Signs of a short relationship. How to evaluate the seriousness of a guy’s intentions when meeting online?


In today's world of dating on the Internet - this is not a new thing. Many girls, meeting with online friends, often hope to continue the relationship. Although the behavior of a man at the initial stage can be understood, he is determined or the girl for him is a lady for one night.

How to determine a short relationship?

At the first meeting, of course, the true motives are often difficult to determine, but possible. The main signs of a short relationship include the following:
- timidity;
- silence;
- haste, haste;
- Suspicious excuses from banal offers;
- obsession and desire to retire as soon as possible.

Shyness for a serious man is a rarity.

In this case, the man himself knows what he needs from the woman. If he bears thoughts of a short-term relationship, or the person has a backup option, he will be timid, try to look away and sit, even in a cafe, squeezed and timidly, look around, as if afraid that his plans could be calculated. The girl should pay attention to this and listen to his explanations.

If he says that he needs to "get used to" - you can begin to doubt his sincerity.

The silence of a man can also mean that he assesses the situation and thinks out steps for solitude.

Often men limit themselves to commonplace phrases in cafes, but as the meeting comes to an end, they decide to ask for a woman's visit under the pretext of frost or discomfort in public places. In this case, the girls, of course, should listen to the sixth sense and how seriously they themselves consider this man.

The less a man is obsessive, the more serious plans he has for a companion.

Excessive rush even by correspondence should alert. Standing together for the future and plans before the first meeting is a very alarming signal. If a man is in a hurry, then most likely he will not seriously consider these relationships.

A serious young man will not put pressure on the girl, make plans in advance, he tentatively probes the soil.

Nevertheless, there are a number of womanizer women who are in a hurry to have fun with each girl for one night, and then blame everything on their psychological state or carry nonsense about the fact that he was often thrown and so on.

Together or not?

If a man and a woman met on social networks, it is not unusual for a woman to propose putting the so-called “Marital Status” together. This is her hint that she considers the man as a regular partner. Or it may hint at a joint meeting, and the man is limited to banal phrases that let the girl understand that he is not interested. Most likely, the man simply does not hold on to the girl or he did not like her, but he is afraid to admit it directly.

The desire to retire as soon as possible also testifies to the frivolity of intentions.

Here the girl herself needs to decide whether to succumb to provocations or not. If there is a desire for intimacy or there was a long abstinence - why not. But if you are in the mood for a long relationship, a female trick will help you beat the situation very competently.

The above signs will help not to run into womanizer and dishonest men and maintain female dignity.


Watch the video: 3 Ways Men Test Women - Instantly Reveal He's a Player - Dating Advice (June 2024).