The most funny and witty men: who are they by the zodiac sign


What zodiac signs do you think have a great sense of humor and know how to have fun from the heart? Not all men can be cheerful and humorous: some of them, for example, are too serious and do not take jokes at all, and some are panicky afraid to seem ridiculous and ridiculous, and therefore prefer to keep quiet even in the most laid-back and relaxed atmosphere. They all show their sense of humor (if it certainly exists) in different ways. In any case, humor in communication is necessary and important: it reduces stress, improves mood and helps to establish contact.


He loves to joke and make everyone around laugh. Aries likes the increased attention to his person, because his humor can sometimes even be silly and too primitive. In any case, Aries cannot be called too witty. This is such a zodiac Jim Carrey, who loves grimaces, strange grimaces and even antics.


Taurus knows how to make a good joke, but only if he has the right mood for this. He especially loves the content of comics, memes, and jokes spied on the Internet. It may not always be original content, but it is invariably ridiculous. Taurus also loves the audience. If he knows that people are listening to him attentively, then this Taurus will infuriate him even more, and he will get a taste.


Gemini is the most witty sign with an amazing sense of humor, and he is not afraid to joke even at himself, but in moderation. Instead of making fun of other people or kidding them, the Twins use their lives as the basis for fun stories. This sign can laugh at its failure or mistakes.


Cancer is a very cautious person in terms of jokes. He does not know how to make the company sob with laughter, but he will try to make friends laugh if he is sure that it will cheer them up. When Cancer turns on his sense of humor, the whole range of emotions is reflected on his face. This happens infrequently, but when Cancer is in a good mood, his humor will be very subtle and elegant.

A lion

The main goal of Leo in life is to make you laugh in any way. He is one of those people who know how to "read" his audience, so when Leo wants to be witty and impress others, he skillfully adapts his jokes to any company. His sense of humor is very flexible and even sometimes unpredictable.


Virgo makes fun of other people and sincerely considers this a good humor. Although her wit and jokes are not intended to hurt your feelings, sometimes Virgo still looks tactless and rude. Her humor is mostly caustic and sarcastic, because many people do not like it at all.


Libra uses her sense of humor as a way to interest people. This sign always enlivens any atmosphere with its presence - whether it is at a party, an official event or just for a walk with friends. As soon as Libra begins to joke, they can no longer be turned off. In addition, Libra is very neat with words and never scoff at others.


Scorpio, like Virgo, also prefers sarcastic and gloomy humor, right down to black and very pessimistic. Yes, everything is bad, but at least it can at least be gossiped over. Scorpio is very poisonous, and his jokes sometimes border on tactlessness and indecency. You cannot even understand how you should react: politely chuckle or be offended.


Sagittarius is witty and cheerful to the impossibility. He is able to turn almost anything into a joke, and he is not afraid to make fun of himself. Sagittarius can often be seen surrounded by his friends laughing at how he spilled coffee on himself or tore his pants in a public place. Sagittarius is the main joker of the zodiac.


Capricorn is smart, but his sharp mind can sometimes frighten and repel something. His sense of humor is absolutely uncharted land. He never laughs out loud, and his laugh cannot be called sincere or contagious. In principle, Capricorn does not try to be funny. But he is a professional in sarcasm and gloomy humor, which often annoys people.


Aquarius is moderately humorous, but demonstrates his sense of humor unintentionally and as if reluctantly. He can make you laugh, not even suspecting that he turns out to be a joke. When Aquarius tries to be funny, his humor can be called black and even obscene. Of course, he doesn’t want to offend or offend anyone, but sometimes he still gets into a mess with his jokes.


Pisces would like to be a funny and witty person and the soul of the company, but alas, this is not given to them. If Pisces is trying to tell a joke, then they are either too keen on background and lose their audience, or they try too hard and look not at all funny. They also can’t make fun of themselves - as a result, Pisces only wants to hug and regret, their stories sound so sad.


Watch the video: The 4 Funniest Zodiac Signs Man & Woman Most Funny, Comedian Zodiac Sign Personalities Video (July 2024).