The main mistakes made in raising a boy


The birth of the long-awaited son is a joyful event in every family. A happy father wants to grow a real man, and a young mother - a protector and support. But, having completely dissolved in his child and trying to give him all the best, adults often make gross mistakes in his upbringing. About them will be discussed below.


This phenomenon is often manifested when raising a late and only child, or when raising a child in an incomplete family. Mommies literally stifle their own child with their love and excessive care. "Did you have breakfast today?" Mom is afraid to let him go for a walk with friends, fearing that he may get into an unpleasant story; it seems to her that the beloved girl of her son consists of some flaws and so on. Albeit unconsciously, but mom is worried that one day she can be pushed into the background by her son and she will be unnecessary and alone.

Is there a way out of this situation? Of course, it is quite normal that parents worry about their child, especially this concerns those moments when there is a threat to his life and health. But, excessive “quacking” over a child can lead to the fact that he grows up like a mama's boy. Above the boy will be teased in the team, it will be very difficult for him to deal with the difficulties of life without the help of his parents. Therefore, the child must be taught independence from childhood. For example, let him decide which pants to wear in kindergarten, or allow him to go with friends to the zoo, accompanied by adults.


Every parent wants his son to be an educated person. And it literally forces us to compound complex formulas day and night, read historical literature, hang on complex drawings. Very often, adults do not attach importance to the fact that their child, like any boy, wants to run around with the guys in the yard, play football, and go to the pool. As a result, grows boring nerd, from which you can only hear a continuous “bu-bu-bu ...”

What can be done in this situation? The accumulation of knowledge is, of course, good, but one should not forget about the need for the physical development of the boy. Ask what sports section he would like to attend. In addition, be sure to play at least 1-1.5 hours a day in the fresh air, and on the weekends arrange family forays into nature.

Conclusion in four walls

Some parents believe that the child is completely safe outside the walls of their home. And there is no need for him to hang around the street, if at home there is always a dad and a mom who are the best friends in the whole wide world.

Of course, when it came to establish a relationship of trust between the child and the parents, this is very good. But it is worth remembering that the boy needs direct communication with his peers. What can we say about the relationship with the opposite sex? Therefore, do not bind the child to yourself, allow periodically to communicate with the boys in the yard, arrange children's parties, let him visit his friends.


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