What is the reason for the occurrence of accommodation spasm: is it dangerous or will it pass by itself? Methods of treatment and prevention: take care of your eyes!


Doctors call the accommodation of the eye ability to see things clearlylocated at different distances from the eye.

Normal accommodation can only be the case if the lens is elastic enough.

But, unfortunately, the older the person, the worse the elasticity.

In adolescence, the best accommodative properties are observed.

Around 40 - 45 years, hyperopia is actively developing.

If you believe the statistics, then for many people by the age of 70 all accommodative properties are completely lost.

In twilight time, accommodation, which provides vision with the ability to see far, disappears. This is the main reason for the poor night vision. But what is the reason for such a state and is it possible to deal with it.

Causes of accommodation spasm

Among the many causes that affect the appearance of spasm, one can put blurred vision due to optical imperfections of the eye in the first place.

In order to have a good look at the subject, it should be approached, the increased accommodation at this moment leads to the appearance of spasms. Inadequate lighting can cause this condition.

In children suffering from chronic intoxication, and thus weakened organism, a neurasthenic syndrome often occurs. This condition is accompanied by poor appetite, restless sleep, tearfulness. Chronic intoxication leads to an imbalance between inhibitory and irritable processes.

Adverse hygienic conditions for chronic intoxication are accompanied by vegetative dystonia, which ultimately leads to the creation of favorable conditions for the occurrence of accommodation spasm. Therefore, in children, the main cause of spasm is chronic intoxication of the body.

In order for the accommodation spasm reflex to appear, the image should be out of focus. The thing is that the brain perceives focusing in a special way, a nerve impulse starts to pass along the nerve, which leads to the contraction of ciliary muscles. After that, the curvature of the lens decreases. The focus of the main image begins to move to the retina. If the person looks away, the focus will be back on the retina.

There are many other factors that influence the development of accommodation spasm:

1. Vision has a large load. This is mainly a long stay at the computer.

2. There is no strict day regimen.

3. The chair on which the child or adult is sitting does not correspond to the height.

4. The book is too close or far from the eye.

5. The neck and spinal muscles are weakened.

6. There are disorders in the spine.

7. Improper nutrition.

8. Sedentary lifestyle.

Ophthalmologists distinguish several types of accommodation spasm:

1. Physiological. This species arises in response to visual overload.

2. Pathological. There is a sharp decrease in visual acuity.

3. Artificial. This spasm does not require treatment, as it occurs in response to various drops, and after some time disappears.

Accommodation spasm - diagnosis

There is nothing difficult in identifying the presence of a spasm of accommodation. In many ways, the diagnosis is based on the assessment of clinical symptoms. On their basis, doctors find out whether there is a connection between visual tension and the presence of symptoms that have appeared.

If visual examination fails to reveal anything, ophthalmologists conduct the following studies:

1. Determine visual acuity at the moment.

2. Assessment of the level of refractometry.

3. Determination of the accommodation reserve.

The spasm can be quite strong and reach three diopters. Vision for some period of time loses its sharpness. That is why doctors call spasm false. After the restoration of vision, the person sees exactly the same as before.

In adolescence, accommodation spasm is easily treated, but if no measures are taken, the imaginary myopia will develop into a permanent one.

Treatment of accommodation spasm

Before ophthalmologists prescribe the appropriate treatment, they will carefully examine you in order to confirm the diagnosis accurately. The survey includes the following activities:

• determination of refraction;

• visometry;

• definition of accommodation stocks.

Remember that you need to be examined by a specialist at least once a year, even if there is no cause for concern.

When a spasm of accommodation is detected, the patient is referred to a general practitioner (pediatrician), a neuropathologist, and ENT the doctor. These measures allow in a short time to identify the cause provoking the development of spasm. If at least one deviation from the norm was found, all measures should be taken to eliminate it.

To eliminate the causes, experts prescribe the use of eye drops (Midriacil, Tropicamide). The course of treatment depends on the name of the drug, but, as a rule, it is not more than a month. In most cases, accommodation spasm can be removed. It is possible that after some time he will return.

In order to prevent this, an alternative treatment is necessary:

1. Relieve stress from the eyes with the help of special exercises.

2. Physical activity. It can be swimming, cycling.

3. Massage. It is necessary because one of the false causes of myopia is scoliosis.

4. Acceptance of a complex of vitamins that contain lutein.

5. There is a proven set of exercises for the eyes that helps prevent permanent myopia and false myopia:

6. It is recommended to squeeze and open your eyes quickly within a few seconds. This exercise is repeated up to 15 times, several times a day.

7. Hold a pencil or pen, slowly bring it closer to your eyes, and then remove. Eyes must constantly monitor the subject.

8. rotate your eyes clockwise several times a day, then counterclockwise. Repeat the exercise up to 5 times.

9. Within one minute, blink your eyes quickly, and then massage your fingers. To do this, close your eyes.

In order to prevent the development of false myopia you need to eat as many foods with vitamin C as possible. In addition to this There are exercises to train the eyes, they are as follows:

1. Attach a circle to the window.

2. Sit one meter away from him.

3. In turn, focus your eyes on him and then on another subject.

It is recommended to repeat the exercises for 5 minutes, 3-4 times a week.

Currently, the accommodation spasm can be treated with laser therapy. Moreover, the lower the patient's age, the more effective the procedure will be. The laser beam acts directly on the eye, all pathological processes are slowed down, thereby stimulating visual function. Can recover 99-100% of view.

At home, you can also carry out treatment, such a device as glasses Sidorenko. The range of their effects is quite extensive, since they affect not only the eyesight directly, but also all the nearby muscles. Due to the light impulses, the pupil is “massaged” as it were, and thanks to this, the accommodation spasm is completely removed. Unlike drugs, glasses can be used by children from three years old, since they have absolutely no side effects.

Action points based on the fact that they affect all adjacent muscles to the eye with the help of vacuum pressure. The device significantly improves venous outflow, outflow of fluid inside the eye. The skin around the eyes is smoothed, all scars resolve, if there is puffiness, it will subside. The state of improvement comes after the first use, the accommodation spasm, of course, does not pass immediately, but becomes smaller.

Despite the numerous qualities of the glasses, certain contraindications:

• mental and neurological disorders;

• cancer tumors;

• retinal detachment;

• pregnancy.

The course of treatment with glasses is 10 procedures, every day for 7-10 minutes. Then a break of three months is made and repeated.

Not so long ago, a new ultrasound device was developed, which is able to eliminate both children and adults from accommodation spasms.

Magneotherapy, acupuncture and electrophoresis are recommended for the treatment of false myopia.

Prevention of accommodation spasm

Experts recommend prevention, in order to prevent the occurrence of spasm, as well as to eliminate the symptoms of the disease:

1. Observe the mode of loads on the eyesight. In the presence of myopia, eyes should be allowed to rest after every 30 minutes of work. Any loads on the eyeball, should alternate with periodic rest.

2. Observe eye hygiene. To do this, you need to select the correct lighting of your desktop or desk. Normally, artificial light should be 300 lux. Incandescent bulbs should give at least 150 lux. If you are at home, then it will be enough to buy an incandescent lamp with a power of up to 75 watts. Read books at a distance of at least 33 cm from the eyes.

3. Try not to strain your eyesight if the body temperature is 37.4 or higher. This is especially true of children. In adulthood, in the presence of fevers, you need to completely abandon the visual loads. Do not watch TV, do not sit at the computer, do not read books.

4. If at least one sign of accommodation spasm has been identified, basic gymnastics must be performed. It includes 8 exercises:

  • perform horizontal movements of the eyeball (right - left);

  • vertical movement (down - up);

  • rotate the eyeball in a circle (clockwise and counterclockwise);

  • at a quick pace, squeeze and open your eyelids;

  • make movements diagonally (squint your eyes in the lower left corner then move your eyes upwards. similar movements are performed in the opposite direction;

  • Reduce your eyes towards the nose. To do this, you can put your finger on the nose and look at it. If everything is done correctly, then the eyes should connect;

  • blink as often as possible;

  • produce eye work "at a distance." Go to the window, carefully look at the nearest point, sharply move your eyes into the distance. Then re-direct your eyes to the near. Repeat the exercise for 5 minutes.

It is necessary to carry out a complex of recreational activities, first of all they include physical activity. Useful to visit the pool. Try as much as possible to walk in the fresh air. If possible, visit the sanatorium.

Eat right. The diet should be a sufficient amount of keratin - persimmon, dried apricots, carrots.

Full vision is necessary for us for normal life. If you feel that your eyes began to tire quickly, many objects are clearly not visible at a distance, be sure to visit an ophthalmologist. Perhaps it is just fatigue, and perhaps the beginning of the occurrence of serious diseases. Watch your health.


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