The question is, who better to start - a husband or cat. Advantages of a man over a cat: they, it turns out, are there!


Dear women!

Recently, we have received many questions from you on who better to have in the house - a cat or a husband.

"Why is the husband better than the cat?" - you think.

Let's think about it together.

1. My husband does not need to buy special food and cook a separate meal. A man in food is unpretentious, as a rule, he eats everything, especially if you put sugar, pepper, mustard on the table.

2. He does not need to be accustomed to the toilet, he knows how to go there and pour water behind him. Particularly advanced can even lower the seat cover and change the roll of toilet paper.

3. My husband does not need outdoor games with a mouse. It is enough to give him a computer mouse in his paw, and he will take the game himself for a long time.

4. This type of mammal is convenient because it does not scratch furniture, does not hang on curtains, does not leave wool all over the house. He, like the cat, is able to nashit, scatter household items, we trash. But it can take out the garbage, if it is stimulated.

5. There is no need to castrate her husband (this is quite an expensive procedure!). He, like the cat, is sometimes capable of escaping from home, but, with the right upbringing, he does not get sick of depriving and does not tear his ears. Purring her husband can not worse than a cat, besides, he perfectly warms the bed in the winter season.

6. You can take your husband with you to a concert, to the theater, to visit, without leaving him at home alone and without suffering conscience.

7. Even a mongrel, but well-groomed Russian husband will make your best friends much more jealous than the purebred Persian cat.

8. Having got a husband instead of a cat, you do not need to change the style of communication: he responds in the same way to the words: “cat”, “push”, “go eat”, you can call him Murzik, Barsik, Shustrik and other familiar nicknames.

9. If it is almost impossible to teach a cat to wear a dipper, then a husband, with proper training, can be instructed to carry bags first, and then independent trips to the store for groceries (according to the list). It should only be taken into account that small amounts of beer give a man the same pleasure as a cat — a few drops of valerian.

10. You do not need to show your husband to a veterinarian and give him expensive vaccinations. By the way, the average life expectancy of a man is significantly higher than that of a four-legged friend, which eliminates the need to grieve, cremate, bring a new man every ten years.

11. And that the husband does not bring money to the house - so the cat does not bring them either ...


Watch the video: Ragdoll Cat Cats 101 (July 2024).