Conspiracies and rituals on the new moon for money


It has long been known that the new moon has a special miraculous energy. During this period, the magic is able to fulfill any desire, give success, restore health and improve material well-being. A conspiracy in the new moon for money and wealth is highly efficient and allows you to quickly increase revenues.

What to read conspiracies on the new moon for money?

For quick and effective improvement of the financial situation it is better to read a plot for a new month with money. New moon - a symbol of growth, including money, which is why this time is considered favorable for the rituals of money. Usually in conspiracies to attract money, additional items are used:

  • Bay leaf;
  • Coins and bills;
  • Rice;
  • Water;
  • Candles;
  • Nodules

Before rites, it is recommended to undergo an additional ritual of purification, which will allow you to open cash flows to you and your home. You can do a wet cleaning or sprinkle the room with holy water, as well as read a couple of prayers. Some meditate, thus freeing the mind and soul. Conspiracy should be addressed to the moon, the universe, the forces of nature and the Saints. These are the basic provisions necessary for the effective effect of rituals. Soon you are waiting for a new high-paying job or inheritance, and good luck in financial matters will follow on the heels.

On bay leaf

It is recommended to read the plot on a bay leaf for good luck and money for a new moon precisely because this period is the most favorable for magical influences. Bay leaf is easy to find in any home and it has a beneficial effect on many areas of life. Even in ancient times it was used as a talisman to scare away dark forces, get rid of ailments and attract happiness.

In ancient Rome, a wreath of laurel for good luck was put on the heads of emperors and winners.

Among the advantages of using bay leaf in magical rites are:

  • Protection from negative influences and failures;
  • Scaring dark forces;
  • Fulfillment of desires;
  • Getting rid of nightmares and insomnia;
  • Elimination of fatigue;
  • Addition of strength and energy;
  • Attracting happiness and wealth.

There are plots of white magic to quickly attract money to the bay leaf. The most popular ritual is performed with the help of 5 leaves of laurel, red thread, new needle and holy water. Water can be precharged by reading “Our Father” seven times and leaving it overnight on the windowsill in such a way that the moon sanctifies the glass, saturating it with its energy. The next day, shortly before midnight, you should move the items to the window sill and, looking at the moon, carry out the necessary manipulations in stages:

  1. Sprinkle holy water with bay leaves;
  2. Use your right hand to thread the thread into the eye of the needle;
  3. One by one, pierce the sheets with a needle, saying magic words:

"A sharp needle, a red thread sews good luck to these leaves, to myself and to my house. I live from now on nicely on my laurels, enjoy riches in pleasure and be happy. Let the bouquet attract the magic into the life of money and success!"

The resulting bundle can be hidden or hung above the doorway, luring the benefits described inside. A plot on a bay leaf for good luck and money for a growing moon must be read with special care. Errors in the text, allegory or replacement of ritual objects are not allowed, otherwise the effect will be weak.

Laurel is truly universal. It is useful not only to get wealth, but also to cleanse and protect the house from the negative, preserve the well-being in the family, eliminate negative energy. Here are a few tricks that allow you to always be protected from misfortunes:

  • Laurel leaves and orange essential oil. Take 1 bay leaf for each place where money is stored in the house, put 3 drops of oil on it, and place it next to the savings.
  • Fumigation with smoke. Several bay leaves need to be set on fire and walk around the house with them.
  • Sprig of laurel from evil spirits hung over the windows.
  • Cross from sheets. 4 bay leaves put cuttings to each other, to form a cross, and fit under the door mat.

Simple and simple ways to protect the house and bring luck to it using bay leaf are available to everyone and are extremely effective. Try the miraculous properties of laurel - protect yourself from trouble and misery.

In pic

Each housewife will have rice. For centuries, this culture was considered a symbol of prosperity and wealth in the family. Therefore, the plot of money for rice is one of the best and simplest rites. At night, on a new moon, a handful of rice should be scooped into the right palm and, without unclasping your hands, turn to the window, pronouncing:

"The moon illuminates the terrestrial expanses, harvest overseas from overseas fields. Like rice grains in a field is full, so my house will be full of wealth. I implore nature and a clear night to increase my income and help in wealth."

Another version of the magic words is as follows:

"Let my profit grow in a hurry, like rice on the water is eared in the fields. The moon rises in the sky and wealth approaches me. I spend the rite on the new moon, I want my wealth to double."

Conspired rice should be scattered in places where money is stored, including a little can be poured into a wallet or pocket. It is recommended to store rice until the next new moon.

With coins

The most effective conspiracy to obtain a specific amount of money or for a specific purpose, is considered a rite with coins. Coins help focus mental energy and the desire for wealth and work like a magnet for money. Therefore, it is most advantageous to start talking coins as a talisman, which you can always keep to yourself.

For the main ritual to attract money in the shortest possible time will be useful:

  • Copper coin or penny;
  • Empty bucket;
  • A bucket of self-recruited water after midnight.

Proceed to perform the rite should be in the early morning, while the moon is seen in the sky. From the moment you take the water, until the morning speak is prohibited. With the doors closed and the lights off, lower the coin into the empty bucket. Carefully, trying not to splash, start pouring water from a full bucket to empty with the words:

"The moon will illuminate my act, the water will make me ash. I want to remove the copper coin, I will turn it into gold and profit. Success in business and finances is waiting for a mountain, but failure and poverty go to the side."

After the spell, you can pour out the water, and it is better to always keep the coin in your wallet, so as not to lose, otherwise the power of the ceremony will disappear. Another rite is easier and is held on five kopecks. In the new moon, you need to squeeze a coin in the palm of your hand and say:

"Like the fish in the pond, and the stars in the sky, let me have a lot of money. Until the month grows, let the wealth come."

The magical power of this conspiracy is active for a month, and then dies away, so the ritual must be repeated with a new coin, and the old one thrown out. For a larger amount of money you need to stock up on five white candles. At dawn, put a coin on the table, light the candles and repeat:

"The moon walked across the sky, carrying a bag of money. The bag opened - it fell on me. I collected the money and brought it home. While the candles are burning, let the money come!"

Wait until the candles burn to the ground, and stick the coin with the remaining wax. You can always carry such a talisman with you; it will help to save and increase the money received as a result of the conspiracy.

What could be the consequences of conspiracies?

Money conspiracies mainly affect revenue generation and are more often aimed at:

  • Salary increase;
  • Inheritance;
  • Debt repayment;
  • Winning the lottery.

Such rites are related to white magic and do not have negative consequences. If you follow all the rules of the ritual, then nothing bad happens to the caster. However, deviations from the conspiracy can sometimes lead to an unpleasant outcome. Also, the result depends on the reason for the financial turmoil. Sometimes problems with money arise because of induced damage or the evil eye, then an attempt to plot to attract profits will not only turn out to be a failure, but also harm. It is recommended before proceeding to the ceremony, to find out whether there is damage or the evil eye.

A conspiracy to attract fast money is absolutely harmless, because the flow of energy that is directed to its execution is quickly dissipated. He has no negative consequences and the amounts received through such a rite are small. Important obligations of carrying out rituals for money are:

  • There is no doubt about the caster;
  • Belief in a favorable outcome;
  • A clear view of the desired outcome.

Using white magic do not worry if you carry out conspiracies according to the available instructions. Compliance with these rules will help and save you from negative energy and the influence of dark forces.


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