Bruises on the body: should they be treated or will they pass? How to quickly get a bruise?


Probably, it is impossible to imagine a person who has never been "decorated" with bruises. This traumatic pathology is so common that it is already seen as a household trifle, which should not be given special attention. Meanwhile, not everything is so simple.

1. What are bruises on the body?

A bruise is the most common type of hematoma, i.e. such a traumatic tissue damage, in which the capillaries are ruptured and blood is spilled into the subcutaneous fatty tissue without damage to the upper layers of the skin.

Bruise is not a disease, respectively, and it is not considered as an independent pathology by doctors. If a hematoma arises as a consequence of injury - everything is limited to symptomatic therapy aimed at its elimination. But often bruises can act as indicators of certain diseases.

To understand the nature of bruises, it is necessary to understand the structure of human skin.

Skin structure

The skin structure is divided into three layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutaneous fatty tissue or the hypodermis (the deepest layer of the skin). In the hypodermis is the fat depot. For normal and rapid deposition of excess nutrients from the bloodstream to the fat depot requires a well-developed blood supply system.

If the epidermis and dermis are poorly supplied with blood, then the hypodermis, for the reason mentioned, is literally littered with small blood vessels (capillaries). In 95% of cases, the cause of bruises is mechanical damage. Given that the thickness of the skin is only a few millimeters, it is very easy to damage the vessels of the hypodermis.

2. Causes and mechanism of bruising on the body

Bruises on the body: the mechanism of appearance

If you answer the question why bruises appear on the body, you should clarify: there are two types of causes: exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal). The vast majority of hematomas are provoked by injuries. However, injuries themselves can be varied.

Contusion of tissues. Simply put, contusion is a trauma to tissues (in particular, soft ones) caused by a stroke. Blow creates enough kinetic energy. The mechanical energy generated by the wave travels approximately 20-30% further than the injury site and damages the capillaries, which leads to their destruction. The blood from the destroyed vessels goes into the extracellular space. The result is a bruise. Concussion in 86% of cases is a trauma that caused the development of a hematoma.

Crush tissue. The intensity of the impact on the tissue with this type of injury is several times lower than with contusion. However, the duration of exposure is higher. The reason bruises lies in the violation of metabolic processes. The blood stagnates and overwhelms the capillaries. As a result, without sustaining it, the walls of the blood vessels burst, and blood goes into the hypodermis. A good example is the effect of a medical tourniquet when taking venous blood, wearing a tight bandage, belt, etc.

Injection. As a result of the injection, penetrating trauma of the soft tissues occurs. The eye is not visible, but even such a thin medical needle as it advances damages a multitude of blood vessels. As a result, the blood enters the hypodermis.

Barotrauma. Everyone knows such medical manipulation as treatment by banks. Barotrauma due to exposure to a particular area of ​​tissue reduced pressure. Since the skin is permeable, the pressure in the hypodermis also decreases. Due to the pressure difference between the intercellular substance of the deep layer of the skin and blood vessels, the capillaries burst.

Head Injuries (TBI). The tissue of the head is especially abundantly supplied with blood, therefore almost any mechanical damage is accompanied by the release of blood into the subcutaneous fatty tissue. In most patients, TBI is manifested by bruising under the eyes. Especially the symptom is expressed in fractures of the base of the skull.

Bruises on the body: causes of appearance

The formation of hematomas depends on a variety of reasons, including: gender, race, biochemical features of the blood, structural features of the blood vessels, body constitution, hormones, age, and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Floor. It has been scientifically proven that bruises on women’s bodies are easier and more frequent than in men. This is due to the instability of the hormonal background, which disrupts the structure of the blood and increases the capillary permeability.

Race. It is a mistaken idea that representatives of the Negroid race cannot have bruises. Hematomas are formed in people of any race, but because of the skin tone, bruises are not visible. In addition, Negroids have thickened skin. For this reason, more mechanical energy is required to injure blood vessels. In contrast, Mongoloids and Caucasians are most prone to hematomas, since they have thinner skin.

Features of blood. Low hemoglobin and coagulation disorders lead to an increased risk of bruising. Under normal conditions, blood flows out of the capillary extremely slowly, and platelets during this time have time to effectively clog the damaged vessel. In the event of these disorders, blood flows out quickly.

Features of the vessels. If the walls of blood vessels have increased permeability (the cause may be some diseases, hormonal disorders, age), the blood, even in the absence of injuries, can leave the channel and enter the extracellular space.

The constitution of the body. People with obesity are more likely to suffer from bruises. The fact is that the subcutaneous fatty tissue requires abundant blood supply. The reason - the body's need for the rapid breakdown of fats from the depot, if necessary. Therefore, the larger the layer of the hypodermis - the more developed the circulatory system, and the easier it is to damage the blood vessels.

Hormonal background. Hormone disturbances are one of the important secondary causes. A high level of estrogen in the female body reduces vascular permeability and improves blood clotting. However, peak hormonal states (pregnancy, etc.), leading to a decrease in the production of a specific hormone, as well as pathologies of the ovaries entail an increased risk of hematoma formation. In men, testosterone levels, which have similar functions, are approximately the same throughout life.

Age. With age, the skin undergoes degenerative processes, the capillaries become brittle and acquire increased permeability.

Accompanying illnesses. Some diseases lead to an increase in capillary permeability, for example, cirrhosis of the liver, myeloma, etc. The same effect is produced by diseases caused by a lack of vitamins (P, C, K). Avitaminosis causes insufficient synthesis of the cellular structures of the epithelial tissue that forms the vessels.

A type of bruise is specific spots for diabetes mellitus (the so-called diabetic dermopathy). The insulin deficiency characteristic of diabetes mellitus contributes to a decrease in cell membrane permeability to glucose. Lack of glucose leads to significant violations of lipoprotein and protein exchanges, hormonal disorders. Normal synthesis of epithelial tissue structures does not occur, the vessels become brittle. As a result, capillary ruptures occur, forming bruises.

3. Bruises on the body for no reason.

Often, patients receive complaints about the causeless occurrence of bruises. It seems like there were no injuries, but a hematoma is formed. Of course, everything has its own reasons and bruises are no exception. As has been said, many diseases cause the development of hematomas. However, besides disease bruises are formed when taking certain drugs.

Often, this side effect is observed when taking analgesics and antispasmodics, as well as drugs to reduce blood viscosity (aspirin, analgin, ketorol, nise, etc.). The preparations of these groups thin the blood and simultaneously increase the permeability of the capillary walls.

Obviously, with such a combination of factors, it may not be about one thing, but about a whole mass of bruises all over the body. Since the legs are subjected to the greatest physical exertion, bruising is most often formed on the lower limbs.

4. Diagnosis of bruises on the body

Bruises are not an independent disease. Therefore, a special diagnosis is not required. The reason also lies in the evidence of damage: the bruise is visible to the naked eye and special laboratory or instrumental methods are not required to assess its condition.

However, in patients with hematological pathologies, a bruise, even the size of a 10 kopeck coin, can lead to the formation of blood clots. It’s not worth worrying too much, the risk of blood clots due to a small bruise is extremely small (not more than 0.5%). In most cases, the body is able to cope with a bruise on its own.

Almost always a bruise can be eliminated on its own.

It makes sense to consult a doctor in the following cases:

- The bruise has a significant diameter (over 15 cm).

- The bruise is in the area of ​​the location of vital organs.

- Hematoma "bloated", there is suppuration.

A large bruise diameter means a large amount of thickened and hardened blood, which increases the risk of thrombus formation. If the bruise is large enough and at the same time is located at the location of the organs (liver, kidneys, stomach, etc.), there is a possibility of their injuries (bruises).

Treatment specialists:

- If, in addition to the hematoma, there is a suspicion of more severe tissue damage - a traumatologist.

- Hematoma has a significant size of the degree of fullness with blood or pus - the surgeon.

- Hematoma was formed due to one of these diseases - a specialist.

- The cause of the bruise is unknown, there were no injuries or bruises - hematologist.

- There are suspicions of damage to internal organs - a specialized specialist (stomach, liver - gastroenterologist, kidneys - nephrologist, urologist, brain - neurologist, neurosurgeon, etc.).

As has been said, in most cases there is no cause for concern. However, if uncharacteristic manifestations are observed with a simple bruise (radiating pain, excessive pain in the very place of injury), it is worth visiting a doctor to rule out serious problems and your own peace of mind.

5. Treatment of bruises on the body.

Self-removal of bruises on the body (at home)

Hematoma does not require special treatment. In 99% of cases, it is no more than a temporary cosmetic defect. Cases when the bruise requires specialized treatment - so few that they can be counted on the fingers of one hand. But precisely because the hematoma gives the appearance of an unpleasant appearance, the question of how to get rid of bruises on the body excites so many people.

Under normal conditions, the bruise disappears within 2-3 weeks. During this time, leukocytes eliminate dead cells, like scavengers. Of course, it’s impossible to get rid of a bruise in one day. The human body is not a miracle machine. Any process that is insignificant at first glance requires coordinated work of all systems and is characterized by incredible complexity, therefore it takes time. Nevertheless, there are a number of drugs that speed up the process of getting rid of this unpleasant defect.

- Heparin-based preparations. In clinical practice, heparin is used as a drug that prevents blood clots. Trade names: Lioton, Heparin, Trombless. On average, the price for them ranges from 50 to 250 rubles.

Since heparin is an anticoagulant (i.e. it interferes with blood clotting), it is most effective only in the first few hours after the injury. When blood clots have already formed, and the treatment has not yet begun, there is not much use of the ointment. It is important to note that it is unacceptable to smear open wounds, as this will significantly increase bleeding.

Heparin reduces the duration of treatment to 4-7 days, while applying this ointment should be at least 4-6 times a day.

-Troxevasin. Increases the elasticity of blood vessels, prevents the formation of hematomas of a large size, due to local anti-inflammatory action. However, it has a high allergenic potential and can cause serious immune reactions.

- Badyagi-based drugs. Despite the unpresentable name, the drugs are highly effective. The healing time is no more than 5 days. The effect is based on the following. An ointment or powder applied to the damaged area irritates the tissue and causes minor inflammation. As a result, metabolic processes in the affected tissue are accelerated, blood rushes more actively, which means that platelets, among other things, more quickly perform their function.

- Specialized "replicated" drugs for bruises (bruise off, etc.). In essence, they are analogues of Heparin, however, at a higher price. However, as well as heparin drugs have sufficient effectiveness (again, similar).

It would not be superfluous to resort to "popular" methods. Immediately after the injury - attach the ice. Khorol contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels and the blood will cease to leave the channel. Heat - should be applied for 3-4 days. From heating, hemoglobin is destroyed faster.

Specialized treatment of bruises on the body

It makes sense in two cases:

- If the hematoma is complicated (it has a large area, it is combined with suppuration, etc.). In this case, it is shown surgical dissection and drainage.

- If the bruise significantly impairs the patient's appearance. In this case, you can resort to laser elimination of hematoma in a specialized clinic. The effect of the procedure is visible almost immediately, but the method of treatment itself is quite expensive.

6. Prevention of bruises on the body

Preventing bruises on the body is very simple. If there are specific diseases - you should promptly undergo treatment by a specialist.

If a hematoma has arisen as a side effect of medications - you should consult with a specialist to select a safer counterpart.

Otherwise, you should avoid injuries and be careful.

Thus, bruises are quite common. For the most part, they do not pose any health hazard, and do not require special attention. Maximum, than they are unpleasant - pain and sensation unattractiveness.

It should be alerted if the formation of a bruise is not associated with injury, and the cause is not fully known. In this case, postpone a trip to a hematologist is not worth it.

It is also necessary to avoid the use of widely publicized bruise drugs.

The more aggressive the advertisement, the lower the efficiency. In this case, it is more than fair. There are much more reliable and effective drugs at a lower price.


Watch the video: How To Remove Bruises fast Naturally. How to heal bruised on bodies (May 2024).