Fun and interesting Simoron rituals to help fulfill wishes


Rituals for the fulfillment of desires have become the most common and in demand in modern times. And this is understandable, because each of us has at least one desire, for the realization of which there is either no strength or time.

The most interesting and also effective today are the Simoron rituals, which can be carried out in different ways.

First way

First you need to say right away that to perform this ritual is necessary only when you are alone at home. After reading the essence of the ritual, you will understand why this is necessary.

So, you need to take A3 paper and cut a piece of wood from it. Next, you will need to write your innermost desire on this sheet and fix it on your bare buttocks.

So it will be necessary to take place all day. When you understand that you don’t feel the leaf and have already “grown” to it, then you can take it off.
Here everyone immediately comes to mind the well-known proverb about the bath sheet.

Your desire will literally “stick” to you and will soon yield results.

Second way

For the next ritual, you will need a saucer with a border and a thing that will symbolize desire.

For example, if you want to meet love - put a photo of some artist or your alleged lover, improve housing conditions - the key, get a bonus - banknotes, etc.

Then say the desire out loud and leave this saucer on the windowsill for the whole night.

Third way

For this method, you will need a jar of raspberry jam. Take a small piece of paper and write on it just one phrase, only so that it necessarily ends with the word "raspberry". For example, "not health, but raspberries," "not life, but raspberries," etc. Stick this sheet on a jar of jam. For 15 days, you will need to eat a spoonful of jam every day, in the morning, remembering your desire. Try to distribute so that on the fifteenth day in the bank there is as much jam as you can eat at a time.

It is worth saying that the conduct of this Simoron ritual is recommended to start on the day of your own birth.

However, if you really cannot wait to try the magic of such rituals in practice, then you can start any month, but on the very day when you were born.

Simoron rituals, perhaps, are somewhat similar to other magical rites for the fulfillment of desires, but there are still significant differences. The so-called "plot" of the Simoron ritual can be invented independently. And besides, this action does not need to be taken too seriously.

Everything should be treated with maximum positivity and a smile, but at the same time do not forget to thank the magical powers for helping to fulfill your desire.

Only in this case, the Simoron ritual will certainly work!


Watch the video: B1019-12-2015Talk 16 (July 2024).