Facial massage for wrinkles - for effective skin rejuvenation. Rules and technique of "effective" facial massage for wrinkles


Extend youth today in many ways.

Among them are various surgical braces, Botox injections.

These procedures are popular in most cases with public people.

It is justified by the fact that such rejuvenation methods are quite expensive, and the average woman can not afford it.

In addition, there is always the possibility of an unexpected result. And corrections are additional expenses.

There is a way out of this situation. You just need to know how to massage your face against wrinkles to help yourself look better.

Facial massage for wrinkles: to do or not to do

Massage is a manipulation of the skin, you can not treat him irresponsibly. As a full-fledged medical procedure, it has indications and contraindications. You can start doing facial massage for wrinkles at any age, depending on when the first wrinkles appear. But on average - this is the age of 28 years. If you start the procedure immediately upon detection of the first wrinkles, you can achieve good results, significantly delaying aging. Prevention in this case is welcome.

But, despite the relative safety, massage is still not available to some people. Contraindications the procedure is the presence of skin diseases and certain phenomena on it. In order not to aggravate the situation, you need to abandon the massage and find a more acceptable way for yourself to rejuvenate.

This warning applies to acute skin diseases, allergic and inflammatory reactions, acne on the skin of the face. An allergic reaction can occur in the form of a rash, cracks and redness. Also, you can not carry out the procedure for those who have warts, moles and papillomas of large sizes. Damage to these formations can lead to the worst consequences.

It is also worth abandoning massage if you feel unwell, for example, at elevated temperature. Sunburn is also a sign that massage should be postponed.

If there are fresh wounds, scars, ulcers on the face, if recently there have been some injuries to the face - massage is contraindicated. The list is complemented by increased facial hair and a clearly visible vascular pattern.

For the desired effect without side effects it is necessary to remember that massage is done only on healthy skin and with good health.

How to do facial massage for wrinkles: types, techniques and preparation

After making sure that there are no contraindications, you can start preparing for the massage. Before doing facial massage for wrinkles, you need to prepare the skin of the face and hands. Face skin should be steamed (e.g. after a shower) and cleared. You can steam it using hot water, washing for several minutes, or using a decoction of some grass. Hands should be perfectly clean and sanitized. They should also be soft so as not to scratch or irritate the skin. In addition to hands, massage tools are creams and massage oils (flaxseed, wheat germ). Their choice must be approached with particular care. The cream is better to choose hypoallergenic. Olive oil can also serve as a massage oil. For those who have oily skin, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to it, or use baby powder or talcum powder as a material.

The main rule of facial massage - this is the smoothness and accuracy of movements. Fingers should stroke the skin and slide over it, and in no case do not crush and stretch. Although some types of this procedure allow more active actions.

There are several facial massage techniques. Each of them is responsible for a certain effect.

Stroking with the help of palms or fingertips enhances blood circulation and carries out the removal of toxins.

Trituration also carried out with the help of fingertips, performing circular movements. This technique is used to eliminate edema, stimulate blood flow, soften scars, and destroy body fat.

Kneading It helps relieve tension on the muscles of the face and nourishes the skin. This technique is produced by grabbing the muscles of the face and kneading with two or three fingers.

Also effective and common pat. This technique is a movement similar to light impacts from a short distance. This technique has stages - first patting is done with fingers, and then with palms. This technique is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the face, improving the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Fingers or palms can also to vibrate - putting them on the skin, make the appropriate movement.

With help tingling Significant anti-aging effect is also achieved. They are made with the thumb and forefinger along the trajectory of the massage lines. The clamp is deep.

You can renew the oval of the face and make the skin supple with application techniques. To do this, use your fingertips or palms to press on the skin.

There are several types of massage based on the above techniques. For example, japanese massage. Its meaning lies in monotonous pressure on certain points. Japanese massage is aimed at eliminating wrinkles under the eyes and around. The technique is as follows - with three fingers of both hands press on the middle of the forehead, then rearrange the fingers from about 1 to 2 cm in the outer direction, press. There are several such steps to the sides.

The second action of this massage - focusing on the length of the eyebrows, place your fingers on them at the beginning, end and middle of the eyebrow. To produce pressure. Then move your fingers to the outer and inner corners of the eye and press, but not hard, because the eyes are very sensitive.

Between the eyebrows there is an area above the bridge of the nose, where you also need to press with three fingers.

Place the pads of the three fingers of both hands under the eyebrow, above the eye and gently push. Also massage the lower eyelid.

Place the three fingers of both hands on the cheekbones at the level of the nostrils (on each side of the face), and press for several seconds.

Using one finger, press on a point under the nose above the upper lip, and two fingers in the corners of the lips. The final point for pressure in this type of massage is the point under the lower lip (recess).

How to do cosmetic facial massage: sequence of actions

Despite the variety of techniques and methods, the sequence of actions of a proper anti-aging massage is always the same. Knowing some of the rules, facial massage for wrinkles can be maximally effective.

So, first you need to prepare the skin and hands. The skin should be cleaned of cosmetics, dirt and grease, and steamed. You can cleanse the skin with a lotion, rinse, or even regular soap, if you don’t have special products at hand. Then apply cream or oil and proceed to the massage manipulations themselves.

The first massage is forehead. This area should be massaged in a circular motion, heading from the nose to the side of the temples and to the line where hair growth begins. Those who have deep longitudinal wrinkles on their forehead should additionally stroke and stretch them.

The next step is massage. around eyes. It must be remembered that the area above the eye is massaged in the direction of the outer corner, and the area under the eye is massaged in the direction of the inner corner. Also, do not overdo it with the intensity of movements, since the skin around the eyes is very delicate and sensitive.

After that they go on to massage. nose. Correctly start the massage with the wings and move up the nasal cartilage. Just above the level of the wings of the nose, but below the area under the eyes is another massage line. In this case, you need to act in the direction of the outer corner of the eye.

Massage cheekswhich follows this is carried out with the help of three fingers of each hand and is drawn from the border of the wings of the nose (or the border of the upper lip) to the temples.

Then get rid of wrinkles formed in the corners of the mouth. To do this, massage movements must be directed inward - from the chin to the corners.

Himself chin and cheekbones massaged by finger patting technique.

After the process of facial massage is completed, go to neck. This area is as important as the face. Due to the underestimation of the neck area, it most often retains its shortcomings and can easily give out the woman's real age. Light stroking up to the chin - the exercise is quite simple, but effective.

At the final stage, massage can be done by stroking and patting the entire face.

If the massage oil or cream remains, it is better to remove them with a napkin, gently wetting your face. After all, throw your head back, holding your hands for a few seconds - this will help relieve stress.

How to do facial massage for wrinkles - the right technique

You can do facial wrinkle massage in different ways, but it is also useful to know which exercises help to fight a certain type of wrinkles. Depending on which wrinkles are most noticeable, you can pay attention to one or more of the following exercises.

If you are concerned about especially noticeable vertical wrinkles on the forehead, the following massage technique will help get rid of them. Fingers are placed on the center of the forehead, near the nose. Pads of the fingers produce pressure on the skin, and gently hold them towards the temples. With a stroking motion, they return to the center of the forehead. The effectiveness of the exercise is achieved with 10 approaches.

For those whose problem is nasolabial folds, it is necessary to perform massage in accordance with this technique - press with two fingers into the indentations near the nostrils.

Wrinkles around the eyes appear, perhaps, before the rest. Therefore, prevention and therapy against them are light tapping with the fingers of the upper eyelid, and then the lower.

Deep wrinkles on the face will be less noticeable if you massage with a pinch of skin. By doing such a facial massage from wrinkles, they get rid of even the deepest age-related manifestations.

How to do facial massage for wrinkles - the right technique: professional advice

Doing a facial massage from wrinkles at home, you can miss some important points. This can lead not only to undesirable consequences, for example, irritations, but also to the opposite effect - the appearance of wrinkles.

Therefore, it is better to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of all stages of the procedure in advance and clarify their benefits. Muscles should be warmed up before massage by warming up because they will be better exposed to massage movements.

So that the hair does not fall into the hands during the massage, it is better to hide it under a hat or tie it well.

There is a risk of infection during massage. To prevent this from happening, you need to pay attention not only to clean hands, but also to nails. Remove dirt from under the nails.

Even if the cream that is used is hypoallergenic, it will not be out of place to check it first on the hand. The same goes for massage oil.

Pay attention to the massage lines in the drawings, so as not to forget the correct trajectory of massaging each area of ​​the face.


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