Breast in the crock-pot - aroma and juiciness in each piece. The best recipes for beef and pork belly in a slow cooker


If you belong to the category of people who love to eat, while spending financial and physical resources to a minimum?

You are ideally suited to dishes made from pork or beef brisket in a slow cooker!

And if you think that in a multicooker you can cook only one or two dishes from an appetizing piece of meat, then you are deeply mistaken. Both everyday dishes and culinary masterpieces are cooked from brisket, which will occupy a worthy place on the table at any solemn event.

Breast in a slow cooker - general principles of preparation

The brisket in the slow cooker can be extinguished, fried or baked as a whole piece, and, cut into slices with additional ingredients. No less good is the bacon in the crock-pot stuffed with all sorts of products: nuts, dried fruits, eggs, vegetables, cheese, mushrooms.

To cook bacon in a slow cooker in one piece, the meat should be pre-washed, dried and smeared with spices or pickled in brine. Ideal spices for beef breast in a slow cooker are basil, tarragon, all kinds of peppers, oregano, coriander, marjoram, mustard seeds and others. Garlic, cardamom, bay leaves, nutmeg, rosemary and others are best used for pork belly in a slow cooker. But keep in mind, you should not overdo it with spices, otherwise they will kill the taste of meat.

1. Pork belly in a slow cooker


• a pound of fresh pork belly;

• two or three bay leaves;

• half a line of chili;

• two teaspoons of salt;

• 6-8 black peppercorns;

• 50 grams of sweet paprika;

• pinch of dill kernels.

Cooking method:

1. Wash pork belly, blot meat with a paper napkin.

2. Grind in the mortar all the spices: bay leaves, peppercorns, dill kernels, paprika, hot pepper. This method of pre-processing spices will give me a special unique flavor and rich bright color.

3. Put the bacon in the pan, coat it with spicy mixture, massaging and rubbing the spices as carefully as possible.

4. Place the meat pot for a couple of hours in the fridge to marinate.

5. Remove the baking sleeve and place the delicious pickled pork belly into it.

6. Pour 100 ml of boiled water into the multi-cooker bowl, place the sleeve with the meat.

7. Cook pork belly in a slow cooker for one hour, setting the mode "quenching".

8. Remove the finished brisket, cut into thin slices.

2. Beef brisket in a slow cooker


• kilogram of beef brisket with layers of fat;

• two medium sized bulbs;

• salt - to taste;

• 20 ml of vegetable oil;

• one carrot;

• 30 ml of olive oil;

• two cloves of garlic;

• pepper, oregano, marjoram - on a pinch.

Cooking method:

1. Wash meat, cut into two parts.

2. Rub the pieces with salt and spices. Coat them with olive oil.

3. Remove the bacon to marinate in the fridge for 2-3 hours.

4. Pour into a bowl of vegetable oil, set the mode "frying".

5. After the oil is slightly warmed up, lay the beef brisket, fry the pieces first on one side, then on the other. Take out the bacon on the plate.

6. Into the same oil, place the onion and the carrot narzannye in rings, pass the vegetables until the appetizing sweetheart.

7. Put the previously laid meat to the vegetables, using a spoon to distribute carrots and onions on the sides and on top of both pieces.

8. Set the mode of "quenching" for two hours.

9. Put in the bowl peeled, but not chopped garlic for smell.

10. After the allotted time for cooking, remove the beef brisket from the slow cooker. Cut into portions.

3. Smoked pork belly in a slow cooker

Choosing meat for smoking, give preference to young pork.


• kilogram of pork belly;

• 20 ml of "liquid smoke";

• Rosemary, pepper, salt, cardamom - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the meat and cut into three or four parts.

2. In a small bowl, mix the spices and liquid smoke.

3. Grate each piece of pork belly fragrant mass. Put the meat in a pouch, put it in the fridge for 30 minutes.

4. Take the pork belly out of the bag, pack each piece in several layers of foil.

5. Turn on the multicooker, select the "baking" mode, set the time to one hour.

6. Put the prepared pieces of pork in a multi-cook bowl.

7. Smoked pork belly in a slow cooker is ready. Serve hot to any side dish with vegetables and herbs. Or cool and put in the fridge.

4. Baked beef brisket in a slow cooker


• 1.3 kg beef brisket;

• five pieces of onions;

• eight cloves of garlic;

• three or four carrots;

• 50 ml of dry red wine;

• 100 ml of vegetable oil;

• a pound of red tomatoes;

• half a spoonful of marjoram, oregano, salt and pepper.

• to taste white pepper, mustard seeds.

Cooking method:

1. Peel and chop into small cubes one carrot, a couple of cloves of garlic and one onion.

2. Pour a spoonful of vegetable oil in a multi-cooker bowl, put onion, fry until blush for five minutes, then add garlic and carrots. Fry vegetables until cooked.

3. Rinse the tomatoes, cut at the base with a sharp knife, pour over boiled water. Remove peel from tomatoes - due to scalding, it will not cause any difficulties. Crush the tomatoes in a blender or simply cut into small cubes.

4. Put the tomato puree to the roasted vegetables, add oregano, salt, marjoram. Close the lid. Tomite sauce on the "quenching" mode for 20 minutes.

5. Put the finished vegetable sauce in a deep plate, cool.

6. Beef brisket rinse thoroughly. Rub dried meat with fresh ground black pepper, white pepper only. Sprinkle the bacon with mustard seeds, lightly press them into the meat with your hand.

7. Pour oil into a clean multi-cooker bowl, heat it. The mode should be "frying".

8. Fry beef brisket in a slow cooker on all sides, giving each of them no more than 2-3 minutes.

9. Peel the remaining four onions and cut into large rings.

10. Lift the brisket, put onion rings under the meat, spread evenly over the beef brisket cooled vegetable sauce.

11. Peel all other vegetables, cut the carrots in two, do not chop the garlic.

12. Cover vegetables with pork belly on all sides.

13. Set the mode of "quenching" for two hours.

14. 15 minutes before the end of brewing, open the lid and pour in the wine.

15. After the beep, let the baked beef breast brew in a slow cooker for a quarter of an hour.

16. Serve with a huge amount of greens.

5. Original roast with chicken and pork belly in a slow cooker


• 150 grams of pork belly;

• 500 grams of chicken breast;

• 100-150 ml of dry red wine;

• 300 grams of chicken thighs;

• onion head;

• one carrot;

• pepper, salt - to taste;

• 100 grams of pomegranate grains;

• 50 grams of green onions.

Cooking method:

1. Preheat the Multicooker.

2. Chop the pork belly in small pieces, place it in the bowl, set the frying mode for one hour. Stir fry the meat. It is not necessary to pour oils, the fat melted from a brisket will be enough for preparation of a dish.

3. After five minutes, add the washed chicken thighs and breast to the pork, after cutting them into pieces at least five cm in diameter.

4. Add spices, mix meat ingredients, close the slow cooker with a lid.

5. After 30 minutes, put in the bowl coarsely chopped carrots and onion rings. Stir, trying to slip the vegetables under the meat.

6. Pour dry wine in a thin stream, close the multicooker with a lid, let the vegetables stew for another 30 minutes.

7. Serve the roast, sprinkled with finely chopped onion and pomegranate seeds.

6. Pork belly in a crock-pot with potatoes


• a pound of pork belly;

• 600 grams of potatoes;

• three onions;

• 300 ml rich chicken broth;

• pepper, nutmeg, salt, thyme - to taste;

• greenery.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the meat, chop the brisket into even pieces of medium size.

2. Salt the meat, sprinkle with nutmeg and thyme, add the pepper, mix. While you are busy with vegetables, pork will infuse.

3. In a slow cooker, put potatoes cut in large circles, thin onion rings, chopped greens (parsley, basil).

4. Put the marinated meat on top of the vegetables.

5. Pour all ingredients with broth.

6. Turn on the multicooker for one hour by selecting the "quenching" mode.

7. Bean soup from smoked pork belly in a slow cooker


• 350 grams of smoked pork belly;

• 300 grams of potatoes;

• 250 grams of canned beans;

• 150 grams of carrots;

• 100 grams of onions;

• 20 ml of vegetable oil;

• 350 grams of white cabbage;

• 100 grams of fresh green peas;

• salt, spices.

• 200 grams of turnips.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the peeled vegetables: potato slices, turnip and carrot sticks, onion into small cubes, chop cabbage

2. Pour oil into the multicooker pan, put onions and carrots, and roast for two minutes.

3. Add a turnip, simmer for three minutes, then pour in two liters of water.

4. Put brisket, potatoes and cabbage into thin stock. Set the cooking mode to 30 minutes.

5. Add salt and spices, add green peas and beans. Cook in the same mode for another 10 minutes.

6. Serve brisket soup with sour cream, sprinkle with fresh herbs.

8. Vegetable soup with beef brisket in a slow cooker


• 700 grams of beef brisket;

• 150 grams of fresh champignons;

• two celery roots;

• one carrot;

• ginger root;

• 100 grams of green onions;

• 70 ml of vegetable oil;

• spices.

Cooking method:

1. Pour three liters of water into the multi-cooker bowl, place the washed beef brisket. Set the cooking mode to 40 minutes.

2. Remove the finished meat, cool, cut. Strain the broth into the pan.

3. Pour the vegetable oil into the bowl, put the carrots, grated on a coarse grater, cut on small rings green onion, celery, cut into straws. Fry by adding salt and spices.

4. Put the sliced ​​mushrooms and a teaspoon of grated ginger. Simmer, putting the mode "quenching" 10 minutes, then put the pieces of meat, pour in the broth. Stay on the same mode for another five minutes.

5. Serve a flavored garlic croutons soup.

9. Stuffed pork belly in a slow cooker


• 650 grams of pork belly;

• 30 grams of dill;

• half a pack of butter;

• 250 grams of fresh mushrooms;

• 100 grams of bread crumbs;

• two bows;

• three eggs;

• garlic clove;

• 100 grams of green onions;

• pepper, rosemary, salt.

Cooking method:

1. Grind peeled onions and garlic.

2. Mushrooms cut into thin strips.

3. Fry mushrooms, garlic and onions in 50 grams of butter until tender.

4. Boil eggs, cool, chop.

5. Mix in a small bowl the mushroom mixture, eggs, the remaining oil, spices and chopped green onions.

6. Rinse the pork belly, make a large incision in the middle.

7. Rub meat from all sides with a mixture of pepper, salt and rosemary.

8. Stuff the bacon with delicious mushroom mixture.

9. Fasten the incision with toothpicks.

10. Roll the meat in breadcrumbs, put in a multi-cooker bowl.

11. Cook in baking mode for one hour.

Breast in a multivariate - tricks and tips

• If you decide to cook the bacon in the whole cooker, do not cut it, meat juice will flow out during cooking, and the bacon will not be so juicy.

• You can check the readiness of whole breast in a multicooker in two ways: by cutting the brisket with a sharp knife in the center, or by sticking it with a fork. The juice secreted by the meat should be transparent, and the piece on the cut without pinkish inclusions.

• When choosing brisket, make sure that the layers of lard and meat are approximately even. Such meat is especially juicy and tender.

• If you decide to cook a stuffed bacon in a slow cooker, do not make the filler too fat. The breast itself is juicy meat and, having gone too far with butter, mayonnaise, sour cream, you can only spoil the taste of the finished product.


Watch the video: Slow-Roasted Pork Belly - Gordon Ramsay (June 2024).