Maggi diet - a detailed description and useful tips. Maggi diet reviews and sample recipes.


Maggi Diet - description and general principles

Diet Maggi - another one of the slim order of protein diets. Most often it is called egg, comes across and the name of cottage cheese and egg. Both of these species are effective and do not require hungry feats from the "testers". The menu includes much more products than is determined by the name - a lot of fruits, vegetables, cottage cheese, eggs, and even meat. Diet is calculated for three weeks, each subsequent week has a certain diet. During this time, weight loss is expected from 7 to 20 kg, unless of course you are so overweight.

Since the diet is long, the whole month the body will adapt to the new weight, and you will change your eating habits. Therefore, to keep the weight after its completion will be quite easy. Deciding to follow the maggi diet, you need to evaluate your body for an allergic reaction. Since there are a lot of products on the menu - allergens, it is better to remember right away - are you allergic to eggs or grapefruits? The presence of citrus in the menu can lead to allergies, and in the mouth will accumulate acid, and feel the tingling of the tongue.

The first part is considered the egg. We'll have to eat a monotonous breakfast, consisting of eggs and citrus. Good results can be expected only when refusing fried foods. Of course, there is no need to use such a diet with 3-5 kilograms of excess weight - you can choose something easier. But if the account of extra kilos goes to tens, then there is a chance to say goodbye to excess weight. It is advisable to add moderate exercise and tune in to the fact that this mode is designed for a "fighting" character. And let the thoughts help you that in principle, the maggi are a whole balanced system, and therefore not harmful.

Diet maggie - what foods can you eat

The main products - eggs, additional - cottage cheese, meat.

Permitted fruits: oranges, plums, melons, watermelons, pineapples, apples, pears, kiwi, pomelo, tangerines, apricots, peaches, grapefruits. Vegetables - beans, carrots, green peas, squash, eggplant.

It is recommended to drink about 2 liters of water, you can drink tea without sugar, without milk. Sometimes you can drink a glass of soda water, diet soda. If the feeling of hunger is suffering very much, then enter the menu fresh cucumbers, lettuce, carrots, but always after the main food. Salt, garlic and seasonings are not excluded. Low-fat cottage cheese can be replaced with low-fat cheese.

Diet maggie - what foods can not eat

Forbidden fruits for the diet of magga: mango, dates, grapes, bananas, figs.

At least a month will have to say goodbye to oil and any fats. Broths are also prohibited. Refuse sugar, mayonnaise.

Incompatible diet Maggie with alcohol. Alcohol, under stress, can do a lot of harm. Those diets that are based on the use of beer or wine, require completely different "snacks". It is undesirable to even drink white wine, which many consider dietary, even if you are sacredly sure that it does not get fat. We also throw cigarettes into the far corner - during the diet, blood circulation is accelerated, chemical processes change. Additional diseases can accelerate the premature aging of the body.

Maggi Diet - Menu Examples

Consider the characteristic features of nutrition at each stage (4 weeks-4 stages).

The first week is vegetables, boiled meat and fish. And breakfast is always the same - boiled egg and grapefruit. The first days are almost unloading. At dinner, anyway, boiled meat, and nothing more.
On the second day, more vegetables and fruits are included. Next - add cheese. Of course, there is no talk about any pieces of zhleb, and even more so buns, cakes and other goodies. On Sunday - only boiled meat.

Second week The breakfast is the same. The second breakfast is quite modest - boiled meat and a portion of salad without butter. Egg dinner - 2 steep. On Thursday and Tuesday, dinner is "given to the enemy" - that is, you cannot eat anything, you will have to restrict yourself to lunch. On other days - a salad of vegetables or fruits. For the second week breakfast is preserved. On Saturday, you can add a little prune.

The third week is a very poor menu, represented by fruits and vegetables, plus boiled meat. The first three days - low-calorie vegetables, potatoes are completely excluded. Boil the chicken, but there are only pieces without fat and skins, white meat without cartilages and soft parts of bones is well suited. Steam treatment is encouraged to keep maximum nutrients.

The fourth stage is characterized by minimal use of eggs. It remains a light dinner, light menu, a harmonious selection of vegetables. Boiled vegetables will be combined in raw, and all this in one meal. To end the diet, stock up on oranges and great mood - you are a hero. The will power of a person who has passed to the very end is worthy of respect.

Not everyone will accept the Maggi diet. Many simply can not eat so many eggs, even eating them with lots of vegetables with meat. Often, women replace eggs with cottage cheese, which contains about the same amount of protein. Maggi's curd diet is absorbed much better, bones are strengthened, cholesterol is reduced. You need to eat it quite a bit - in volume it is no more than an egg. Get about 2 big spoons. But this diet can alienate people who have problems with the acidity of the stomach. For results, it is enough to sustain 2 weeks of fruit and cottage cheese diet. In the menu you can replace only one ingredient, and therefore the menu will turn out less satisfying than the egg one.

Maggi diet menu for 1 week

During this diet you will no longer need to worry about breakfast. He will always be ready - because every day you will have to eat a boiled egg and 1 grapefruit in the morning.

Monday - fruit lunch and meat dinner.

Lunch: choose for yourself the most attractive fruit of the allowed products and eat it as much as you want in one sitting. It can be an apple, apricot, watermelon, pear, orange, melon, and so on.
For dinner, boil lean chicken meat or cook something from ground beef stew (except mutton).

Tuesday is more diverse.

Lunch: remove the skin from the chicken and again boil or fry without oil.
Dinner: boil 2 boiled eggs and serve on the table with a salad of vegetable salad - which you will find from pepper, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes. Cook a toast, or a little stale flatbread. Vitamin supplement - 1 orange and grapefruit.

Wednesday: replace eggs with cheese.

Lunch - cheese, tomatoes, cook a toast.
Dinner: boiled meat without fat, or stewed meat. (Except lamb).


Lunch: again a mono-lunch of one permitted fruit.
For dinner, eat meat or mince again, add the salad.

Friday fish menu

Lunch: traditional boiled eggs, plus a stew of several vegetables (without fat). (for example, carrots + green peas)
Dinner: boil or stew fish, chop vegetables for a salad, a nice dessert - 1 grapefruit or an orange.

Saturday: meat and fruit day.

Lunch: mono salad from one (orange, melon, apricot, watermelon, apple, pear, etc.)
Dinner: boil meat without fat and skins, (lamb deviates), and add vegetable salad.

Resurrection can be said more vegetable day.

Lunch: boiled vegetables, fresh tomatoes, crispy (boiled or fried). Grapefruit or orange.
Dinner: boiled vegetables.

All days you can drink tea or coffee without sugar and milk and plenty of water.

Diet maggi - useful tips and reviews

To track the results of the diet, follow a few simple rules. In the morning, wake up, be sure to weigh up. Try at least a few minutes a day to play sports. The main rule of the Maggi diet is if you miss a day and are off schedule, you need to start the week over. Repeat the diet on the fifth week, you must first, but then immediately go to 4 parts. Additional vitamins are not needed - the presence of vegetables and fruits will give the body the right amount in full.

Who can follow this diet? Yes, anyone! Men and women of any age. Remember about contraindications. If you are allergic to eggs or you do not tolerate a large number of raw vegetables, it is better to give it up, and choose a more suitable option.


Ksenia 10/30/2016
The second time I sit on this diet
. for the first time I dropped about 8 kg, despite the fact that I did not observe everything correctly) now I try to observe everything with accuracy, I hope the result will please.

Galina 10/18/2016
Girls what to do. I sit 1 week on a diet, I observe everything. Weight is worth

Eve 06/05/2016
Girls, is it really impossible to add 30 milk to the ration for coffee at all?) Life is just not sweet without coffee with milk (
If I drink a little cup of coffee in the morning with a drop of milk? sense will not be? And from meat I eat chicken only?
I respect all the rest.

Karina 04/19/2016
Please tell me, I sit on this diet for the first time, about 7 kg extra, can I then sit for the first and fourth two times and that's it, or is it the first time for all four weeks as written?

Kristinka 03/22/2016
Do I understand correctly that if I lost the course in the middle of the week, then the week should be started from the very beginning? 7 Then the duration of the whole diet will also increase by these days. Oh, I will try to be careful, I love the testicles, I think you can try.


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