Igor Butman does not give his wife a divorce


It has long been said that in the family of Igor Butman, all is not well. The saxophonist's wife, Oksana, said that life with him was almost unbearable. But Igor himself, on the contrary, believes that between him and his wife now there is a simple quarrel.

Butman does not want a divorce. With all his strength he delays the divorce proceedings, hoping to improve relations with his wife. But Oksana, who found herself in design, dreams of freedom. However, she claims that there is a small chance that the divorce, scheduled for June 16, may not take place. What needs to be done for this Igor, she does not know.

Remembering the story of their disagreements, Oksana Butman claims that their relationship with her husband went wrong seven years ago, when Igor, participating in the Ice Age project, fell ill with a star disease. In this, Oksana sees a share of her guilt.


Watch the video: Mangoes are Mangoes But Man Must Go. Mufti Menk (June 2024).