Fried dumplings with cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes, in Chinese. Different recipes of fried dumplings: in a pan, oven, on the grill


Dumplings - a popular dish that is prepared in almost every family.

Most often they are cooked, and not many people know that the most delicious dumplings are fried.

They turn out fragrant, juicy with a beautiful and appetizing crust. And still fried dumplings can be baked, cooked with various sauces and vegetables.

Fried Dumplings - General Cooking Principles

Dumplings can be fried frozen, thawed or already boiled. Products poured into the pan with hot oil and bring to readiness. It is important that a ruddy crust is formed, in which the whole meaning of this method of cooking is hidden. Often, vegetables, sauces, spices and cheese are added to the pan. Fats can take any, at its discretion.

If the dumplings are baked in the oven, then they are also pre-fry in a pan, without bringing it to full readiness. Bake with vegetables, milk sauces, mushrooms. A frequent companion of such dishes is cheese, which combines perfectly with dumplings and plays the role of a binder between the various ingredients.

In fried dumplings you can add any spices and herbs. Serve with ketchup, sour cream, mustard, vinegar, garlic and soy sauce. Also, they can serve broths, but only in a separate container, so as not to crunch crisp.

Recipe 1: Simple Fried Dumplings

For this recipe, you do not need to pre-boil and even thaw the dumplings. That is, get out of the freezer and immediately throw in the pan, convenient and simple. At the same time dumplings are very juicy and perfectly retain their shape. Butter can take any, but tastes better with cream. In the process it is completely absorbed into the dough and give it a pleasant taste.


• 0.5 kg dumplings;

• 80 grams of oil;

• salt, pepper.


1. We put on the pan and oil and heat.

2. We spread frozen dumplings and cover with a lid. Cooking for 3-4 minutes. During this time they will thaw, they will be steamed and on the one hand a light crust will appear.

3. Turn over, sprinkle with fine salt, peppers and cover again and cook another 3 minutes over low heat.

4. Open, add the fire and fry the crust. Do not forget to constantly monitor and stir.

Recipe 2: Fried dumplings in cheese omelette

Left boiled dumplings? You can simply fry them in a pan in the pan, or you can make a very tasty and full-fledged dinner, although this dish is also suitable for a rich breakfast. It will take a little longer to prepare such fried dumplings, but the result is worth it. The dish is prepared in two stages: in the pan and in the oven.


• 300 grams of boiled dumplings;

• 100 grams of cheese;

• 2 eggs;

• 50 ml of milk or sour cream;

• some oil;

• greens, spices.


1. Heat some oil in a frying pan and fry ready-made ravioli on a large fire so that a crust appears.

2. Lubricate the baking dish, send dumplings to it.

3. Beat eggs with milk (or sour cream), add salt, greens and any spices to your liking.

4. Grate the cheese, cut it in half and add one piece to the omelette.

5. Fill the dumplings with prepared omelet, sprinkle with the remaining grated cheese.

6. Send to the oven, cook until browning of the cheese crust, about 15 minutes at 190 degrees.

Recipe 3: Deep Fried Dumplings "Mini Chebureks"

These are very tasty ravioli with crispy dough, which in reality resemble the pasties in taste. Pre-boil does not need anything, the product, and so perfectly prepared. Deep-frying involves cooking the product in a large amount of oil so that it does not touch the bottom and walls of the dish. But for fried dumplings, you can take a little less oil, a layer of 2 cm is enough. We will prepare the dish in small portions so that the products float freely and do not touch each other.


• dumplings;

• fat.


1. Put a griddle on the stove, add oil. You can use just vegetable oil, but it tastes better with a mixture of fats or at least a small addition of butter. It gives a special taste and contributes to the appearance of a beautiful crust.

2. Dumplings get out of the freezer and slightly defrost, spreading it on the board so that they do not stick together.

3. Take 10-15 dumplings and put in the oil heated to a smoke.

4. Fry the dumplings until cooked, stirring occasionally. We catch dumplings using skimmers and spread on paper towels to absorb excess fat.

5. Serve mini pasties with any sauces, ketchup, sour cream.

Recipe 4: Fried dumplings in a slow cooker

Multiwack for many housewives has become an indispensable assistant, it can cook a huge number of dishes, including frying dumplings. The advantage of this method is a small amount of oil, 2-3 spoons are enough. But if you wish, you can make "fat" dumplings. We use frozen products.


• 350 grams of ravioli;

• 3 spoons of butter;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• spices;

• sprig of rosemary.


1. We clean the chives, cut in half.

2. Pour oil into a slow cooker, put garlic, a sprig of rosemary and fry for 1-2 minutes. Then take out the pieces and fragrant cooking oil for dumplings ready!

3. Put the dumplings in the multicooker bowl, try not to touch each other.

4. Top with a lightly powdered fine salt, can be seasoned at your discretion.

5. Turn on frying mode for 10-15 minutes, we look at the size of products. In the middle of cooking, open the lid and turn the dumplings over to the other side.

Recipe 5: Fried dumplings with mushrooms

Very beautiful and tasty dish. It can be made in portioned cocottes or in general form.


• 200 grams of raw dumplings;

• 200 grams of champignons;

• onion;

• 200 ml of sour cream or cream;

• 150 grams of cheese;

• oil, spices.


1. Fry dumplings in a frying pan, first under the lid, then fry to the crust. You can not bring to full readiness.

2. Shred mushrooms and onions, fry together in another pan, at the end add spices and lay out sour cream, stew for a minute and turn it off.

3. Put fried dumplings in greased cocotte, transfer fried mushrooms with sour cream to each other.

4. Cover with grated cheese on top, then send the coconuts to bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Recipe 6: Chinese fried dumplings with cabbage

Traditional Chinese dish, which is prepared exclusively in the pan. For fried dumplings Chinese make small curved products that save space and are compact enough. Chinese cabbage goes into the filling, but you can also put white cabbage, only juicy.


For minced meat:

• 300 grams of pork;

• 300 grams of cabbage;

• onion;

• spices;

• 2 tablespoons of starch.

For the test:

• egg;

• salt;

• 20 ml of oil;

• flour;

• 250 ml of liquid (water and cabbage juice).

Oil for frying ready ravioli.


1. Chop the cabbage finely and grind with salt. Set aside to separate the juice.

2. Twist the meat and peeled onion. Squeeze the cabbage from the juice and add to the stuffing, add starch, mix. To taste, add more salt, ground pepper and any spices. Cover and put in the fridge.

3. Strain the cabbage juice through a strainer, add water to 250 ml, a little more salt, egg, butter and knead the stiff dough. You can cook in a custard way, bringing the liquid to a boil and then mixing it with flour. In this case, the egg can not lay. Give the dough to rest for half an hour.

4. We form pelmeni in the form of small pies, but it is possible in any other, more usual way.

5. Pour oil into the pan, lay out the molded products and fry the bottom for 2-3 minutes, then pour in boiling water so that it reaches half of the ravioli.

6. Cook under the lid until the liquid is completely evaporated, fry the bottom a little more. Chinese fried dumplings are served with vinegar, soy sauce, although with our usual sour cream it also turns out great.

Recipe 7: Fried dumplings with cheese in a microwave

An excellent recipe for fried microwave ravioli, which will especially help you out at work or in the absence of an ordinary stove or oven. From the dishes better to use a special capacity for the microwave oven.


• 300-400 grams of raw dumplings;

• 50 grams of oil;

• 100 grams of cheese;

• spices.


1. Put the dumplings in one layer, add about 150 ml of water, you can salt. We cover with a special lid for a microwave oven with a hole and set for 8 minutes at 800 watts.

2. Take out the dumplings, drain the remaining liquid, add the sliced ​​butter and put it on the grill again in the oven, hold for 10 minutes.

3. Take out the dumplings, fall asleep with cheese and bake for another 5 minutes.

Recipe 8: Fried dumplings with cheese and parsley in a cauldron

A terrific recipe for fried dumplings, allowing you to cook a delicious dish in 20 minutes that is perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It will help out if you want to cook something unusual, but there is no oven. Quick, easy, delicious!


• 0.5 kg dumplings;

• some oil;

• a bunch of parsley;

• 2 tablespoons sour cream;

• 0.15 kg of cheese;

• spices.


1. Put some butter in a cauldron, throw frozen dumplings, mix. Fry under the lid for 3 minutes.

2. Open, stir, fry from all sides until golden brown.

3. Add sour cream, spices and mix.

4. Three cheese, chop parsley and all together we send to the cauldron.

5. Mix well, cover with a lid, reduce the heat to low and simmer for 2-3 minutes.

6. Fried dumplings in melted cheese are ready! Garlic lovers can add a few chopped cloves along with grated cheese.

Recipe 9: Fried dumplings on the grill

It turns out that you can cook not only kebabs on the grill. Dumplings are no worse. Fragrant, with a crispy crust and an incredibly juicy filling. Frozen items are used.


• 1 kg dumplings;

• 0.1 kg of ketchup;

• 0.1 kg of mayonnaise;

• 2 tablespoons mustard.


1. Pour frozen dumplings into a cup, add ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard, mix everything thoroughly. Let stand for 15-20 minutes in the warmth, so that the products slightly melt.

2. We spread the dumplings on the grill and send them to the grill with the coals prepared in advance.

3. As far as toasting the dumplings, we turn over to the other side. As soon as they turn red, you can shoot. Usually the whole process takes no more than 20 minutes.

Recipe 10: Fried Dumplings with Tomatoes

Another quick recipe for fried dumplings. Prepared with fresh tomatoes. The dish will help out, if after dinner there are some boiled dumplings left. The number of products per serving.


• 10 dumplings;

• 1 tomato;

• some oil;

• greenery;

• 30 grams of cheese.


1. Put a piece of butter in the pan and fry the dumplings.

2. Cut the tomato in half and chop into thin half-rings. Sent to the pan and fry together with the dumplings 2 minutes, salt.

3. Cheese three and sprinkle on top of the dish, top cover the pan with a lid and immediately turn off the fire. Let stand 5 minutes.

4. We shift in a plate, sprinkle with chopped greens.

Fried Dumplings - Tricks and Tips

• For frying dumplings better to use a mixture of vegetable and butter. So they will get a beautiful, fried crust, but at the same time there will not be so much soot in the pan, as from frying in pure butter.

• So that fried dumplings are not very fat, they should be put only in hot oil.

• If you need to defrost dumplings before frying, they are laid out one by one on a wooden board. It is not necessary to sprinkle it with flour, otherwise the grains will heat up, and the dish will take on a burnt flavor and an ugly look.

• You can freeze not only fresh dumplings, but also boiled ones. Therefore, if you have dinner, put it in a bag or container, send it in the freezer. And you will always have on hand the basis for frying or baking in the oven.


Watch the video: Vegetable Gyoza Vegetarian Fried Dumplings 野菜餃子の作り方 - OCHIKERON - CREATE EAT HAPPY (July 2024).