How to lose weight in a week - the best diets and useful tips


How to lose weight in a week - general principles

At the heart of all possible methods of losing weight is the same formula. You need to consume less energy than you can spend. This is the basis of healthy weight loss, no matter what the goals are: complex weight loss of 15-20 kilograms or just easy body shaping. If you want to significantly lose weight in a week, you should keep in mind that the result of such weight loss will not last long. Therefore, lose weight correctly, effectively and thoroughly. To do this, you just need to adhere to some basic tips.

First of all, it is necessary to limit or completely eliminate the consumption of fatty foods. It is preferable to cook and stew meat and vegetables rather than fry. It is better to replace mayonnaise as a dressing with low-fat sour cream. Use potatoes, cereals and pasta in the first half of the day, and in the evening it is better to give preference to low-fat sour-milk and seafood, vegetables. Meat is digested faster with vegetable side dishes. Instead of sweets, you can eat bananas, oranges or other fruits and berries. You can also drink red dry wine with a slice of dark chocolate (from 80% cocoa). In addition, you need to drink plenty of water. You should not eat up at night, and most importantly - you need to maintain physical activity. If you want to get rid of extra pounds forever, take these simple rules into the habit.

In addition to these rules, there are many diets that detail how to lose weight in a week. Their observance will give the desired result in a short time. Nutritionists argue that a properly selected and healthy diet is a diet that a person can follow constantly. But the options presented are quick diets, and only this short period of their use will bring results without harm to health. Therefore, it makes no sense to use a monotonous menu for a long time.

How to lose weight in a week - a list of the best diets

Diet 1: Color Diet

Color diet is one of the simplest diets. Thanks to her, you can get rid of 2-3 extra pounds. Within a week, it is proposed to use low-calorie foods, while dividing them by color. Instead of days of the week, there will now be white, yellow, purple, orange, green, red, as well as colorless days. On the final colorless day, only drink water.

Approximate diet for a week:

White Day: low-fat cottage cheese, potatoes, milk and kefir, cabbage, chicken breast.
Yellow day: honey, egg yolk, oranges, carrots, corn.
Red Day: lean beef, grapefruits, red currants, bell peppers, red fish.
Violet day: blackcurrant, eggplant.
Green day: cucumbers, zucchini, kiwi, lettuce, green peas, fresh herbs.
Orange day: almost all of the same non-nutritive foods allowed on a yellow day.

It should be remembered that losing weight in a short break, there is a risk of quickly gaining it. During such weight loss, the body experiences stress, so after restoration of nutrition, it begins to put aside reserves. Therefore, it will be much more correct to start eating right, excess weight will go away slowly but surely.

Diet 2: Soup Diet

Soup diet has obvious advantages: it does not limit the amount of food, which means it does not make you feel hungry. The combination of warm and liquid will warm in the cold.

Recipe for Special Slimming Soup
Ingredients: onions - 6 pcs; cabbage - 1 head of cabbage; tomatoes - 2-3 pcs; celery greens - 1 bunch; green pepper - 2 pcs.

Method of preparation: wash and chop vegetables. Boil in water, after boiling add ginger, pepper, bay leaf. It is recommended to season the soup with a drop of olive oil for better absorption.

Weekly ration: the first two days you need to eat only soup.
On the third day, you need to add green vegetables to the menu (except for legumes, peas).
On the fourth day, any fruits and vegetables (excluding bananas and potatoes) are introduced into the diet.
On the fifth day, you can additionally drink a glass of low-fat milk.
On the sixth day, you can eat boiled beef and vegetable salad.
On the final day, it is necessary to introduce boiled brown rice, vegetables and a glass of grapefruit juice into the diet. The success of the diet largely depends on the rejection of bread, soda, muffin and alcohol.

Diet 3: Happy Diet

According to the rules of this diet, the basis of nutrition is to choose only foods rich in serotonin - the hormone of happiness. As well as products containing tryptophan, selenium and folic acid, vitamins E and B. In addition, even dark chocolate is allowed.

Antidepressant foods include:
meat (lean red and beef liver);
fish (sardines, mackerel, trout, tuna, salmon);
dairy and dairy products;
bird (turkey, chicken);
vegetables (especially lettuce, spinach, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, green onions, celery, sweet peppers, peas, broccoli, parsley);
fruits (especially nectarines, pineapples, peaches, kiwi and citrus fruits);
berries (currants, raspberries, cranberries, strawberries and others);
brown rice;
dried fruits and nuts;
bread (from coarse flour);
dark bitter chocolate.

Sample menu (for one day)

First breakfast: a sandwich - bread and cheese. It is better to choose bread products from wholemeal, and hard cheese, garnish with a leaf of lettuce. Plus a soft-boiled egg, a piece of chocolate (about 30 g) and green tea.
Second breakfast: prepare a fruit salad with yogurt dressing. Sprinkle with grated nuts.
Lunch: turkey or chicken with vegetables (stewed); bananas salad of feta cheese, bell pepper and tomato seasoned with olive oil.
Snack: berry jam and herbal tea.
Dinner: salad (from beans and asparagus); fish (trout or salmon) baked with cheese; hot chocolate.
Before going to bed: Brew grass, season the broth with a teaspoon of honey.

Often, under the influence of stresses, appetite increases, and as a result, weight increases, which exacerbates the situation and can lead to a stable decline in mood. According to nutritionists, such a “happy” diet will not only help you lose weight, but simply enjoy your life. A number of products have been identified for a long time that help improve mood, relieve irritability, and prevent outbreaks of anger. These are products containing tryptophan that help improve mood. Such food must be consumed daily, at least 350 grams.

Diet 4: Fish Diet

Due to its high protein content and low fat and calorie content, fish has always been considered an excellent dietary product. It is rich in useful omega-3 fatty acids that act on various body systems and can prevent vascular and heart diseases. Fish is an excellent source of calcium that strengthens teeth and bones. It makes the hair and skin more healthy and beautiful, helps to reduce weight. That is why the fish diet is very popular. It allows you to throw 3-5 kg ​​per week.

The assortment of fish while following this diet should be very diverse. It is preferable to choose fresh or frozen fish, sometimes canned is allowed. The most low-calorie fish varieties are pollock, pike perch, cod, tuna. Salmon and trout are quite fatty, but they can be included in the diet if cooked properly. Remember that grilled or baked fish is much healthier than fried or canned.

You can prepare a lot of healthy and tasty dishes from fish, but you need to remember that diet is some restrictions.

Features of the fish menu

For breakfast, you can prepare a sandwich with vegetables and tuna, you just do not need to add mayonnaise or other fatty sauce, it is better to season it with a mixture of oil (olive) and lemon juice.
Steamed fishcakes and a side dish of vegetables (cabbage, peppers, spinach, broccoli, zucchini, greens, beans) are perfect for lunch. You can season with low-fat yogurt or lemon juice.

An excellent side dish for fish is rice. It is sometimes allowed to eat canned fish in their own juice. From it you can make a salad by adding fresh vegetables.
While observing the fish diet, it is allowed to eat eggs (not more than one per day), dairy and sour-milk products (low-fat), various fruits (excluding bananas, grapes).

Every day you need to drink about two liters of liquid. You can drink water or green tea. Salting dishes is not recommended, but the use of spices (onions, peppers, garlic, spices, lemon), on the contrary, is welcome.

How to lose weight in a week - useful tips

In addition to following a diet, in order to lose weight in a week, you need to take into account several tips. It is necessary to engage in strength training at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes a day using fitness equipment and a dumbbell. It is power loads that support muscle and skin tone, and fats turn into muscles that burn large amounts of calories. It is necessary to listen to the reactions of the body. The metabolism of all is individual, therefore it reacts differently to specific methods of losing weight. If you feel unwell, you need to switch to a less hard mode. However, avoid heavy foods that are difficult to digest.

It is very important to ensure a full sleep. Its lack affects the hormonal balance in a negative way: increased fat deposition, emotional hunger appears, which complicates the process of weight loss. Be sure to organize at least a seven-hour night's sleep, because daytime sleep is just an addition. In addition, it is recommended to abandon alcohol, it dehydrates the body and inhibits weight loss.


Nastya 11.24.2016
Hello! I have been fat to disgrace all my life. Until the age of 25 I did not have a single guy! They just did it for me - they laughed. Life was unbearable. I didn’t have friends, since I was ashamed even to walk with them - they are all so beautiful, the guys approach them, they only laugh at me.
I thought about suicide more than once (((But it worked out. How many different diets I tried, how many pills - there was no effect. Once at a city forum a woman shared that she could lose about 12 kg using goji berries. I decided to search the Internet for for such berries. I realized that many of them have already lost weight. I decided to try.
At the beginning of the reception, my weight was 97 kg. In the first week I lost 9 kg !!!! My happiness knew no bounds, because I didn’t follow any diets !!! For 2 and 3 weeks left another 13 kg! I took berries for about 6 weeks. As a result, my weight is now 63 kg !!! Super girls, I did not expect this, honestly!
If anything, I ordered on this official site //

Vadim 11.16.2016
For weight loss, it is better to choose anaerobic workouts with a load on the vessels.
Read more here //

Irina 11/13/2016
Many people ask themselves: is it possible to lose 10 kg in a week and how to do it? Yes, it is possible, but you will learn how to do this by reading this article in which collections of diets have been collected for you, which will help you quickly lose weight in a week. //

Marinulka 11/02/2016
When I lost weight, so only the kefir diet helped me, in 8 days it became 7 kilos less, here it comes from //, though I was tormented not to eat))

Olga 07/31/2016
In weight loss, the main thing is proper nutrition. Here // found many useful recipes. The truth itself has not yet been cooked, but I am going to.


Watch the video: 6 simple ways to lose a little weight (June 2024).