Why the cervix does not open during childbirth. Is cesarean necessary?


The cervix is ​​the lower segment of the uterus, one end of which opens into the vagina. It firmly holds the child and protects against pathogenic microbes. If the cervix softens and begins to open, this is a harbinger of labor and labor. However, with incomplete opening of the uterus, complications sometimes arise.

What role does she play during pregnancy?

The cervix changes depending on the phase of the cycle. In ovulation, it is slightly open. Since it is more permeable, sperm enter the uterus more easily during intercourse. On "barren" days, the cervix is ​​firm (like the tip of the nose) and closed.

During the examinations, the gynecologist examines first of all the woman’s cervix. Particular attention will be paid to the risk of preterm birth. If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, the baby is well protected from germs by the “mucous plug”.

Only in the last weeks of pregnancy do cervical changes occur. The body is getting more and more ready for birth. Only when it is soft and elastic can its full disclosure be possible. This maturation occurs gradually during the last four weeks of pregnancy - usually after the 36th week.

Midwives describe the condition of the tissues in a “rough”, “medium soft” and “soft” degree. The softer it becomes, the further the baby's head can move down. As a result, the cervix is ​​also shortened. If she "softened", i.e. shortened as much as possible, this is accompanied by a slight opening of the cervix. Now the mucous plug, which covered the cervix for several weeks, comes out completely.

What exactly happens to the cervix during childbirth?

At the initial stage, the rhythmic contraction of the uterine muscle causes the cervix to gradually open. The fetus also continues to move to the vagina.

When a midwife first examines a woman in a hospital, the cervix is ​​usually only 2-3 centimeters open. She can say this by gently touching the hole with her two fingers - this corresponds to a hole of three centimeters. Four are reached when the index and middle fingers form V. Eight inches with fingers wide apart. The more time passes, the stronger the cervix opens.

What do if it does not open?

There are several mild ways to stimulate uterine contractions and improve circulation in the pelvic area to relax the cervix. Contributing to this is, for example, raspberry leaf tea, but not every pregnant woman does.

If the baby starts to go out, and the cervix is ​​not soft, the doctor may prescribe a suppository containing the hormone prostaglandin in the vagina.

As a result, muscle fibers contract rhythmically in the cervix - this leads to preparatory labor, which, however, causes severe pain.

Even with this method, it can take quite a while before the birth really begins.

Is a cesarean section necessary for incomplete opening of the cervix?

Gynecology recommends a cesarean section if vaginal delivery threatens the life of the mother or child. The main indications for which a cesarean section is required:

  • prolonged complicated birth or dystonia: a pathological pelvis, maternal exhaustion, malformations of the uterus, the pathological position of the fetus;
  • preeclampsia or eclampsia;
  • multiple births;
  • poor position of the child (head up, not to the pelvis);
  • macrosomia (a very large child);
  • evidence of intrauterine infection.

However, different experts may disagree on the recommendation of a cesarean section with incomplete disclosure of the cervix. These differences help explain why the frequency of caesarean sections varies between hospitals and doctors. The final decision on cesarean section is made by the attending physician.


Watch the video: Episiotomy (June 2024).