How to equip a small room: 8 effective tips


To live in a spacious country house or in a 200-meter apartment was not lucky enough to everyone. As a rule, most people live in small apartments, struggling to fit all their belongings into them. And that everyone harmoniously arrange, and that each family member has a small, but no one dreams of his own cozy corner. However, there is a solution to the problem. Here are a few rules on how to organize the space of a small room so that everything fits comfortably in it.

Pay attention to the window

With the help of well-chosen curtains can visually increase the height of the room. You can even create curtains that will slide along the floor. You can come up with the original design of the eaves or use curtains of different colors.

Original table

In the center of a small room you can place a comfortable table. Experts advise to use the tables with a glass surface. Make sure that on such a table was nothing extra. It will be even better if the bulk of the time it is empty. Thus, he will not be evident, but on the other hand - will be at hand when he is needed.

Go beyond

Do not think stereotypically. If you have a comfortable sofa, then it is quite possible to put it in front of a bookcase. This will not only save space, but also close the possible mess on the bookshelves. In case your sofa is of light shades, then with its help the room will appear lighter and more spacious.

Emphasize perspective

With the help of a large mirror you can visually enlarge the space of the room. A beautiful mirror can add room perspective, create an unexpected dimension.

Improvise with the table

If the above option with a table does not suit you, then it is quite possible to use chairs without backs instead. So you "kill two birds with one stone": you can sit on them and, if necessary, put a tray on them. If necessary, such a "table" can be moved to the sofa in order to lay legs on it or some object, or move it in the wall altogether in order to free space in the center of the room.

Share space

Designers claim that even small rooms allow you to place nice decorative partitions in them, which formally divide the space, creating cozy corners for any apartment resident.

Do not forget about the wall

A light (or better mirror) wardrobe, located along the wall and able to accommodate most of the things, will greatly affect the overall perception of the space of a small room. Visually expand it, make it more comfortable.

The main thing is minimalism

Without a doubt, when arranging a small room, one should be guided by the basic principle of minimalism - the less furniture, the more space.


Watch the video: How to Paint a Room - Basic Painting Tips (June 2024).