Determining a person’s age by intestinal composition: an innovative diagnostic method


Human aging is accompanied by quantitative and qualitative changes in the intestinal flora. They allowed a team of researchers to accurately determine the age of people through genetic analysis of stool samples.

How did scientists establish the age of a person?

The intestinal flora changes constantly throughout life. The first bacteria colonize a person after birth.

The initial microflora acquired by the newborn in the birth canal consists of facultative anaerobes - mainly enterococci.

Due to the influence of breast milk, they are soon replaced by bifidobacteria.

Even in adolescence and adulthood, a change in the intestinal flora is observed. Some bacteria, Eubacteriumhallii, become more common in old age. Others are less common - Bacteroidesvulgatus. In part, these events are adverse to health.

Lower levels of Roseburia and Faecalibacterium decrease the content of vital fatty acids. Reducing the number of other bacteria increases the susceptibility to certain infections.

Campylobacterjejuni, which often causes diarrhea in young people, is almost completely absent in older people.

Intestinal flora can change significantly with diseases. However, there are similarities between healthy people of the same age. They allowed the team, led by Alex Zhavoronkov, to analyze 1165 genomes of 1165 healthy people aged 20 to 90 years.

The company specializes in analyzing genome data and works with so-called "deep neural networks."

What results did scientists get?

The results are amazing: neural networks were able to determine the age of people with an average absolute error of 3.94 years. Accuracy was in the range of acceptable values. In a previous study, Zhavoronkov recognized age by photographing skin with an accuracy of 1.9 years.

The Epigenetic Clock was able to determine age by DNA methylation to an accuracy of 2.7 years. Zhavoronkov hopes to use the "microbiome clock" to investigate the effects of the toxic effects of alcohol, antibiotics, and nutrition on the intestines.

How to rejuvenate the intestines?

The intestines need fiber, which stimulates the defecation and growth of beneficial bacteria.

A balanced bacterial environment reduces the risk of developing infectious diseases.

7 golden nutritional rules for maintaining a healthy bowel:

  1. unhurried meal;
  2. hearty breakfast;
  3. the main meal should be carried out at noon or in the morning, but not in the evening, because in the evening hours the intestines work worse;
  4. refusal of dinner (from 5 pm);
  5. snack immediately after a meal;
  6. proper food handling;
  7. the use of a sufficient amount of fluid (up to 1.5 l / day).

Raw or pickled sauerkraut promotes digestion due to lactic acid bacteria.

However, it should not be fried or boiled to preserve valuable microorganisms. For people with histamine intolerance, this source of probiotics is not suitable.

Fats are recommended from avocados, olives, nuts, flaxseed and fish. They also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory effects. Studies show that excessive fat intake is also associated with a higher risk of colon cancer.

In Asian countries, where less fat and animal products are consumed, residents are less likely to get cancer.

Daily use of beef, pork or lamb increases the risk of bowel cancer by 2 and a half times. It is recommended to replace the above products with turkey, rabbit or chicken.

40 grams of meat covers the daily protein requirements, which are important building blocks for organs.

Turmeric stimulates the secretion of intestinal juice and prevents colon cancer.

Ginger has a protective effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Chile, oregano and thyme have a strong antibacterial effect. However, patients with heartburn or a sensitive stomach should not take many spices.


Watch the video: "Does your DNA hold the key to preventing adverse drug reactions?" (June 2024).