Dog Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome: Symptoms and Treatment


Cognitive dysfunction syndrome is positioned as a pathology, in manifestations and physiological changes resembling Alzheimer's disease in humans. SKD or "old dog syndrome" is characterized by natural changes in brain tissue in aged animals. Symptoms of the disease are found in pets after 10 years, they have a progressive course, poorly amenable to adjustment. Pass with increased signs of senile behavior.

The first signs of unstable behavior

The disease is characterized by neurodegenerative modifications in the cerebral cortex. Behavioral characteristics are modified, neurophysiological pathologies are noted during the examination. The owner of the dog with SKD notes that the pet is losing daily skills associated with living in the house, being outdoors. Solving simple problems is difficult, socialization is losing, daytime activity is replaced by nighttime activity, the dog is awake when the owners go to bed.

Important! A common problem is the loss of understanding between the pet and its owner. It seems to the latter that the dog deliberately gets dirty, rattles, makes you draw attention to yourself, in every possible way ignoring the shouts, punishments and discontent of the owner. This is not so! The animal cannot adequately assess its behavior in connection with irreversible physiological changes in the cerebral cortex.

With increased death of cells (neurons), signs of cognitive dysfunction syndrome increase, the pet begins to get dirty in the house, bark for no reason, and sometimes shows unusual aggression. Its content requires the constant presence of the owner.

The list of neurodegenerative changes:

  • the brain loses volume;
  • nerve fibers (myelin substance) are destroyed;
  • the number of neurons (brain cells) is reduced;
  • the membranes of the brain are subject to dehydration.

Along with this, axon degeneration occurs, an increase in the volume of the ventricles of the brain, and a number of other moments that, in general, form a complex of symptoms of a decrease in cognitive (behavioral) abilities in dogs.

What should alert the owner

An old dog requires no less attention than an unreasonable puppy. But if a foolish person evokes more positive emotions with his spontaneity, cheerfulness and optimism, then the elderly one is gloomy, apathetic and non-contact.

Symptoms of ACS that the host observes:

  • Disorientation.

The pet is lost in the apartment (on the street) and this is not associated with a deterioration in vision, hearing. Can stumble on furniture, walk without a goal, freeze halfway, and suddenly turn the other way. He doesn’t recognize people he knows, he can snarl at touches, ignore commands and his own nickname. The colossal mistake made by the owner does not go to the veterinarian, believing that it is natural and irreversible. Which (in principle) is not without truth.

  • Change of time of wakefulness.

Failure in temporary perception is a characteristic bell indicating a cognitive dysfunction syndrome. If earlier the dog slept (dozed) at night, now its intense activity occurs in the dark. She can pull the owner, demanding walks, games, walk in the dark bumping into things, climb into the wrong places. There are signs of aimless fermentation around the house, yard, sometimes circular, well-defined spaces. The dog seems to go into himself, there is stiffness, general weakness, tremor.

  • Complete loss of training skills.

If the pet previously knew the basic commands and willingly carried them out, then with the "old dog syndrome" they are partially or completely forgotten. The once smart dog begins to defecate in the house, forget to ask, ignores the owner’s discontent. Sometimes it requires attention for a whole day, but often - completely does not notice living in the house.

Important! The first signs of ACS should force the owner to consult a veterinarian. A complete examination, brain tomography, general tests (blood, urine, feces) are required. Changes are not always associated with degenerative processes in the brain.

For obvious reasons, the owners of the old dog are perplexed why the pet begins to behave inappropriately. Often, the degree of "disobedience" rolls over, and the owner is forced to make a decision on euthanasia.

Factors that cause neurodegenerative changes are associated with a low intake of oxygen and nutrients in the brain cells, as well as poor blood supply to organs and impaired functioning of the cardiovascular system. According to statistics, 30-70% of dogs that have crossed the 8-year mark have 1-2 signs of ACS. A sharp jump in deterioration is observed after 10-11 years - from 3% of cases to 23%.

How to diagnose and treat

There are no specific methods for diagnosing the syndrome of changes in behavioral reactions. This is due to the inability of the veterinarian to monitor the dog for a long time and to compare changes in behavior. The conclusion is made from the anamnesis, the oral story of the owner of the animal. It is important to mention in detail that this is not so in the behavior of the dog, do not forget to say about night vigils, loss of the feeling of socialization, the beginning of dirtying in the house.

The doctor will advise you to keep a “behavioral diary”, where you need to record new “calls” daily and compare them with what was previously.

Specific treatment for ACS has not been developed! It is only possible to alleviate the symptoms of its manifestation by improving the diet, taking medications, pheromones. Create the conditions for mental activity.

Ready-made feeds of premium and super-premium class containing antioxidants and fatty acids (Canine b / d, Hills Pet Nutrition) are recommended. They somewhat alleviate the symptoms, making the coexistence of man and dog bearable.

Old age is not a sentence, but only the transition of a pet to a different standard of living! Knowing the diagnosis helps the owner understand his dog, makes him treat his quirks indulgently and help “old men and old women” adapt. SKD requires the owner's sympathy and participation, which will brighten up the last years of the dog in the human family.


Watch the video: Canine Dementia: everything you need to know about senility in dogs (July 2024).