Raw adjika for the winter is quick, easy and sharp. A selection of the most delicious raw adjika options for the winter


Adjika is an amazingly tasty and healthy vegetable snack, especially if it has not been cooked. Therefore, in order to preserve vitamins as much as possible, housewives prefer to cook raw adjika for the winter. But how to do it right?

Raw adjika for the winter - general principles of preparation

Adjika is an appetizer (sauce, seasoning) of ground vegetables with a spicy taste. The classic recipe consists of hot pepper with garlic and salt, which are ground in mortars. The process is long and painstaking. But today it’s much easier to cook, as there are kitchen assistants who will cope with the task in two ways.

How to grind the ingredients:

• Blender. Convenient, fast, mashed vegetables. When grinding with a blender, the color of the mass changes due to grinding of the seeds, and adjika may become pale.

• Meat grinder. The mass is heterogeneous, slices of vegetables are noticeable, liquid exfoliation is possible. But it has a beautiful, rich color.

Adjika is better if the mass is heterogeneous, so it is better to use a meat grinder for cooking than a blender.

Despite the fact that all the ingredients are used fresh, in the manufacture of raw adjika for the winter it is very important to observe sterility. The dishes for cooking must be thoroughly washed with baking soda or doused with boiling water. Wash and dry all vegetables well by spreading them on towels. Very often adjika sours precisely because of drops of raw water or specks.

Recipe 1: Raw adjika for the winter in Georgian

This is a classic version of the snack, which is very sharp. Not everyone can use the sauce in its purest form. But it is great for meat, broths, soups, main dishes, and can also be used as an ingredient in the preparation of other sauces, including raw vegetable adjika for the winter.


• burning pepper 1 kg;

• 0.15 kg of garlic;

• salts of 0.05 kg;

• coriander 10 gr.


For the classic raw adjika for the winter, pepper needs to be dried. This can be done in the sun or in the oven. A delicious sauce is obtained from their smoked pods on charcoal. Although, if desired, you can use raw pepper. In mass production, they have been doing this for a long time.

Release hot pepper from the insides, cut off the tip. Peel the garlic. Scroll everything together through a meat grinder, add coriander and salt. Let it brew for several hours, periodically mixing the sauce to dissolve the salt and manifest the taste. Arrange the mass in jars, put in the refrigerator.

As a seasoning, you can also use zira, fennel, basil. Some housewives simply add to the sauce a couple of spoons of the finished powder of hops-suneli, which just consists of fragrant oriental spices.

Recipe 2: Raw adjika for the winter with bell pepper

The sauce prepared according to this recipe is not as spicy as the previous one, it has a wonderful aroma of fragrant garlic. It is better to cook from ripe, red vegetables, then raw adjika for the winter will acquire a beautiful color.


• 2 kg of bell pepper;

• acute 0.5 kg;

• garlic 0.3 kg;

• salt.


Peppers and garlic, peel, chop, chop through a meat grinder. Salt, stir and pour into sterile jars. You can close the sauce with both metal and nylon covers. Keep refrigerated.

This adjika can also serve as a dressing for soups and borsch. It retains the fresh taste of bell pepper well until spring and can be an alternative to freezing.

Recipe 3: Raw adjika for the winter with herbs

Also, this recipe has a second name - adjika dill. A fragrant snack, the burning taste of which will warm you in the cold, and the aroma of greenery will remind you of summer.


• dill 0.2 kg;

• parsley 0.1 kg;

• 0.25 kg of garlic;

• 0.5 kg of hot pepper;

• Bulgarian 1.5 kg;

• salt 3 tablespoons.


To preserve raw adjika for the winter, it is important to process greens well. To do this, it is washed in several waters and dried thoroughly. Thick stalks of parsley and dill can be removed immediately.

Peppers and garlic are peeled, scrolled in a meat grinder mixed with herbs. The sauce is seasoned with salt and left for several hours to dissolve. Then adjika is laid out in jars and put away for storage. Add fragrant spices is undesirable, since the aroma of garlic and fresh herbs is quite pronounced. But if you wish, you can add a bunch of cilantro and basil.

Recipe 4: Raw Adjika for the Winter with Tomatoes

Adjika with tomatoes is perhaps the most popular recipe for modern housewives. Tomatoes are actively used for sauces, and their taste is combined with absolutely any dish.


• tomatoes 1.5 kg;

• hot pepper 0.5 kg;

• 0.1 kg of garlic;

• horseradish 0.1 g;

• salt 0.05 kg.


The most difficult part in this recipe is the preparation and grinding of horseradish, as the root is vigorous and causes lacrimation. If possible, it is best to do this in the air, for example, on a balcony or in the yard. You need to clean the horseradish quickly, keeping it away from the face. Then cut into pieces and grind through a meat grinder. Put in a sealed container or plastic bag, by the way, you can grind immediately into it, tied to the output of the meat grinder.

Wash all vegetables thoroughly and prepare in grinding in a meat grinder, chop. Then pour salt and prepared horseradish. Stir the mass. Adjika is ready. It remains to pour it into prepared banks and send it to the refrigerator.

Recipe 5: Raw Adjika for the Winter Green

Are there any green tomatoes? A good housewife does not disappear! From green tomatoes you can make wonderful raw adjika for the winter, to the taste of which it will be difficult to guess the composition.


• green tomatoes 3 kg;

• green hot pepper 0.4 kg;

• garlic 0.2 kg;

• a bunch of cilantro;

• horseradish root 0.2 kg.


First you need to thoroughly rinse the cilantro so that it can dry well. Pepper, horseradish and garlic cloves peel. Scroll the tomatoes in a meat grinder mixed with the rest of the ingredients. The mass should be thick. Stir everything thoroughly, add salt if desired. Arrange in small cans, cork with lids and put in the refrigerator. Adjika can be stored in the basement if the temperature in it is not higher than 6 ° C.

Recipe 6: Raw Adjika for the Winter with Nuts

Walnuts give the sauce a piquant flavor and unusual aroma. They can be added raw, but it is better to pre-fry them in a dry frying pan or dry them in the oven. This will not only improve the taste of the finished raw adjika for the winter, but also kill the microbes that could settle on the surface of the nucleoli.


• hot pepper 0.5 kg;

• Bulgarian 1 kg;

• tomatoes 1 kg;

• nuts 0.2 kg;

• garlic 0.2 kg;

• salt.


Peel all the peppers from the insides, cut into pieces. In tomatoes, remove the stalk, cut into pieces. Peel the garlic. Grind everything together with prepared nuts, salt to taste, arrange in dry banks, cork tightly and put away for storage.

Recipe 7: Raw adjika for the winter with apples

This sauce is not very spicy, has a piquant taste. For cooking, it is better to use sour apples of green varieties, for example, Semerenko. You should not cook the sauce with imported, and even more so imported fruits, as there may be problems with its safety. The preservative in this raw adjika for the winter will be regular aspirin.


• tomatoes 3 kg;

• apples 1.2 kg;

• 3 tbsp. l salts;

• aspirin 5 tablets;

• garlic 0.2 kg.


Apples must be washed, peeled, cut into slices, freeing the stub and seeds. Wash the tomatoes, cut into pieces under the tab in a meat grinder. Garlic cloves also peel. Scroll everything in a meat grinder, salt, add aspirin. Then let the sauce brew for several hours. Periodically, the mass must be stirred. When aspirin dissolves, you need to decompose crude adjika for the winter in the refrigerator, after having laid it out in jars.

Recipe 8: Raw Adjika with Ginger and Basil for the Winter

Incredibly fragrant and healthy sauce with a unique ginger aroma. To prepare raw adjika for the winter, you need a fresh and juicy root, but if you can’t get it, you can use dry powder.


• 0.3 kg of hot pepper;

• 1 kg of Bulgarian;

• tomatoes 1.2 kg;

• ginger 80 gr.;

• basil 1 bunch;

• salt 2 tablespoons;

• garlic 0.22 kg.

Cooking adjika

Pre-peel the ginger root with garlic. Remove the entrails from the peppers. Rinse and dry the basil thoroughly. Twist through the meat grinder all the ingredients, ginger root should be skipped last. It has tendons that can be wound on a knife, which will entail disassembling the meat grinder in the middle of work.

Mix the crushed mass, add salt, let stand until complete dissolution. Then spread the aromatic snack into prepared jars and put it in the refrigerator for storage.

Recipe 9: Raw Adjika for Spicy Tomato Winter

This recipe has a high concentration of preservative ingredients - garlic and hot pepper. Tomatoes for this sauce are preferably fleshy and sweet. Then he will surely please his taste.


• 2 kg of tomatoes;

• bitter pepper 0.8 kg;

• 0.5 kg of garlic;

• salt.


Pepper and cut into pieces for twisting. Peel the garlic. Wash tomatoes, dry, cut into pieces. Grind all together in a meat grinder, salt. Insist at room temperature for 3 hours, then put in prepared jars and store.

Raw adjika for the winter - tricks and useful tips

Raw adjika is good because it cooks very quickly. But its main problem is the tendency to sour. With the same mistress, each party can stand in a different way. Several factors can affect souring, but there are some valuable tips to help you avoid this.

• The more adjika contains spicy and burning additives, the less likely it is to sour. But if in doubt, you can always add a little vinegar or aspirin. Enough for 1 tablet per liter.

• If tomatoes go to raw adjika for the winter, then it is better to choose fleshy vegetables. If the tomatoes are watery, then you need to scroll them separately and drain the settled liquid.

• If overripe tomatoes are used, they can be chopped separately, boiled for a couple of minutes, cooled and then cooked according to the recipe.

• Mix the sauce preferably with a wooden spoon. And it is advisable to generally protect vegetables from contact with oxidized metals.

• Raw adjika for the winter should be stored in sterile jars. But the sauce also works well in plastic bottles, which must first be washed with baking soda and dried.

• To prevent mold from forming on top, powder with mustard powder or pour a little oil.

• It is better to work with hot pepper with gloves, as it can leave a burn on the skin of the hands.

But the main secret of tasty and well-stored raw adjika for the winter is quality vegetables. They should not be overripe, with damage and traces of rot. Even if the vegetables have small wormholes, you should not use it. Better set aside for heat-treated sauces.


Watch the video: Сырая Аджика - Самый Вкусный Рецепт! Crude Adjika - The Most Delicious Recipe! (July 2024).