Ice for the face at home. How to make and apply cosmetic ice for the face.


Girls who want to perpetuate beauty, sometimes think about freezing their body. Hollywood stars with the help of cold prolong youth. We constantly hear about anti-aging properties of procedures based on hypothermia of the outer layer of the skin.

Everyone seemed to be crazy and insist that cryotherapy, cryomassage are necessary for a person, because they make him healthier, more beautiful, younger. Here are just not everyone can or want to pay for expensive physiotherapeutic procedures. What do these poor or economical people do - go with unhealthy and aged skin? People who want to heal, rejuvenate, cleanse, moisturize the skin can prepare cosmetic ice for the face, neck, and décolleté.

What is beneficial for face ice

During the action of ice on the skin, blood vessels constrict, and when it is taken away, they expand. Thus, cosmetic ice enhances blood circulation, which is immediately displayed on the appearance of the skin. She becomes beautiful, fresh, her complexion changes. Ice for the face has a positive effect on skin tone, cleanses it, removes peeling, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and leads to narrowing of pores. After using ice, the skin acquires a healthy, uniform shade.

Regular use of ice for the face makes the skin supple, toned. Cosmetic ice produces an excellent anti-aging effect. It smoothes fine wrinkles near the lips, eyes. Ice for the face is an excellent tonic.

How to make face ice

You can make ice for your face from the same water. Even so, it will work just fine. At the very least, frozen water will have on the skin all the actions mentioned above. You can also make ice from other ingredients. They should be selected according to skin type. For example, if you want to prepare facial cleansing, vitamin-nourishing skin ice, you can make it from fruit juices. For oily skin, juice of acidic fruits will be required, for dry - sweet.

To not only rejuvenate, cleanse, but also lighten the skin, try making ice from mineral water and lemon juice. You can lighten your skin with cosmetic ice from a parsley decoction. To calm irritated skin, ice is prepared from decoctions of medicinal herbs. Perfectly tones the face, removes dark circles and bags under the eyes of tea ice. Rice broth ice is quite popular. It is used to lighten age spots.

As we understood, ice can be made from a variety of components. It is not necessary to use only the juice of greens, fruits, berries - these components often enter the ice in a puree state. Also, often for the purpose of beauty use ice for the face with pieces of frozen fruit or whole berries.

Making ice is incredibly easy. Pure or diluted with auxiliary liquids, slurries, water or a decoction of medicinal herbs is poured into the cells of the ice mold and placed in the refrigerator. After the magic water in the mold turns into ice for the face, you can begin to heal and rejuvenate the skin.

Attention: the water circulating through our pipes is not suitable for the preparation of cosmetic ice. You should use mineral water (preferably without gas).

Comprehensive skin care with ice

We already mentioned that there are many recipes for making cosmetic ice for different purposes and skin types. But many women do not pursue special goals using ice. After all, not everyone needs to lighten age spots, remove the rash, etc. If you also need only basic care (cleansing and moisturizing the face, refreshing the skin around the eyelids), then we will show you how to do this in stages. We will need to prepare three completely different in composition cold cosmetic products.

Cranberry Ice

Let's start with a refreshing, cleansing skin, narrowing the pores of ice. It is made from cranberry juice. We will need about 100 ml of juice. It must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. After that, a tablespoon of aloe juice should be poured into the mineral-cranberry liquid. If you do not know where to get aloe, then buy its extract in a pharmacy. Mix the ingredients. The prepared composition is ready for freezing.

You will use such ice first. After five to eight minutes, the face must be wiped with a second cube - moisturizing.

Lime wonder

So, the skin is cleansed. Now you need to moisturize it. Women are used to doing this by applying a greasy cream. But it is better to leave the cream in the past. Moisturize, nourish the skin with linden ice. The first step is to prepare a decoction. You will need a tablespoon of lime blossom and a glass of boiling water. Pour boiling water over the linden, let the broth brew and strain it.

For 100 ml of linden broth you need to add a spoonful of sea buckthorn oil. Also, for the preparation of moisturizing cosmetic ice, one more component is needed - myrrh oil. Only three to four drops of this oil will suffice.

Using cosmetic ice from sea buckthorn and oils, you will feel that your skin has become soft, velvety, moisturized. Oils in such quantities do not overload the skin, but only create the finest nourishing, moisturizing layer on it. With this ice you can wipe not only the face or neck, but also your hands. Face linden ice with oils is a great alternative to an expensive moisturizer. In addition, thanks to myrrh oil, your skin will not only look amazing, but also smell extremely pleasant.

Milk tea ice

Looking at the skin around the eyelids in front of the mirror, women often begin to get upset. These sorrows cause dark circles under the eyes, swelling, wrinkles. To tone the skin around the eyes and remove bags, dark spots suitable face ice from green tea (one teaspoon per 150 ml of water) and milk. Let's find out how to prepare this kind of ice that needs to be used in complex skin care.

To make this wonderful anti-aging and refreshing skin around the eyelids of the ice, you need to mix equal amounts of milk and tea. Since milk cosmetic ice cannot be stored for a long time, large portions should not be kneaded. It is enough to take each of the components 100 ml. About five drops of fresh olive oil should be added to them. To process the skin around the eyes with this cosmetic ice, moving in figure eight.

Attention: to wipe the face with cosmetic ice should be along the massage lines, moving in a circular motion, without stopping for a long time in any of the areas.

For the procedure, you will need all three types of cosmetic ice. Refresh, rejuvenate, moisturize your face in this way once a day. This is best done at night. The course is five procedures. After you need to take a break for three days. Total courses with a break of several days should be at least three. After their completion, take a longer break - from two weeks to a month.

Facial tonic cosmetic ice

Mint lime ice for the face is considered a supertonic. It is especially suitable for people with oily skin. Such ice also remarkably tightens, refreshes and improves complexion. It is cooked in much the same way as mojito.

To make tonic cosmetic ice, you will need 100 g of mint and one lime. Mint leaves are pushed in a mortar. To them is added juice from one lime and a small spoonful of white wine or rum. All this is poured with a carbonated mineral water. Soda will need no more than 100 ml. It is necessary to carry out refreshing procedures with frozen mojito ice every morning.

Ice for face from aging skin

To give freshness to withered skin, you should use vitamin cosmetic ice for the face. In 100 ml of water you need to add five tbsp. l watermelon juice, three - grapefruit. You will also need about three teaspoons of plum juice and ½ teaspoon. - currant. The last component is aloe juice (tablespoon).

Wipe withered skin with such vitamin ice twice a day. After the thawed fruit and berry water dries on the skin, you need to wash your face with mineral water.

Ice for face from rashes

Usually, to combat various types of rashes, face ice made from a decoction of medicinal herbs is used. You can use any known herbs that have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Most often, from a rash on the face and skin irritations, a decoction of pharmacy chamomile is prepared. But you can rely on other medicinal herbs. For example, to prepare ice from rashes, you can use a celandine broth.

To prepare the broth, you need a tablespoon of celandine and 400 ml of water. Pour dried celandine with boiling water. Bring the liquid to a boil. We infuse the broth for about an hour, after which we filter it through a small strainer and freeze it.

Many girls prepare a decoction for cosmetic ice from a set of herbs. But you can do this only when you know for sure that none of the plants will cause any allergic reactions.

Important to remember: cosmetic ice is not suitable for people with colds and rosacea.


Watch the video: Cosmetic Ice for Face Care to Get Glowing Skin - Facial Skin Care at Home Simple Beauty Secrets (July 2024).