What should be able to child in 3 years. A detailed description of the physical and emotional development of the child in 3 years.


Your child is 3 years old? Congratulations! We hope you are full of energy to enjoy everything that is waiting for you ahead, because in the next few months your child will turn into a real dreamer and fidget. In the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening, fill you up with incessant questions. He will learn to drive a tricycle, he will be able to climb and descend the stairs independently alternating his legs.

He will also be able to draw a beautiful circle, meaningfully press the buttons of the musical steering wheel while sitting next to dad in the car, fasten his own naughty jacket. Your three-year-old baby will turn into a polite. He will quickly learn to know the world through the senses. When playing, focus on your own game so much that you can ignore any distractions, including not noticing you.

But let's take a closer look at the skills that your fidget should master by this age.

What should be able to child in 3 years?

Physical development of a child in 3 years

Let us explain right away: the baby will acquire all the skills described below only if father and mother made sufficient efforts to practice with him. In other words, a child in three years will not be able to ride a tricycle if his parents did not buy him this bike and did not spend at least a week learning to ride it. The same goes for ball skills and everything else. All that a child at a given age should be able to do is only the result of those lessons that parents or teachers spend with him in development clubs. And, if your efforts are sufficient, then your little fidget should be able to:

• confidently, without swaying, stand for 5 seconds on one left or right leg;

• independently, without mom and daddy's support, climb and descend the stairs;

• kick the ball with the legs forward alternately;

• throw the ball into the hands of the person standing opposite;

• throw the ball into the ring suspended at a height of 1 meter (it is not necessary to fall!);

• catch the ball from the hands of another person;

• move back and forth with cornering;

• tilt forward and backward without falling;

• drive a tricycle.

The development of speech in a child in 3 years

When evaluating speech skills at a given age, one should pay attention to the fact that girls are always more talkative than boys, and children who have older brothers and sisters are almost always more talkative than those who do not have them. And most importantly - if your child at the age of three is not very talkative, do not worry, this will most likely change in the coming months, or by 4 years. But in the most average case at 3 years old your child should be able to:

• clearly pronounce your name, the name of mom and dad, the next of kin - sisters and grandparents;

• answer simple questions;

• speak with phrases of 5-6 words;

• speak distinctly without much distorting and not too distorting the words;

• tell short stories.

At the age of three, children begin to be interested in all that they see. They begin to ask a huge number of questions, the main of which are “why” and “why”

• Why does dad go to work?

• Why does the cat meow?

• Why is lemon sour? And so on to infinity.

Parents are watching: questions, questions and more questions! And although for many adults, such activity of children can be irritable and intrusive, in fact, for a little man, this is a normal and important indicator of proper development. As a result, he accumulates the necessary amount of knowledge, which allows a child in 3 years to be able to:

• unmistakably call familiar colors;

• correctly understand the concept: the same - different;

• be able to pretend and fantasize;

• remember part of the story read;

• understand the counting on the fingers;

• quickly sort objects by shape and color;

• to put together simple card puzzles;

• recognize and characterize people and objects in pictures and photos.

At the age of three, the child becomes very nimble. At this point in his development, he should be able to:

• quickly handle small items;

• easy to turn the pages of books and magazines;

• build towers of 6 or more items;

• cut paper and cardboard with baby scissors;

• draw circles and squares with pencils (very uneven, but approximately resembling real geometric shapes);

• be able to dress and take off clothes without the help of parents;

• screw and unscrew the cap on a plastic bottle;

• rotate, press and open the door handles.

By age 3, children become more independent from both a physical and emotional point of view. Children are less likely to get hysterical, they are not afraid to stay in a kindergarten with a teacher or a nanny, they like to communicate with friends and strangers.

Kids also become more social. The child can already cooperate with his friends, comply with all, show the first problem-solving skills.

At this stage of development, your child should be able to:

• imitate parents, relatives and friends;

• show sympathy for mom, dad, grandparents, family acquaintances, friends;

• Understand the concepts: mine, him, her, not ours, someone else's (my word, or rather, MY MY child certainly understands unmistakably and uses constantly and at home and in any sandbox);

• be able to demonstrate a wide range of emotions, such as sadness, joy, anger, great happiness or boring.

At the age of three years, the imagination of children is in its infancy, so parents can notice both its good and bad manifestations. Fantasies, pretenses and the ability to play with children become more interesting and compassionate, but at this age a child may begin to develop unrealistic fears, such as belief in a monster living in the closet, a terrible beast living on a balcony, etc. These fears should be eradicated in order not to injure the psyche of the child.

Attention: it is impossible in any pedagogical purposes to frighten a child with fictional monsters under the bed or outside the door if you do not want to subsequently have problems with the night fears of the child. The evil wolf lives in the forest (somewhere far away) - permissible. An evil monster lives under your bed (somewhere in the house) - never permissible. The child should feel completely safe in her home. My home is my castle

First friendship

In three years, children often want and want to have friends. Without the help of parents, friendship is not possible. Therefore, child psychologists often urge parents not to interfere with the needs of the child. Parents are invited to:

• organize meetings with peers;

• attend public playgrounds;

• Identify the child in the sports section.

Getting acquainted with new children, the child will get the opportunity to form children's relationships, learn positive values ​​and new experiences. Group classes teach kids the basics of the game, emphasize the collective work and sharing. They force children to expend energy, to move correctly, to tumble, to swim, to develop flexibility, to overcome fear.

For creative children, group art and music classes are a great way to train cognitive skills.

Order in the house

At this age, kids love to help their parents. At 3 years, almost every child should be able to:

• wash the plates in the sink using a soapy washcloth;

• put your car in a box with toys;

• Lay the dolls on the shelves;

• fold dirty laundry in the laundry basket;

• collect small items from the carpet;

• wipe off dust from accessible items;

• watering indoor plants standing on the windowsill,

• sweep the floor with a child's broom.

And most importantly, they do it with great pleasure by imitating mom and dad. So they feel like adults, which they certainly report at every opportunity: “I'm already an adult!”

If parents do cleaning, cooking or homework with their children, the little fidget will feel like an important part of the family and will not feel frustrated, depressed and detached. Valuable habits established in early childhood will allow you to raise a good helper for adulthood in your child.

The process of feeding a child in 3 years

By the age of three, children often insist on self-feeding. If this desire is present in your baby, then it develops correctly and matures. Many children at the age of 3 years already know how to eat food, using a baby spoon and fork, drink the fluids of their usual glass. However, from the age of three children begin to realize that there is tasty and not tasty food, there are beautiful and not very attractive dishes and prefer to reject everything that looks uninteresting to them.

To cope with the problem, psychologists advise to mask fruits and vegetables with food that is not interesting for kids - cereals, podding soups and baby puddings. In the children's diet should be injected multi-colored cereals, colored pasta, soups with curly ingredients, unusual form of sandwiches and desserts.

Reasons for concern

The main signs of developmental delay in a 3-year-old child:

• inability to catch and throw the ball;

• inability to bounce on the spot;

• inability to ride a tricycle (despite repeated attempts);

• frequent falls, great difficulty walking the stairs;

• inability to hold a pencil, copy a circle, problems with drawing;

• the child does not use more than three words in a conversation;

• can not stack towers of three or more items, afraid of large objects;

• experiencing frequent anxiety, irritability;

• ignores children, is not interested in pets, coldly refers to mom, dad, next of kin;

• does not understand and does not fulfill simple requests;

But in spite of all the above, you must understand that all children develop and grow up in different ways. Therefore, parents have no reason to worry if the child has not reached all those milestones that are listed in the medical reference books (or in this article). As your child grows up, parents should notice the progressive process of growth and development of the child.

If there is no progress and the child remains closed, sedentary, capricious and clearly lagging behind the development of their peers, you should consult a specialist. Or just continue to engage with the baby and wait patiently until he acquires all the necessary skills - and this will happen sooner or later.


Watch the video: Child Development Stages: Social Emotional Milestones for 2-3 Years (July 2024).