Between science and convenience: interesting diet for weight loss. Overview of the most interesting diets from a specialist nutritionist


What interesting diets do we know? It depends on what is considered the main criterion.

If you are guided by a simple number of searches on the Internet - this is one list. The number of books published and blogs created is another.

Let's talk about the most popular, and most mentioned in the news power systems. And compare this market on the Russian-speaking Internet, and in the USA.

What do people want from interesting diets?

What do those who are losing weight want? If possible, there is nothing to consider, according to any particular plan, not to starve and not to feel discomfort. Simply put, you need to give people a list that can satisfy their nutritional needs, and not torment science-like things.

It is also desirable that the operation "losing weight" is not dragged on forever, dates like a year are considered adequate in fitness and scientific dietetics, but they do not please readers of women's forums. Interesting diets are full of different "for a week, for a month, quickly." Because everything that interests citizens is absolutely not the dream of a nutritionist and trainer.

The most interesting diets from the Russian-speaking Instagram

In the social network Instagram is going to the most advanced female audience. Food photos are far from the last in the list of interests. And here are three diets from the Russian-language segment of this network:

PP or Proper Nutrition

Important data: lose weight from 5 to 60 kg on it, with the right approach - useful. In case of abuse - it can become a source of eating disorder by the type of obsession with a healthy diet (orthorexia)

What is proper nutrition do not even know those who adhere to it. To summarize, you get something like this:

• you need to eat every 3 hours, despite small obstacles such as the presence or absence of a feeling of hunger, and a real opportunity to sit down and eat at rest;

• breakfast is a must. A real “pp-cup" (as followers call themselves) must eat complex carbohydrates for breakfast. The real one is oatmeal. Only for some reason, most of the Queen's Morning pictures are full of spoons of peanut butter, whole bananas, jam, and even grated chocolate. In general, carbohydrates are a very vague term in the world of "PP";

• three hours after cereal with additives, you need to have a bite. Here, as they say, who sells what. Who promotes online sports nutrition stores, chews "Questbar". This is such a protein-carbohydrate bar with a decent taste for sports food chocolate. Who has nothing yet - fruit berries with bread or cottage cheese;

• dinner with the fans of the “right” is boring and monotonous. This chicken breast in boiled or ground minced form, buckwheat or pasta (rarely - pearl barley), and a bunch of some vegetables with butter. Soups are sometimes eaten, but such individuals are censured in the community. The most "stubborn" constantly write to them that soup is not food, but water, and does not saturate;

• second snack - also usually either sour-milk and fruit, or nuts with dried fruits. Everything is canonical, only the most athletic ones have porridge with breast;

• dinner - again our “favorite” white breast or fish, plus stewed or boiled vegetables

It would seem nothing terrible, a normal healthy diet. Consider BBU, eat fractionally, and be happy with your fitness goals. But it was not there. Like any popular trend, # pp has generated a huge bunch of experts. With a ton of knowledge unrelated to nutrition. It seems that on Instagram everyone writes diets of proper nutrition to everyone. And in half of them dairy products are absent (it’s “poured” from them, and for most sufferers it is not known at all how exactly water comes under the skin in a highly fat-free body), cereals are excluded (“inflammation from them”), or even all food as such is replaced with powders from well-known sports companies.

In general, proper nutrition is an interesting topic, if you approach it from a scientific point of view. Count CBJU, and listen only to your body. It can quite tolerate dairy products but hate, for example, the notorious broccoli breast. And this is only your feature, do not consult about it with the entire Internet.

PI or intuitive nutrition

Important data: improves mental health, helps with fixation on diets, body, weight loss. Allows you to take the "natural weight", the one that is easiest to support the body. Lose weight by 5-20 or more kg. Some are gaining, because there are so many disputes around IP.

Intuitive nutrition is a product of non-conformism in an era when everyone counts calories and cannot take a step without their smartphones. The main point is to eat what you want, when you want it.

But not everything is so simple in the world of intuitive nutrition for weight loss:

• first you need to know your hunger in the face, if the face does not show, you need to starve as much until the sensation becomes apparent;

you must learn how to distinguish hunger from fatigue, headache, workload and stress;

• Now you need to hone the skill of desire for a certain food. You must always give the body what it wants. One of the main tenets of the IP doctrine is that over time you yourself will want porridge, meat, fish, vegetables, fruits. In the meantime, do not want to - you can chew pizza;

• eat right until hunger goes away. It’s important to do it slowly and not focus on saturation

Intuitive nutrition has no prohibitions. It is believed that everything should be eaten, including sweets, "fat", snack food and mayonnaise salads. When the obsession with nutrition is gone, you can eat as much as you need to lose weight or maintain weight.

The theory of intuitive nutrition is not yet fully developed. If you turn to scientific sources, you can find the most important argument against it - a person can seriously undermine health if he has an eating disorder, obsession with sweets and a strong desire to become intuitively nourished. A few months of nutrition on the setting is enough for him to get a deficiency of vitamins, minerals, and protein.

Pomeroy or diet to speed up the metabolism of Haley Pomeroy

Important data: short-term diet that will teach you to eat carbohydrates after any protein diet. Lose weight by 5-6 kg in 28 days, useful in that it removes fear of fruits and cereals. Is it harmful? Only for those who are experiencing physical overload and do not fit their needs into the corridor 1400-1600 kcal for weight loss

This is the author’s diet of a nutritionist from the United States. The girl, by the way, is proud to have borrowed her diet from ... professionally rearing horses. Yes, two days of carbohydrate food, two days of low-carbohydrate, and two days of high-fat and balanced in the first two nutrients - this is the diet of horses participating in the races.

And also - a fairly old and widely known in bodybuilding scheme of carbohydrate alternation. Haley Pomroy supplemented her only with restrictive lists in the spirit of modern "clean" food. She recommends abandoning dairy products and soy to everyone except strict vegans. They don’t need milk, but according to Haley you can eat soy.

Does a “metabolism diet” affect metabolism? No, actually. It works due to calorie restriction; few people get more than 1400-1500 kcal per day on the Pomeroy diet. And these are the recommended numbers for most people with little excess weight and without much physical activity.

The three most interesting diets from the USA

States is a country of victorious commerce. And it’s no wonder that diets from there will be completely paid for themselves.

Weight observer system

Important data: lose weight on canonical 400 g per week, "plumb" reach 60-70 kg per person. It is considered less useful than the calculation of KBZhU, as it includes products of dubious nutritional value.

This network reminds some of the mafia, someone - a family. Weight watchers - a group of psychological and nutritional assistance. They give you a book, where the number of “points” is indicated on the plate for each product or dish, you count the points and enter them in your diary. At the end of each week, you can go to meetings, or attend a chat room online.

How do Observers lose weight? Yes, just the least points in ordinary low-calorie foods - breast, salad, shrimp, low-fat yogurt. So the laws of thermodynamics work here. They criticize this diet for the need to learn how to count points, constantly record food, and the strange choices of its creators, such as "low-grade" pizza and ice cream of certain brands. It is also an expensive diet. You will have to pay both for the reference book, and for counting applications, and for the group too.

HMR or diet with food substitutes

Important data: lose up to 2 kg per week, is intended for patients with obesity, and not just for those who want to lose weight by 2-3 kg. Harmful in that it does not teach a person to eat properly in ordinary life. But the cocktails are recognized as harmless.

The abbreviation in the name simply means the organization selling these substitutes - Health Management Resources. What are these “health resources” that this organization manages? Her mission indicates the total recovery of the American nation. And the diet is intended for those who are tired of the "flexible food system." That is - from independent elections. People are encouraged to replace part of their meals with low-calorie cocktails, eat more vegetables and fruits, and not get upset about it all.

Cons of the diet are obvious. One has only to remove the substitutes, and the person is in the same place where he started. He cannot choose healthy food himself, or has misconceptions about what is full and what is not.

Jenny craig

Important data: The most convenient diet for those who do not want to think about nutrition and learn how to cook, helps to lose about 400-500 g per week, or more in an obesity situation. Cons are still semi-finished products, albeit enriched with vitamins and minerals.

Jenny Craig is an American Elena Malysheva. Not in the sense of a doctor and TV presenter, but in the context of the sale of ready-made frozen food for weight loss. Jenny Craig's diet is based on convenience and comfort. In American culture, it is customary to cook food from semi-finished products, you just need to buy food for weight loss, put it in the microwave, and here it is, a healthy diet. In fact, food from Jenny is a low-calorie analogue of typical American dishes, which is why they are popular.

And in the weight loss system there are one-on-one sessions with a “consultant” where you can discuss your problems in detail, such as misunderstanding the processes of losing weight by others and others.

The most interesting diets from Russian-language women's sites

All this is fine, but we can’t buy ready-made food for weight loss, because it usually costs delivery exactly the amount of the average office salary in our country. Therefore, on Russian-language sites, completely different lists of the most interesting diets are:

ageless buckwheat. According to an unknown legend, buckwheat is a cereal with a balanced composition. Much more balanced - there are no fats in it, proteins - minuscule, carbohydrates - as in any other porridge. Of course, buckwheat is useful if supplemented with natural oil or seeds, and a portion of a protein dish. But on a diet, it is proposed to simply steam a glass of buckwheat in boiling water and enjoy it without salt. Plus, you can still drink kefir, in the amount of a liter or chew 150 g of dried fruits. The result is a “carbohydrate” diet with a value of up to 1100 kcal and a deficiency of protein and fat. Lose weight on it by 5-12 kg, they say, the weight returns if you start to overeat;

paleo simple-looking diet. In the USA, the trend died down a couple of years ago, as everyone was tired of looking for the most beef grown on natural fodder for a lot of money and baking almond flour bread. The meaning of paleo is that you abandon cereals, milk and derivatives, and all canned and semi-finished products. Is this useful? In part, yes, given that most of the population is happy to buy sweet yogurt, white bun and candied candied fruits, but not buckwheat, natural cottage cheese and dried cherries. You don’t need to count on a diet, but due to the restriction of the diet only to meat, vegetables, fruits and seeds, you can easily get into a "deficit", with adequate servings. The trend has just come to our country, and the future is predicted for it more. Lose weight from 5 to 30 kg, but following a diet is difficult and expensive;

protein diets. There are a lot of them, in fact, from the simple "eat only meat, fish, eggs and green vegetables" to various alternation schemes. People love them, because they are not hungry and allow you to equip yourself with a semblance of a varied diet. And they begin to hate when faced with lethargy, fatigue and "low-carb brains." A gift to a true fan may be the ability to lose up to 4 kg per week, and ... return about 3 as soon as you start eating carbohydrates in any form, even with healthy cereals, even with “terrible” chocolate.

Is it worth losing weight on interesting diets? Your doctor is unlikely to approve such initiative. In scientific dietetics, there is only one approach - the gradual restriction of calories while maintaining a healthy amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates in the diet. It is your right to choose something interesting, or just suitable for yourself. The main thing is that the nutrition system is balanced, healthy and makes you personally happy. After all, food is a pleasure, and not just a set of macronutrients.


Watch the video: What's the DASH Diet and Why Doctors Call It the Best Diet (July 2024).