week. Thus, you can not only get rid of tartar, but also improve the color of your teeth.

3. Horsetail-based broth. It will help get rid of tartar even in the later stages of its defeat. In order to cook it yourself at home, prepare the plant in advance and dry it. After that, grind thoroughly, separate three tablespoons and drink with one glass of boiling water. From above, close the container with something tight, wrap it with a warm towel or cloth, let it brew for exactly one hour. Then strain the broth, drink half a glass in the morning, and the second half before bedtime. You can prepare the product in larger quantities, so as not to do it every day. Take until the effect of its use becomes noticeable.

4. It copes well with such a problem as tartar, decoction of walnut sprigs. But for use, you need to take just the bark from the branches. You can prepare the remedy according to the following recipe: take a container, pour 200 ml of ordinary water into it, then pour one handful of raw bark. Put on fire and simmer for 15 minutes. After the broth cools down, brush their teeth for about five minutes. The procedure must be repeated several times a day. Thanks to this, tartar will become softer and gradually disappear. The broth can be used not only with the existing problem, but also as a prophylaxis, so that the stone does not appear. But brushing your teeth for preventive purposes should be done no more than once every two weeks.

5. In order to slightly reduce tartar, you can use the following method: take burdock root and bean peel in equal parts, mix well. Separate one large spoon from the mixture and fill it with 200 ml of boiling water, put it in a warm place and let it brew for about 4-6 hours. Then strain the tincture and drink it throughout the day in small portions. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks. After that, you can go to the dentist in order to remove the residues from the stone.

6. The most effective is a decoction prepared from linden flowers and sunflower. Before this, dry the plant well and chop it carefully, take an equal amount and mix. Separate four tablespoons from the total amount of grass and place in a deep bowl. Pour one liter of water there and put on fire. Bring to a boil, reduce the power of the stove (or gas) and cook for 30 minutes. The broth is suitable for both brushing and rinsing.

All folk remedies listed above are aimed at the destruction or softening of tartar. Gradually, it begins to collapse as a result completely disappears. As a complement to folk remedies, you need to eat right and use a certain toothbrush.

Many people used another old way - they took one teaspoon of soda and added 20 drops of hydrogen peroxide, as well as two drops of lemon juice. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, and then applied to tartar with a cotton swab, this must be done carefully so as not to touch the gums. Hold for two to three minutes and rinse your mouth. After a few days, you can repeat the procedure again.

Scientists have also proved that it is possible to remove tartar in the oral cavity using a natural product - birch sap. Harvest it in the spring. All you have to do is just rinse your mouth.

If you yourself cannot get rid of the stone for a long time, be sure to visit the dentist.

Tartar - remove at home: causes of failure

Many manage to get rid of the stone on their own, but after a while the problem starts to bother again, the question arises, what is wrong? The thing is that it’s not enough just to get rid of it and forget it. You need to carry out regular preventive measures in order to prevent the formation of stones again. And for this it’s not enough to brush your teeth several times a day. After all, the quality of cleaning does not always meet the standards, and toothbrushes are often chosen incorrectly. In order to consolidate the result and prevent a repeated relapse, the following preventive actions must be observed:

1. Toothpaste must contain fluoride.

2. The toothbrush should have an average degree of stiffness. Soft brushes can not remove plaque qualitatively, and too hard can damage the gums. It is recommended to use ultrasonic brushes.

3. Eat more fruits and raw vegetables.

4. After eating, be sure to use chewing gum, or rinse your mouth with water.

And of course, it’s important to visit the dentist regularly. In a special light, he can more carefully examine your teeth, and also take timely actions to eliminate stones.

Thanks to such a routine prevention, you can maintain the integrity of your teeth for a long time.

If you have a question: tartar - how to clean at home, then you can always use the tips offered in this article. Watch your teeth, because they are your face.


Watch the video: 10 Natural Ways to Remove Tartar Buildup (June 2024).