Hypostases women: 8 goddesses in each of us


For thousands of years men have been trying to understand women, find some logical meaning in their actions and mood changes, which are completely incomprehensible to the stronger sex. The results of all the studies are very paradoxical: the behavior and mood of one woman is completely understandable to another lady, but for men this understanding is given with great difficulty. Sometimes - even after many years of living with her lover. Why is this so?

A woman is an emotional being, the nature of her energy is divine, dating back to the era of matriarchy and paganism. Considering the female nature through the prism of numerous female deities, which coincide with amazing accuracy in their descriptions in a variety of ancient pantheons, one can be surprised to understand some things. For example, the fact that there are 8 main models of female behavior, 4 of them are “positive”, and 4 more are “shadow”. All these models are beautifully illustrated by the characters of the ancient goddesses. And even more than that!

If you pick up the tarot cards, you can find 4 ladies in the deck. Given that these cards can also be turned upside down, we get in the end ... again, 8 people, of which 4 will be "positive" and 4 will be "negative". However, what are they, these female "personalities", and what are the secrets of their behavior?

Woman mother

She is Demeter, the goddess of fertility, she is the Queen of Pentacles / Denarius in the Tarot deck. This is a wonderful mistress, faithful to her husband. This is a wonderful mother who devotes a lot of time and effort to taking care of children. She wants to feed her family and guests, to restore perfect order - household chores bring her sincere pleasure.

But in its opposite, “shadow” sense, it is no longer the generous and caring Demeter, but the spoiled Hera - famous in the ancient Greek pantheon for her jealousy and other negative qualities. Such a mother will either refuse to take care of the house and children, or this care and guardianship will be hypertrophied. She can be demonstratively sacrificial or tyrannical, she can constantly bother her husband with jealousy, scandals.

Female warrior, "sister"

In this guise, we see Athena, the goddess of wisdom and military affairs, the Queen of Swords from the Tarot deck. That same cat, which walks on its own, and does not like the company of other ladies, preferring to surround itself with men. Who, by the way, highly appreciate and respect her. These are women - careerists, participants in various movements, often led by them. They are wise, they can successfully learn and learn new things throughout their life, although sometimes they completely ignore the family.

The shadow meaning of this template is Artemis. This is a woman - a hunter who can destroy everything around herself and not regret it, because she practically does not experience emotions. These women are smart, but they have no emotions. If Athena collaborates with men, Artemis seeks to compete with them. She can trample an opponent, break his life for the sake of her own ambition. Secretive, logical, such a woman can scare.

Woman lover

The sorceress of love and beauty is recognized by the goddess Aphrodite, this is the Queen of Chalices in the Tarot deck. She is beautiful, feminine, kind. Her beauty comes from a harmonious inner world, although she also loves to take care of herself. She is able to illuminate with love the whole space around her, men are always drawn to her - even if she has a not so beautiful appearance in the classical sense. In it is always noticeable some special highlight.

But in the opposite position, it is either a lonely, self-enclosed Hestia, or something else - an overly licentious female vamp capable of seducing and abandoning men, breaking their hearts. The beauty of this woman is arrogant, in her there is something inharmonious, alarming and not real.

Woman - child, "daughter"

An innocent child, unable to take responsibility, believing in miracles, but extremely obedient and complaisant, you can call the goddess Persephone from the ancient Greek pantheon, or the Queen of Tarot Wands.

This cute creature that still loves kittens, requires attention and a chocolate bar. It can be capricious, but it calms down easily, and in general, is managed quite easily. She is dependent on men and circumstances in all plans.

But in the shadow sense, she can become an angry, emotional Eris - it is already extremely difficult to calm such a woman. She will pursue her tantrums, even threaten - with anything, up to suicide. She is spoiled, can specially do in spite.

Is the classification of female characters unequivocal?

These general portraits will bring little benefit to someone who decided to study a woman superficially. Because if you observe female behavior for at least a month, you can understand that not one of the beautiful ladies can be attributed to a certain type of the above. After all, these types ... successfully coexist inside a single woman and are replaced by each other. And regardless of the circumstances - and after all, men so want to tie female behavior to circumstances, because it would be more understandable to male consciousness.

Female patterns of behavior change over the days of the menstrual cycle!

And this happens also in 4 stages.

The first stage after the end of the previous cycle makes the woman restrained, but rather active. She is assiduous, can do a lot of mental activity, is very balanced - Athena settles in for several days.

At the second stage, the woman is transformed - the hormone FSH prepares her for a new reproductive period and begins it. Yesterday's quiet woman becomes Aphrodite, attracting the attention of men, feeling her own beauty. She will seduce, sometimes she can rush to extremes.

The third stage is associated with ovulation and the days after it - a woman is preparing to become a mother under the influence of the hormone progesterone. She calms down, is fond of household chores, turning into Demeter.

And at the fourth stage, estrogen and progesterone fall, causing the woman an emotional imbalance, some infantility - and now, before you appear Persephone or Eris!

Yes, women are not easy. But in all the complexity of their internal structure, they are amazing and magnificent!


Watch the video: Trinity. Wikipedia audio article (July 2024).