Boiled beet salad - a selection of the best recipes. How to properly and tasty to cook a salad of boiled beets.


Cooked Beetroot Salad - General Cooking Principles

The fact that beets - a very useful product, many people know. This vegetable, like no other, is able to restore the circulatory system (to improve the quality and volume of blood). The composition of beet includes the most important for the body vitamins and trace elements: vitamins C, B, PP, copper, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, iodine and others. Beets are rich in bioflavonoids and betaine. Eating a vegetable both in its pure form and as part of various culinary delights, you can restore the work of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. The simplest and most affordable dish is boiled beet salad. Among the components used to prepare such a healthy snack, in addition to boiled beets, a variety of other products are used: vegetables (carrots, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, etc.), eggs, nuts, canned and meat products.

Cooked beet salad can be cooked in different ways. In some recipes, all ingredients are crushed and mixed, in others - products are laid out in layers or slides. For dressing a salad of boiled beets, you can take mayonnaise, vegetable oils and various sauces.

Cooked beetroot salad - preparation of products and dishes

In order to cook a salad of boiled beets, you will need a pan for cooking products, a salad bowl or a bowl, a grater, knives, a cutting board. Serve the dish on ordinary flat plates or small vases.

The most important thing is to cook the beets correctly. After the vegetable is washed and cleaned, you need to choose a method of heat treatment. Most housewives prefer to boil beets, some cook it in a double boiler. Beets cooked in a double boiler, saves more vitamins and nutrients.

In a saucepan, beets are boiled, on average, 40-50 minutes, in a double boiler - about 40. You can speed up this process by cutting the vegetable into pieces, although in this case, a lot of useful juice will flow out. Cook the beets in unsalted water over medium heat. It is important to monitor the water level in the pan - the liquid should completely cover the roots. After cooking, the vegetable should cool down, then it can be cleaned (if it was not done before cooking) and cut or grated in accordance with the recipe.

Other vegetables and products are prepared exactly as required by the recipe for a salad of boiled beets.

Cooked beetroot salad recipes:

Recipe 1: Cooked Beetroot Salad

Simple, but very tasty and healthy snack that can be prepared every day.

Ingredients Required:

  • Medium sized beets - 2 pcs .;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • Salt pinch;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Walnuts - 50 g.

Cooking method:

Wash beets and put to cook (you do not need to clean it beforehand). After boiling, cook on low heat until cooked (40-50 minutes), periodically checking the softness of the root. If the knife easily enters when piercing, then the beet is ready. Next, the beets need to cool, peel and grate. Finely chop walnuts and garlic, add to beets. Put the ingredients in a small bowl, add salt, pepper, season with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly. Cooked beetroot salad can be decorated with parsley sprigs or lemon slices.

Recipe 2: Salad of boiled beets with prunes

Amazingly tasty and healthy salad. Snack helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, strengthens the immune system and gives a great mood.

Ingredients Required:

  • Beets - 1 kg;
  • Prunes - 220 g;
  • Dried apricots - 220 g;
  • Walnuts - 6 pcs .;
  • Mayonnaise - 240 g;
  • Salt - a couple of pinches.

Cooking method:

Boil beets until cooked in unsalted water, cool, peel and grate on a coarse grater. Prunes and dried apricots pour boiling water and leave for a few minutes. After - remove and cut into small pieces. Walnuts chopped (not very fine). All components are mixed, a little salt and mayonnaise.

Recipe 3: Boiled beet salad with herring

This unusually tasty dish can be safely served to the festive table, as well as prepare it for dinner on ordinary days.

Ingredients Required:

  • Large beets - 1 pc .;
  • Herring - 1 pc .;
  • 2 medium-sized pickles;
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs .;
  • Medium-sized carrots - 2 pcs .;
  • Horseradish table - 2 tsp;
  • Mayonnaise - 250 g;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc .;
  • Spring onions;
  • Parsley greens.

Cooking method:

Wash the beets thoroughly, stew until ready (you can bake in the oven). Allow the vegetable to cool, peel, grate on a coarse grater. Cut the herring fillet into small pieces, finely chop the pickled cucumbers. Boil potatoes in a uniform, cool, peel and cut into small cubes. Boil carrots, peel, cool, cut into small pieces. Combine all ingredients in a salad bowl, add horseradish and mayonnaise, mix thoroughly. Boil the egg, cool, finely chop. Sprinkle boiled beet salad with egg, garnish with onion rings and parsley.

Recipe 4: Salad of boiled beets with sea kale

This healthy and tasty dish will become a frequent guest in the refrigerator, as it is easily prepared from quite affordable products. Guests and loved ones will appreciate the hostess’s culinary talents.

Ingredients Required:

  • Marinated sea kale - 130-150 g;
  • 3 medium sized carrots;
  • 3 small beets;
  • Small potatoes - 3 pcs .;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 50 g onions or 100 g of green onions;
  • Vinegar, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Salt, sugar, black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

Beets, carrots and potatoes washed, boil until cooked, cool, peel and cut into small slices. Wash cucumbers, cut into thin slices. Onions finely chopped (green - cut into small rings). Mix all vegetables in a deep salad bowl, add pickled cabbage. Salad fill with a mixture of vegetable oil, vinegar, salt, sugar and pepper. Mix everything thoroughly. when serving decorate the dish with fresh herbs.

Recipe 5: Salad of boiled beets with squid

The recipe for this unusual salad is sure to be asked by anyone who tasted it, a guest. The dish is nourishing and healthy, and also has a spicy rich taste.

Ingredients Required:

  • 3-4 squid carcasses;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 2 small carrots;
  • 2 medium sized beets;
  • Pickled cucumber - 1 pc .;
  • Onions - 2-3 pcs .;
  • Vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. l .;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Fresh dill.

Cooking method:

Cook squids in salted water after boiling for 2-3 minutes. Cool, cut into thin strips (across the fibers). Wash potatoes, beets and carrots, boil until cooked, cool, peel and cut into small cubes. Wash cucumber, finely chop. Finely chop the onion (you can pour boiling water over it to get rid of bitterness). Mix all the ingredients in a deep salad bowl or bowl, add a little salt, black pepper and season with vegetable oil (sunflower or olive). Ready salad to decorate with fresh dill or lemon slices.

Cooked beetroot salad - secrets and tips from the best chefs

In order for a salad of boiled beets turned out really tasty and healthy, you need to properly prepare the roots. An important factor is also the correct choice of vegetables. Beetroot is sugar, fodder or ordinary. For the salad is better to choose sugar varieties. It is recommended to buy roots of small size, dark red color, the skin of vegetables should be thin.

If you want to achieve a more saturated and juicy taste, before cooking the beets should not be cleaned. Beets for salad can be boiled and in advance, the product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days. Putting a vegetable is better not in boiling, but cold water - then all the vitamins and beneficial properties will be preserved. It is not necessary to poke the beets too often, otherwise the whole juice of the root crop will flow out. if you want to keep the color of the vegetable, you can add some sugar or lemon juice to the water. So that after cooking the beets are easy and quick to clean, you need to place it for 10 minutes in cold water. Cooks do not recommend cooking beets with other vegetables, as other products may be colored.


Watch the video: 5 WAYS TO MAKE BEETS TASTE GOOD. SCCASTANEDA (July 2024).