Mental disorders and obesity, or why obese people need the help of a psychiatrist


Chronic diseases caused by obesity annually cost mankind several billion dollars. Obesity has surpassed smoking on the list of preventable causes of death. Overweight is a major risk factor for the development of atherosclerosis, diabetes and cancer - diseases of the post-industrial society. The risk of heart attacks, strokes and depression is also much higher when overweight.

In the United States, the number of overweight people has doubled over the past 20-25 years. According to current estimates, 65% of the US population is overweight. In other countries - Russia, Germany and the Czech Republic - the level of obesity in adults is from 23 to 26%.

In recent years, the concept of this epidemic has been changing. If earlier it was believed that obesity is the cause of mental illness, then nowadays, feedback is increasingly being revealed.

What non-mental causes of obesity?

Genes play a role in the development of obesity.

From studies of twins it is known that a hereditary predisposition is about half the difference in body weight between different people.

The influence of the mother on the child is slightly stronger than the father.

Some people remain thin even with heavy food intake, while others quickly gain weight. In an experiment with volunteers, researchers were able to show that consuming more than 6,000 calories per day did not increase weight in all people.

There is evidence that in obese patients, the concentration of certain proteins is higher in the cells of the body. According to recent studies, the intestinal flora can also play a role in the development of the disease. The composition of the microbiome has been shown to affect how quickly a person loses weight.

Does depression cause obesity or depression obesity?

Several studies have shown that both overweight and obesity are risk factors for depression.

However, in the Norwegian trials, they came to the opposite conclusion: "Being overweight is a protective factor against depression."

Obviously, this inconsistency needs to be addressed in future studies with related projects. The mechanisms of depression leading to obesity mainly focus on lifestyle. Recently, the role of serotonin is considered as one of the causes of obesity.

Does pathological anxiety affect body weight?

For anxiety disorders, the number of studies is relatively less. The link between obesity and anxiety seems less reliable than depression. One study found that obese people had a higher chance of panic disorder during their lifetime. In another scientific review, scientists found a significant relationship between anxiety and overeating. Scientists could not come to a general conclusion.

The relationship between anxiety disorders and obesity has not been fully proven, but is not excluded.

The link between obesity and borderline disorder is poorly understood. Few studies have studied specific personality traits in obese people, but neuroticism and impulsiveness have recurred among them. Obese patients attending a bariatric surgery clinic in approximately ¼ cases had clinical evidence of borderline disorder.

A Dutch study reported an increase in the prevalence of obesity in adults with a history of ADHD in childhood. However, since there is very little research on this issue, a final conclusion cannot be drawn.

What if there are signs of mental illness and obesity?

If overweight is caused by depression or anxiety, antidepressants, tricyclics or serotonin reuptake inhibitors, will help. Treatment of the root cause of obesity leads to a decrease in body weight over 5 years in 60% of patients. At 20%, weight returns over the next 5 years.

Without consulting a doctor, taking drugs is strictly prohibited. It is recommended to consult a psychiatrist who will establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Obesity and mental disorders are closely related. As it turned out, the most common cause of overweight is depression and anxiety disorders. In addition to depression, a causal relationship between obesity and other mental disorders cannot be reliably established. Although it was previously thought that women were more likely to be obese than men, this conclusion is currently unreliable.


Watch the video: Obesity - Mental Health Help with Kati Morton. Kati Morton (July 2024).