Gymnastics with coxarthrosis - will it help? The basics of gymnastics with coxarthrosis: features of the disease and the rules of physical activity


Coxarthrosis is the destruction of the hip joints, in which the cartilage is depleted and deformed. Osteophyte overgrowth and impaired mobility are possible. You can cure the disease using an integrated approach.

An important stage in the recovery is physiotherapy. Actions improve joint mobility, relieve pain and restore normal muscle condition.

Causes and features of pathology

In order to correctly perform the exercises and understand their meaning, orientation, it is worthwhile to understand the factors that influence the onset of the disease. The main causes of the disease are as follows:

• joint injury;

• metabolic failure or circulatory problems;

• excessive stress on the body;

• hormonal disbalance;

• prolonged stress.

The disease manifests itself more often in people with a sedentary lifestyle. There is a hereditary predisposition or a tendency to develop pathology in severe chronic diseases. Due to the structure of the pelvis, the disease develops more often in the female.

Symptoms of the disease:

• pain in the thigh, lameness;

• feeling of tightness and discomfort in the joint;

• crunch of the articular part.

With the development of the disease, various symptoms occur. The first degree involves minimal pain when the muscles are tensed. Diagnostics show small changes in the joint. The second stage: pain increases, lameness gradually develops. There is a constant crunch when walking. Third stage: pain is always felt, even in a dream. The gait becomes a curve, there are constant cramps.

Physical education for coxarthrosis

In order for performance in performing gymnastics to be high, everything must be done strictly in accordance with the rules. Recommendations for the exercise:

1. All exercises are static. Significant joint effort is not allowed. Patients are contraindicated any load on damaged parts, sudden movements. If the rule is not observed, aggravation of the pathology may begin. If sharp pain is felt during gymnastics with coxarthrosis, the exercise should be stopped.

2. To warm up the muscles, stimulate blood flow to the damaged areas, a weak massage of the pelvic muscles is recommended. The exercise itself worsens the blood circulation, after completion it is worth doing a hitch - the same massage as at the beginning. If during the execution unpleasant sensations arise, they can also be removed with massage.

3. If the state of the body allows you to take additional loads, exercises can be supplemented by swimming.

4. To ensure that the effectiveness of actions was high, it is recommended to select exercises with the doctor. Take into account the degree of development of the disease and the level of pain.

5. Performing gymnastics with coxarthrosis daily. The pace is selected smooth, comfortable, without overload.

Effective exercises at the initial stage

So that the disease does not progress, it is advisable to master a set of actions that improves the general condition of the body. Actions are aimed at eliminating the symptoms of coxarthrosis. Perform each 3 to 5 times at the initial stage. After getting used to the number of approaches increases to ten. Each action should be fixed for 2 - 3 seconds. You need to breathe freely, when the position of the body changes, the body must be relaxed. Mild pain is allowed. Recommended exercises:

• starting position - on the back. The leg is bent at the knee, after being stretched as straight as possible. You need to grab your hands around the bend under the patella and pull it to the stomach. The second leg should not relax, it is always extended;

• starting position - on the back. The diseased limb is developed by the opposite hand, supported in an extended position. Both legs are bent and pressed soles to the floor, the pelvis rises;

• starting position - on the side so that the affected leg is on top. Elbow of the lower hand and upper palm rest against the floor. The leg is level, smoothly rises up to the maximum level and lowers to its original position;

• starting position - sitting on a stool. Knees and feet are reduced, heels are divorced as far as possible. If possible, a ball or small pillow is placed between the knees. It is necessary to squeeze the object as much as possible, in the absence, squeeze the knees.

Gymnastics with coxarthrosis can be carried out independently at home. The main rule is the regularity of the exercise, even if the symptoms have subsided or completely disappeared. The duration of one therapeutic course is 3 months. During this period, daily workouts are required.

Classes in the late stage of the disease

If there is severe damage, gymnastics with coxarthrosis should be carried out carefully. The second and third stages can be cured with the following exercises:

1. Starting position - down belly. Hands are laid along the body, a pillow rests under the feet. It should roll on the stomach, minimally moving the hips. Actions are performed 20 minutes before a meal. For 5 minutes, weak patients do, for 10 minutes - more active.

2. Starting position - lying on your back. Legs are straightened, slightly apart. In turn, turn outward - inward. Moving is minimal. For convenience, a pillow is placed under the knees.

3. Starting position - sitting. Feet are pressed to the floor, legs are placed on the width and height of the shoulders. Actions - breeding and mixing knees.

4. If you move painfully, you can construct a loop over the bed in the area of ​​the legs. Lying on your back, put your foot in there until the middle of the calf. The foot relaxes and sways to the sides, bends. Do until the appearance of slight pain.

Alternative exercises

The exercises from the following list help quite well in the fight against coxacosis of the hip joint:

• Initial stage:

o palms are laid on the stomach, lips are pressed tightly so that air passes through the nose;

o you should slowly move down - up, fixing the heels in one position. Hands describe circular motions;

• main complex:

o legs are straightened, one of them is laid aside. Palms pull to the foot, grab and straighten. Mild pain during execution is allowed. The muscles get used to the load, stretch;

o develop the lower back can be tilted to the legs without bending the limbs;

o starting position - lying on your back. The most difficult, but effective exercise. You need to throw your legs behind your head or reach in this direction as high as possible. Then you should touch the floor with your feet. Do at least 20 repetitions.

Nutrition for coxarthrosis

In order for performance to be high, it is imperative that you follow the correct diet. Together with gymnastics with coxarthrosis, beneficial substances restore the efficiency of joints. During the training period, dishes that negatively affect the functioning of the motor apparatus are excluded. You can eat broths made from fish, mushrooms, lean meat. Useful for the body will be the liver, heart.

A must-have daily meal should be a salad of vegetables. Add preferably carrots, greens, beets. To increase the level of calcium will help the intake of dairy products at least 4 times a week. Dried fruits, decoctions or nuts will complement them.

Cereals from cereals will increase the content of carbohydrates and minerals. Eat as much seafood as possible to normalize the amount of trace elements. Compliance with nutritional recommendations will make cartilage tissue elastic for a couple of months.

It is forbidden to use: alcoholic beverages, sweets of any kind, smoked products containing caffeinated drinks, sausages. A skillful combination of the right exercises with dietary nutrition, medicines, will achieve the desired results.

Prevention of coxarthrosis includes the following items:

• it is necessary to constantly subject the body to moderate physical exertion, to do exercises;

• Frequent walks enrich the blood with oxygen, improve joint mobility;

• proper nutrition will strengthen the bones;

• with a sedentary lifestyle, it is worth doing exercises to warm up the joints.

It is not worth sharply increasing the exerted loads - the approach should be comprehensive. Do not engage in non-tested courses of gymnastics with coxarthrosis - the approval of the attending physician is mandatory.


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