How do banks analyze the borrower? Verification steps you did not know about


Each bank analyzes the borrower before deciding on the application. The review is always carried out comprehensively, various indicators are analyzed, including the behavior of the citizen and his appearance. Of particular note is the creditworthiness of the applicant.

The appearance of the borrower

As soon as a citizen approached the manager, a visual assessment immediately begins. The final decision may depend on this assessment. If the client seems suspicious to the bank manager, he enters a refusal code in the electronic application, after which an automatic negative decision is received. Such codes are affixed if the applicant is inadequate, drunk, intoxicated or suspected of fraud and forgery of data.

What confuses the manager when visually assessing a potential borrower:

  • his appearance does not at all correspond to what the citizen indicates in the questionnaire about himself;
  • the applicant is untidily dressed, dirty, smells bad of him;
  • a person cannot name by heart trivial passport data: place of registration, date of birth, place of birth, are there any children;
  • the documents were criticized, there are signs of falsification;
  • the applicant came for money accompanied by third parties, obviously taking a loan under pressure or not for himself.

Important! Do not behave provocatively, be rude. Even if you are generally a positive borrower and looking good, you may be given a rejection code. You could say it will be the manager’s revenge.

Borrower scoring technique

After contacting the bank and filling out the application form, the application is sent for scoring. Scoring is a potential borrower analysis program created on the basis of statistical analysis.

For each item on the questionnaire, the program puts points. In order for the application to be approved or to go to the next stage of consideration, the applicant must score the minimum number of points allowed by the bank. If no points are scored, a denial is given.

Why scoring reduces points:

  • young age up to 21-25 years or old - from 55-60;
  • short work experience in the current place and general;
  • hazardous work associated with risk;
  • the presence of dependents: the more children, the lower the score;
  • low education, lack of specialty;
  • bad credit history.

In fact, scoring verifies each answer from the questionnaire and other indicators. A credit history among them is important. If it is bad, the system immediately sets a failure.

Important! Each bank has its own credit policy: one is more loyal, the other is more demanding. If one organization fails, this does not mean that another will fail, so try contacting other banks.

Checking the questionnaire by a special department

If a loan is issued according to a simplified program without inquiries, then after checking by scoring a response may immediately come upon the application. But if there is a need for a more thorough check, or a loan is issued according to the standard program with certificates and for a large amount, it will not do without human participation.

What does a specialist do when considering:

1. He studies the questionnaire manually, identifies a possible forgery.

2. Examines the submitted documents: a copy of the passport, income statement, labor, etc.

3. Calls the applicant. And this is not just a conversation, but a dialogue to identify possible fraud. There is nothing surprising if you are asked which bus you get to work on - the information can be compared.

4. Call contact persons. Also a check for the applicant. These citizens may be interested in where you work, by whom, where you live, etc. If the information is contradictory, a refusal will be received.

5. Verification of the citizen on the bases of the OUFMS, traffic police, FSSP.

After a manual review of the application, approval is usually immediately received. Provided that the financial analysis of the borrower was positive.

Applicant solvency analysis

This is one of the main points for any lender. Approval is received only if, based on the results of the audit, it is clear that a person will be able to repay the loan without problems.

The Bank compares all expenses and income of a citizen, conducts a full analysis of the financial situation of the borrower. What reduces the level of solvency of a citizen:

  • the presence of minor children. The more of them, the higher the cost of their maintenance;
  • unemployed spouse; wife on maternity leave;
  • the presence of debts to other banks;
  • the presence of any other debt obligations that are reflected in the database of debtors of the FSSP;
  • eat housing.

Important! After applying for a loan, the borrower should have enough money for everything: to pay for this loan and others, to pay utility bills or for rent, for the maintenance of children. At the same time, he should have money to support himself. Only in this case the bank will give approval.

For example, the applicant has a net monthly income of 25,000 rubles. Every month he gives a loan to another bank - a payment of 5,000 rubles, bears mutual expenses with the spouse for the maintenance of the child - half of the subsistence minimum, that is, approximately 5,000 more. As a result, he still has 15,000, of which 10,000 - a living wage for himself. As a result, only 5,000 remain free, so the bank can approve a loan only with a payment of 2,000-4,000 rubles.

If the analysis of the borrower's creditworthiness has shown that a person will not be able to repay the loan for the desired amount, they may approve a lower limit or increase the loan term so that the monthly payment is lifting.


Watch the video: How Do Banks Decide If They'll Approve Your Loan and How Much (June 2024).