How to quickly learn a foreign language. Why in foreign classes can not do without sweets?


There are more than 7 thousand languages ​​on the planet. Only a few dozen are widespread in the world. But only one of them to learn - for many it seems too difficult. This is partly due to the myths surrounding their study.

But it is not necessary to linger on legends and mistakes when you can use an assorted of tips and tricks on how to independently learn a foreign language.

 First of all, the goal should be defined. For example, if a foreign language is needed to be comfortable on a tourist trip abroad, then there is not much to be done - the basic rules of grammar and a set of words / sentences demanded in certain situations.

If you are planning a career and living in another country, then the level of knowledge one day must grow to the level of its inhabitants. Then you should undertake to replenish the vocabulary in advance on topics that are most important in the future and study a lot of other things.

Depending on this, you should devote more or less time to the language, select materials on it and, in other ways, adjust your learning process.

But anyway - classes should be regular and, as experts say, different in time. That is, it is more efficient to learn a language not for 2 days a week for 6 hours, but to organize for yourself for it, for example:

  • 4-7 large lessons of 3 hours;
  • 5-10 small lessons of 30 minutes;
  • a few five minutes to repeat the material for each day.

Day, evening or night - convenient and the best time for perception is individually.

Despite the fact that people usually take tutorials at different levels, sometimes you can benefit, for example, from serious textbooks for university students with a language specialty.

We repeat - the perception of educational materials is a purely individual matter. So sometimes, when you feel the inhibition of the educational process, it may very well be useful to change them.

It is recommended to draw up a curriculum 1-2 weeks in advance.

For example:

  • ordinal and numeral account;
  • 20 irregular verbs;
  • typical phrases for a beauty salon;
  • food names.

Impossible plans to anything - it’s better to learn a smaller amount of material, plus, for the past will be the opportunity to praise yourself, and this is psychological support.

It is important to adhere to precisely assorted knowledge - it makes no sense to memorize hundreds of verbs or nouns before there is an idea of ​​how phrases are created from them. An integrated approach creates the effect of immersion in another speech.

And it is very useful to develop the skill on the basis of assimilated proposals, to create other patterns. For example, to learn "for breakfast, I ate toast with marmalade" and remake it in "for dinner, I will not eat snails."

Scientists also proved that it is useful to learn the maximum in the first person - again, to bring the language closer to yourself, not to perceive it dryly and impersonally.

But whether it is necessary to say everything out loud, to whisper, or even to construct speech in the imagination - all this is better or worse in individual cases.

In many languages, words can be divided into similar groups.

For example, in English there are irregular verbs in which all three forms are the same, but there are also nouns similar to Russian words. All this is recommended to learn in blocks.

Many linguists today admit that the method of associative memorization of words is erroneous - in the conditions of applying skills in practice, this only burdens the subconscious, prevents it from orienting in acquired knowledge, which is better to acquire “clean”, figuratively speaking, remembering how the peeled nuts are kept in the kitchen .

But the one-time visual perception by examples in pictures or the disclosure of all forms of the verb in a certain context (take for example “play” in the description of a vacation by the sea) - it really helps many to learn foreign more effectively.

It is important to warn against a common mistake typical of beginners - instead of practicing language learning, lingering on the intricacies of pronunciation (such as the famous "th" sound in English).

Of course, correct speech is important, but, first, having mastered it approximately, it is better to return to more meaningful materials, and secondly, there are no common standards for speaking. For example, in the United States pronunciation is strikingly different in some states.

Plus, it’s worth clarifying that for a correct understanding of how words sound correctly (and also for fluent understanding) it is useful to listen to the music of native speakers, watch films in a foreign language, finally, you can try to find, say, friends of interest on Facebook and chat with them through voice messengers.

To understand the printed text and develop writing skills, it is recommended to read news sites / newspapers and foreign literature (often, by the way, provided with footnotes explaining difficult points).

Finally, there are a couple more tricks that can help in quickly learning a foreign language:

  • treat before and / or in the process of doing something tasty, sweet - Fast carbohydrates are needed for energy production, good brain activity;
  • purchase of beautiful notebooks, pens / pencils - acts psychologically, sets up for a more positive, enjoyable learning process.

Finally, it is dangerous to choose only easy tasks, leaving them difficult for later - it is wiser to alternate easily given and difficult to learn material.

As for the repetition of passed and self-control, cramming is effective only for new material and literally 1-3 days.

Then the consciousness should be given a rest and not introduced a knowledge test on purpose (unless they are found in the educational material later), but should arrange a mini-exam after 10-14 days.

And in order not to forget anything, it is advisable to keep a notebook with data indicating that such a number has been passed, for example, the past perfect tense in English and 6 variants of the verb “shine” differing stylistically. Therefore, ask yourself further.


Watch the video: 5 techniques to speak any language. Sid Efromovich. TEDxUpperEastSide (June 2024).