Karmic abilities in magic


Magic - today it attracts many. This is the secret knowledge that we want to comprehend. Are magical abilities a karmic gift? Or is it a punishment? Let's figure it out.

Karmic abilities in magic - what is it

We often hear stories that famous sorcerers, magicians, psychics and equated with them, received their gift from their relatives, ancestors. On the one hand, this may seem like some kind of horror, some kind of fairy tale, which is hard to believe. On the other hand, scientists really recognize the presence of certain superpowers among representatives of individual families and clans.

But is it good or bad? For some people, the presence of magical abilities is a gift that can save their race from extinction. This is especially true for those in whose family there are healers, healers. This race is blessed from above; a lot of trials fall on its fate. For example, in such a family, newborn children can die until someone from the family begins to use their magical abilities and stops it.

But, if a person cannot master his gift? Can’t apply it for good? What then? Karmic practice is inevitable in this case. The stories of many families who were engaged in occult practices and magic are known, in which terrible events took place until the moment when magic became a way of life.

But there is another side to karmic abilities in magic. It happens that an ancestor is engaged in black magic, and his descendants are punished for this. And there are a lot of such cases. Yes, the descendants of the magician can also have abilities, but they will most likely come down to clairvoyance. A person will be able to foresee the future, but he will not be able to change it.

If a woman charmed men without having open abilities in the magic craft, this does not mean that her descendants will not bear karmic punishment for her work. They will not have abilities in magic, but they will clearly understand that something destroys their life for no apparent reason.

Many ministers of the church have hidden abilities in magic. They see spirits, see the other world and believe that it is God who reveals it to them. In fact, most of these people have karmic inherent abilities in magic, and they must curb them, accept them, by serving God. This is a rather difficult way, since they will not be able to fully reveal their abilities, they will have to hide them even from themselves.

Karmic abilities in magic are a kind of test, a test of kind for strength. Not everyone can withstand the regular presence in the life of the otherworldly.

Many practicing witches give up worldly life and are fully committed to the craft. They can even refuse to continue procreation and not transfer their abilities to anyone. In order not to “punish” anyone.

In some cases, abilities in magic that are karmic drive their possessors to insanity. A person constantly hears voices, shadows seem to him, he cannot decide in any way who he is and why he needs all the events of life. On the one hand, it’s scary, on the other hand, it can be changed even at the initial stages of the manifestation of the gift.

So, if in a family several people have abilities in magic, it means that the family has much more opportunities than others.

Representatives of this kind can change their own and others' fates. This opportunity must be used for the good, but if it is used to the detriment, then karmic debt is developed very quickly and the person will, perforce, work it out.

If, for example, a representative of a clan curses others and after his curses terrible events really happen to people, this will harm all his descendant and himself. The fact is that in this way negative karma of magical abilities is generated and it is very difficult to get rid of it later, but it is possible to get rid of it. How to do it - let's talk about it below.

Karmic abilities in magic - how to protect yourself

Not everyone is given magical abilities in order to help others, some witches and sorcerers intensely harm others. But what if you know that you had such witches in your family and now you yourself are constantly worried about dark forces if they harm you and your family?

It is important to read the memory of the ancestor who was engaged in magic and clearly determine for yourself whether you will do it.

If you do not want to connect your life with something otherworldly, then you better immediately exclude such things from your life. Do not go deep into mysticism, do not develop extrasensory abilities and try to communicate exclusively with people who do not possess magical abilities.

If you want to protect yourself and your family from the consequences of the magical hobbies of your ancestors - start by visiting their graves regularly, reading them, try not to think constantly about the past, but just be thankful to him.

Today there are a lot of rituals, conspiracy, prayers that allow you to free descendants from the magic gift, which allow you to protect the heirs from the sins of their ancestors. If you do not want to use any magical attributes and opportunities - just try to help people and do extremely positive things. Thus, you will work out the negative karma of the ancestors.

You can get used to your magical abilities and help people for free in emergency cases, while not violating the balance of knowledge, the law of silence. You will simply follow your mission - to use your abilities when you really need it.

It is very important not to use them solely for personal gain. Any self-interest in magic is the right way to earn karmic debt. If you decide to make magic a business of your whole life, try not to upset the balance of energies and not deceive those who have trusted you. Be honest with yourself and with others. Then your gift will be good for you.
