Back massage at home - the way to health! Basics of back massage at home: tips from an experienced massage therapist


The moral and physical well-being of a person is closely linked.

Painful sensations in the back cause a certain discomfort, anxiety.

To get rid of unpleasant symptoms will help massage your back at home.

Pros home massage back

There are several distinct advantages for massaging at home.

- First of all it concerns people whose movement is restricted.

- For a person whose day is scheduled by the minute, a “floating” massage schedule is set.

- After the procedures, you can relax and not leave the warm house. Keeping the warmth of the heated back will enhance the healing effect.

- To carry out a back massage at home you only need cream or butter, a comfortable surface and skillful hands.

Causes of back pain

Our spinal column consists of a whole system of vertebrae, discs and cartilage, they are closely connected with certain organs of our body, any failure in which can cause back pain.

Trauma, abrasion of discs and intervertebral cartilage will constantly cause aching, and sometimes sharp pain.

Muscles located throughout the dorsal surface are most affected by overstrain, cold and stress, and since the muscular system is interconnected, one muscle is affected and it pulls the entire back.

Inside the spinal column is the spinal nerve, the clamping of which leads to real suffering. Draft, stress, sudden movement can cause pain.

Many of us know what is radiculitis or, as it is called in the people, the chamber. This applies not only to older people. The younger generation who spend most of their time sitting at the computer also suffers from back pain.

Massage will help to get rid of unpleasant sensations.

Improvement and relaxation during back massage at home

How does massage work? With a mechanical effect on the nerve endings, the impulse is transmitted to the nervous system, and a reaction occurs from certain organs. Exciting the receptors of the skin and nerve endings, we turn mechanical energy into energy of reflex receptors. Thermal exposure contributes to blood flow, thereby improving the work of the circulatory system, and an increase in oxygen in the body, therefore, improves gas exchange and lymph flow.

Relaxing back massage at home will help get rid of fatigue, nervousness, normalize mental state and improve sleep.

With back massage and drug treatment can quickly cope with diseases such as:

• arthrosis and arthritis;

• scoliosis;

• radiculitis;

• any types of neuralgia;

• pneumonia and bronchitis;

• peptic ulcer and gastritis.

The basic method of back massage at home

The main position during the back massage depends on the location of the painful area.

If it is a thoracic disease, then sitting is more effective.

To do this, you can use a chair with your back or put a massage near the table, so that there is an emphasis for hands.

1. We begin the impact on the back with stroking the ribs, from the spine to the stomach, then the area of ​​the shoulder blades and shoulder area. We iron the skin with a slight pressure with open palms, performing circular and zigzag movements for 1 - 2 minutes.

2. Smoothly proceed to the rubbing, which we perform in several ways and from the bottom up.

It is important to know! In hypertension, all techniques are performed from top to bottom, so as not to "catch up" pressure.

One of the methods of enhanced exposure will be "hatching"in which with three fingers of both hands, the index, middle and nameless, we shade the surface of the back 2-3 times, from the bottom up and back until we work out the entire back. Finish the reception stroking open palms.

The second reception will be sawingduring which work the ulnar edges of both brushes. We press our hands to the skin and intensively three, gradually moving up, and go down. We carry out 3 approaches on all area of ​​a back and we finish with stroking.

We strengthen rubbing by reception intersection. To do this, two open palms, put "on the edge", grab some of the skin and begin to move your arms parallel to each other, up and down. The warm, heated body is soothed by stroking.

In the transition to a deep effect on the muscles, rub the back with circular movements of all four fingers while focusing on the fifth, thumb.

After grinding for 7–10 minutes, the back skin acquires a uniform red tint.

3. We will do kneading of the back muscles using several techniques.

Intensive circular rubbing with all fingers goes into impact pressure. It is carried out slowly, each site is studied. At this moment pain may appear, therefore, in the first sessions of holding a back massage at home, the intensity of exposure should be reduced. So we work the whole back and go to the "pumping".

Reception is performed with both hands, thumb, on the one hand, and four - on the other, grab the skin roller, which roll upwards. Down we lower fingers, as from a hill, intensively pressing down on muscles. We do this all over the dorsal surface.

Good deep impact has "rolling"in which the palm of one hand is placed with the back on the back perpendicular to the spine, and with the other hand we move the skin of the back, rolling on the open palm, slowly moving towards the shoulders. Back "move out." Reception is carried out 3 times at each site.

A back massage in the thoracic region is comfortably done in a sitting position, since it is possible to deeply work the area under the shoulder blades. To do this, we place the hand of the person being massaged with the back of the kidney area, with the back flexing back as much as possible. The masseur puts his hand on the radial side under the scapula and intensively rotates with pressure. Then go to the other side.

Pressing ends herringbonethat runs on a curved, arcuate back. Forefingers and middle or thumbs (to whom, as it is convenient) set at a distance of 1 cm on either side of the spine, press and draw a branch of spruce alternately with one and the other hand, slowly moving up. This technique is enough to perform 2 times.

4. We finish the effect on the back by vibration. Avoiding the heart zone, in the sitting position, on the back it is enough to pat or lightly beat the fists and stroke.

Important! When hypertension is prohibited to make any kind of vibration!

For lower back pain, physical effects will give a deeper development. when lying down. The main position is lying on the stomach, a cushion lies under the feet.

Perform all the tricks described above. The direction of movement is from the spine to the hips. When vibrating, the kidney area should be avoided.

Massaging back miracle - can

The older generation remembers well that glass jars were used to treat pneumonia and bronchitis. Vacuum therapy has contributed to the flow of blood and relieve inflammation.

Oriental Healers vacuum massage, the use of which caused persistent hyperthermia, was practiced several centuries ago.

This method is becoming increasingly popular among massage therapists. After a canned back massage, a lasting therapeutic effect appears, based on improving blood circulation, removing toxins from the body, relaxing muscles. This allows you to remove pain without medical treatment.

No wonder the modern little silicone jar was called a miracle, which has become very popular among massage therapists. Easy to use canned massage method does not require special skills.

Finishing kneading, apply any oil to the heated body and continue working with the jar.

If you decide to do canning procedures without prior classical massage, then thorough rubbing is an obligatory step. This will help avoid pain and bruising.

If you do not have the opportunity to invite a professional masseur to do a back massage at home, use the miracle jar yourself.

On a body greased with oil or petroleum jelly, one should put a small miracle. To do this, slightly squeeze the edges of the jars around the edges to squeeze out the air, firmly press against the skin and release. The skin will automatically retract into the hollow surface. Intensity of retracting can be adjusted by the force of compression of the edges.

We start working with a can from the bottom upwards, drawing fan lines or eights.

Apply a miracle - the bank can not only with back pain, but also for the treatment of other diseases.

Back massage at home: massagers

Massage of any part of the body can be done throughout the year by yourself using massagers.

There are several advantages in mechanical, electrical devices for back massage at home.

Here are some of them:

• ease of use;

• availability at any time of the day;

• the ability to perform self-massage of various areas of the body;

• low cost if necessary to do massage regularly.

- Electric massage captivate with the speed of the upcoming effect. For the procedure should take a comfortable position, relax and have fun.

- Vibrating massagers with its oscillating movements they relax the muscles and relieve their spasticity, which is often the cause of pain. However, for some people, vibration is an irritant.

- Vacuum Massagers developed based on the action of a glass medical jar. Regular use of such an assistant will not only strengthen the back muscles, but increase the immunity of the whole organism.

There are also ultrasonic devices, miostimulyatory and hydromassage, the choice is yours.

Mechanical massagers simpler to manufacture, much cheaper, but their use requires more physical effort and the healing effect does not occur so quickly due to the lower intensity of exposure.

The simplest device for back massage at home is a roller tape with spikes.

Whatever massager you choose, the effect will come only with its regular use.

Back massage at home: be careful!

Any massage can be performed with full confidence in its safety. Mechanical effect on the body itself will bring nothing but good, but there is a number of contraindications under which it is forbidden to massage in any form.

Oncology, tumors of any origin, bleeding tendency, high fever and hypertension of 2 and 3 degrees are an absolute prohibition.

Practice has shown that with a healthy lifestyle and regular massage you can get rid of back pain forever.


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