Carbonated drinks increase the risk of depression by 30%


If you feel depressed, and your outlook on life is filled with pessimism, it may be worth refusing from carbonated drinks - they can cause depression, according to American scientists. It is better to drink a cup of coffee, they say.

Employees of the Academy of Neurology in the United States studied the effect of beverages containing a variety of artificial chemical components, among 265 thousand people diagnosed with depression for 5 years before the study.

It turned out that people who regularly drank about four glasses of carbonated drinks a day had a 30% greater risk of becoming hostage to the depressive state, but dietary drinks were the most dangerous for the psyche.

According to scientists, such an unpleasant effect can be associated with the presence in them of a large number of artificial sweeteners, one of the most dangerous of which is the sweetener aspartame.

In the course of a decade of research, specialists have also been able to detect the effects that caffeine has on depression in humans.

So, experts have found that coffee has the effect quite the opposite of what was observed in carbonated drinks.

The study showed that people who consume about four cups of coffee a day suffer from depression on average 10% less often than those who prefer to drink soda.

“This is most likely due to caffeine, such as brain stimulation. However, the basic biological mechanisms are not yet known to us, ”noted the leading author of the study, Dr. Chen.


Watch the video: Diet soda raises risk of depression; coffee lowers risk (June 2024).