List: what you need for school. How not to buy excess when collecting a child for school?


When the first of September is approaching, then all parents of schoolchildren begin to think about fees for the school year. Moms and dads of future first-graders are especially worried, because they are waiting for the first year of school life. It is important to understand what needs to be acquired for study in order to provide the child with everything necessary and not to buy too much.

It is worthwhile to make a list in advance of what you need for the school so as not to get confused and not to forget the necessary subjects. In different educational institutions, the rules may vary slightly, but most of the accessories have remained common and unchanged for many years.

List: what a first grader needs for a school

So, you should understand what must be purchased for a child who goes to first grade. The list of what you need for the school includes the following critical items:

School uniform. Some schools have a special dress code, and then clothes must be purchased in specialized stores or sewn to order. If, however, specialized requirements for the school are not presented alongside, then parents get freedom of action. But at the same time, it is still necessary to follow certain rules, because the school is not the place where you can come in torn jeans or in a hoodie with Mickey Mouse. The preferred option for the student is a light top and a black bottom. Boys need to purchase several shirts, trousers, vests. For a cold season, a cardigan or a jacket will not be superfluous. Girls need blouses, skirts, sundresses. You can pay attention to the stylish school dresses that are offered by modern manufacturers in large quantities.

Footwear. A child needs street shoes, as well as interchangeable shoes — shoes in which he will move around school rooms and corridors. For physical education should buy light sneakers. It is important to pay attention to the sole; it should be white. Black material can leave streaks on the gym floor, which, of course, will not be too much for a gym teacher.

Clothing for physical education. Physical education lessons are held both on the street and in the gym, so you should take care of different sets of clothes. On the street, children go in tracksuits. The best option is casual pants and a sweatshirt. For the hall you should buy a T-shirt and shorts. Some schools have specific requirements for a sports school. For example, an option such as a white T-shirt and black shorts is often found.

Backpack. It is one of the most important subjects for a student. First graders do not yet have sufficient strength, so do not get too large and heavy satchel. When choosing a portfolio, it is important to consider that books, notebooks and other accessories will be folded into it, which will make it heavier.

Bag for replaceable shoes. There are no special requirements, you can even let the child choose the bag he likes. There are a huge number of varieties for both boys and girls.

List: what you need for the school from the office

With clothes and shoes, it seems, sorted out. Now you need to understand what is on the clerical list, what is needed for the school. Typically, educational institutions give out memos designed to help parents navigate the variety of accessories. The main products are listed below:

Notebooks. Typically, teachers require you to purchase notebooks in an oblique ruler and in a cage. As for the number of sheets (12 or 18), this moment is at the discretion of the parents.

Pens. It is important to check them at the time of purchase so that paper does not flow or scratch. The best option is pens that leave a thin line. It is not recommended to buy automatic pens; children begin to be distracted by clicking and quickly break them. It is better to take some of the most common models with blue ink, but not the cheapest. Pens, which have a very low price, usually "please" the owner with leaking ink on the first day. For children who are just learning to write, pens with a rubber tip to prevent finger slipping are useful.

Simple pencils. You can take several pencils of different stiffness. Optimally, if at the end they will have an eraser.

Colour pencils. The box must have at least 12 pieces.

Paints. Some schools are asked to buy watercolors, some - gouache.

Tassels. The best option is a ready-made set, in which there are both thick and thin brushes.

Glass-spill. It is equipped with a special cover and prevents spillage of water in case of inaccurate behavior at the desk.



Rulers. A small ruler of about 10-15 centimeters long will suffice, because in the first grade, children only learn to emphasize words and depict segments. With long rulers they will simply be uncomfortable to handle.

Covers. They are necessary for notebooks and textbooks. For notebooks are standard products. As for textbooks, it is necessary to know their sizes in advance. Depending on the program of the educational institution, they may vary.

Scissors. Special scissors should be purchased with rounded ends. They are completely safe for the child and the people around him.

Album for drawing, colored paper, colored cardboard.

Glue. The best option - glue stick, eliminating stains and stains.

A diary. The child can choose the appropriate option. The covers often feature fairy-tale characters, and such a diary is quite suitable for a first grader. It is worth paying attention to the internal content of the diary, as there are options for elementary school and for high school students.

It is believed that in the first class it is better not to buy too bright notebooks and other accessories. They can greatly distract the child's attention from the learning process.

List of what is not needed for school

There are several items that seem necessary, but in fact you can safely do without them. Of course, if the teacher asks to purchase something from this list, then he should not argue. But, in general, the items listed below are usually not needed by the first grader. These include:

Bookend. She will take up a lot of space in the portfolio, and on the desk, too. In addition, the child will be constantly distracted, trying to correctly install the book.

Felt-tip pens. They can leave marks on almost everything: skin, clothing, and a neighbor. And sometimes the lines are very difficult to wash and launder. In addition, many teachers are opposed to felt-tip pens, as they do not require special pressure and do not develop a children's hand.

Cashboxes of numbers and syllables. Modern school curricula usually do not imply their use. Therefore, there is a risk of wasting money.

So, the above are a few lists that can easily help put your child in first grade. Of course, one should rely not only on this information, but also on the recommendations of the teacher, in which the first-grader will study. Usually, the teacher has considerable experience, so it will easily give accurate information about what is useful to the student during his studies.


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