Diet No. 3 - for bowel diseases


Diet No. 3 refers to the treatment and is used for chronic bowel disease, accompanied by constipation, in periods without exacerbation or unsharp or fading exacerbation. It is characterized by a daily diet, which contains in normal amounts proteins (from 100 to 120 grams), fats (from 100 to 120 grams), carbohydrates (from 400 to 450 grams), table salt (15 grams) and free liquid (1.5 l). The energy value of the diet is from 3000 to 3500 kcal per day. The diet provides for 4-6 meals a day.

Menu diet number 3 compiled using foods and dishes that can activate the intestinal motor function. At the same time, food that causes fermentation and decay and negatively affects the functioning of other digestive organs should be excluded. Thus, this diet is aimed at normalizing bowel functions and metabolic processes in the body.

Food that is consumed in diet number 3, should not be crushed, ideally steamed, or by boiling or baking. Vegetables and fruits should be eaten raw. The temperature of cold dishes should not be lower than 15 ° С, the temperature of hot dishes should not exceed 62 ° С.

Products that can be eaten with diet No. 3 are:
- whole wheat bread, occasionally - pastry cakes (with meat, apple and other filling);
- soups on weak broth, meat or fish, or vegetable broths, borscht, beetroot soup, fruit soups;
- non-fat varieties of meat (beef, veal), poultry (chicken, turkey) and fish (pike perch, bream, cod, pike, hake, carp) in boiled or baked form; doctor's sausage, low-fat ham;
- beets, carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin in salads, side dishes, casseroles; also boiled cauliflower and white cabbage, green peas, boiled green beans;
- friable buckwheat and millet porridge cooked in water (possible with the addition of milk);
- soft-boiled eggs, steam omelette, protein omelette;
- acidophilus, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, fresh cottage cheese (including puddings and cheesecakes), mild cheese, milk (in dishes), sour cream (in dishes);
- ripe fruits and berries, which can be consumed in large quantities, both raw and in dishes and juices); dried fruits and berries (prunes, dried apricots, apricots, raisins) in various forms; jam, jam, jam, sugar, honey; greens of parsley, dill, celery, cloves, bay leaves in a small amount; white sauce, fruit sauce;
- tea, broth of wild rose;
- butter (in dishes); with good tolerance, vegetable fats are allowed;
- salads from raw vegetables and vinaigrettes with vegetable oil, vegetable caviar, fruit salads, mild cheese, herring, meat and fish jellied;
- tea, coffee from substitutes; a decoction of rose hips and wheat bran, fruit and vegetable juices (plum, apricot, carrot, tomato, etc.).

When diet number 3 is impossible supplement your diet:

- bread and flour products from premium flour, pastry, mashed cereals, jelly, cocoa, chocolate, strong tea and coffee, mushrooms, onions, garlic, radish, radishes, turnips, cooking fats, lamb, beef and pork fat;
- fatty and spicy dishes, smoked meats;
- honey, jam, marmalade, pastille, milk caramel;
- spicy and fatty sauces, horseradish, mustard, pepper.

For example, the daily diet for diet No. 3 can be represented by the following menu:

For the first breakfast, a vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil, a steam omelet and a cup of tea are eaten.

The second breakfast consists of a fresh apple.

As a dinner, you can cook vegetarian cabbage soup with sour cream, boiled meat with stewed beets and dried fruit compote.

Dinner consists of vegetable stuffed cabbage, buckwheat groats with cottage cheese and tea.

At night you can drink a glass of kefir.

Here are some recipes that will help you create a menu for diet number 3 and make it tasty and varied.

Borsch green


1. vegetable broth - 300 ml,
2. beets - 1 pc.,
3. carrots - 1 pc.,
4. white roots - 20 gr.,
5. tomato paste - 2 tsp.,
6. onions - 1 pc.,
7. butter - 2 tsp.,
8. potatoes - 1 pc.,
9. sorrel - 40 gr.,
10. spinach - 40 gr.,
11. wheat flour - 1 tsp.,
12. egg - 1 pc.,
13. sour cream - 3 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. We chop the beets, carrots and white roots with straws, then we add them with the addition of a small amount of broth.
2. Introduce the onion and tomato paste into the vegetables.
3. In the boiling broth, drop the potatoes cut into small pieces, then the stewed vegetables, shredded sorrel and spinach.
4. Bringing everything to a boil, season with flour, heated with oil and diluted broth, salt to taste. Before serving, put in a plate a half of hard-boiled eggs, sour cream and herbs.

Meat steam roll


1. lean minced meat - 60 gr.,
2. milk - 1 tbsp. l.,
3. egg whites - 3 pcs.,
4. carrots - 1 pc.,
5. butter - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. Minced meat is mixed with milk, egg whites, salt and knead well.
2. Having laid the resulting mass in a thin layer on a dampened cloth, put the sliced ​​carrots in the middle and turn them into a roll, then gently shift them onto a baking sheet and cook for a couple. Before serving, pour oil or sauce.

Currant Jelly


1.currant - 30 gr.,
2. sugar - 15 g.,
3. gelatin - 3 gr.,
4. water - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

1. After sorting and washing the berries, knead them in a bowl that does not oxidize, then pour a little boiled water and squeeze the juice, put it in the refrigerator.
2. Pour gelatin with cold boiled water and leave to swell for 30-40 minutes, then drain the water.
3. Fill the pulp with hot water, boil for about 7 minutes, then filter and bring the broth to a boil.
4. Add sugar, remove the foam, introduce the prepared gelatin and stir to dissolve the gelatin.
5. Pour the squeezed juice, stir, pour into molds and leave for 1-2 hours to solidify.


Olya 03/22/2016
So I started having health problems ... Now I’m picking out the optimal diet for myself. Of course, then I will discuss it with my doctor. Indeed, it is completely wrong to self-medicate! How much they say about it, but people still try to recover on their own.

Little thing 03/22/2016
My mom is on this diet. She generally likes her very much. Constantly preparing something there ... The main thing, of course, is that my mother’s health problems are clearly reduced. In general, as if rejuvenated, lightness in the body, the body was cleansed (according to her). And, of course, all this is noticeable from the outside. So, the diet is really good.

Tamara 03/22/2016
Quite a decent diet, far from a hunger strike. And it helps to get rid of its sores. I occasionally sit on it, very pleased. As soon as I feel that it’s time - right on a diet. Everything is very simple, believe me. And not any sophisticated ingredients.

Irinka 03/22/2016
Eh, it seems like a lot of things are possible, but everything that I love is excluded. Yes, I probably won’t find a more loyal diet anyway ... So, I’ll learn to eat right. Nurture willpower and all that. Most importantly, I will be healthy.

Diana 03/22/2016
Great diet. With her help, I just came to life. The intestines always bothered me, and recently there has been some kind of catastrophe. And I found this diet for myself, after a short time, all my torment disappeared. I support proper nutrition now.


Watch the video: Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Improving Quality of Life. Q&A (July 2024).