What to do if the neck is reduced: first aid, treatment, massage. She cut her neck: how to help myself, what will help, whether I need to see a doctor


Neck pain comes suddenly. At first there was a slight discomfort, an incomprehensible pulling sensation, you think that your neck went numb because you were a giraffe in a dream, or because your pillow is not as comfortable as that orthopedic that you noticed in the store last month, but for some reason you didn’t buy . Do not waste your time! At the first pain, take the necessary measures, otherwise the not very pleasant sensations will turn into very unpleasant and restricting freedom of movement, to the point that you cannot shake your head to the rhythm of your favorite melody or shake from side to side in disagreement when asked get to work on your day off.

Causes of neck spasm

· He sat without movement, went into work - the spine was tired. If your work involves a long sitting position, you can not avoid the load on the cervical spine and, as a result of the load, can reduce the neck.

· Cold winds from people without a scarf are crazy. Do not forget how changeable the weather can be, especially during the off-season. As they say, the heat of the bones does not break, and the bones break when you freeze from frost. Take your time to take off your warm clothes in the first spring sunshine and dress not only in fashion, but also in weather.

· Stress, nerves at the limit and, as a result, cramps in the neck. Remember that our body weakens during constant nervous tension. Try to worry less - then the neck will not suffer.

· Psychosomatics - as simple mathematics. The neck is a kind of symbol of the flexibility of thinking and perception. If it is jammed, perhaps it is a beacon that in some life situation you are experiencing contradictions, but be obstinate and do not want to look at the situation from the other side. It also reduces your neck when you are afraid and are too tight from it. Analyze your fears and determine what you are afraid of nodding your head in agreement or swinging it from side to side in sign of denial.

· Excessive physical activity does not work for effectiveness. Exercise without fanaticism to avoid neck pain and other drama. Also try to avoid long carrying a heavy bag on your shoulder.

· Lack of vitamins, deficiency of magnesium, calcium in the body, possible diseases (cervical osteochondrosis, consequences of spinal injuries, cervical radiculitis, intervertebral hernia, rheumatism) can cause neck pain.

Initial actions for cervical spasm

If it reduces the neck, the pain may be “dull” aching, may fade for a while and then “shoot through” sharply. To temporarily relieve pain, try to fix the position of the neck in the least painful position - an ordinary large-knit scarf can help you with this. Wrap them around their neck and take a comfortable position (lie down, if possible), a volume scarf will support the head and warm the sore spot. In fact, any warm scarf is suitable, but the plus of a voluminous scarf is that it also acts as a roller, filling the space between the painful area and the pillow. You can also anoint the sore spot with an ointment with an anesthetic: you will smell of menthol and look like a home polar explorer, but these measures will ease your suffering until you see a doctor, and it will be necessary to see a doctor, because only he will help diagnose the cause of the pain and prescribe treatment.

Stages of treatment for cervical spasm

You should not postpone going to the doctor if you suddenly reduced your neck. After you consult a doctor, he will carry out the necessary diagnostics up to the appointment for an MRI, X-ray or ultrasound examination. Depending on the results of the study, you will be prescribed therapy. The therapy may include both medical and physiotherapeutic procedures.

The easiest treatment is for spasm due to the long static position of the cervical muscles. In this case, massage will help, which you can do even yourself. Self-massage is performed with one or two hands with light stroking movements from top to bottom from the ears to the shoulders. For the best effect, use menthol-based warming ointments and balms that improve blood circulation and help relax muscles. A warm bath with relaxants (oils or salts with lavender, lemon balm, bergamot, peppermint, chamomile), a compress based on vodka, a bag of heated salt or an ordinary heating pad will also help to cope with pain.

· If the neck has been reduced due to illness, effective procedures such as electrophoresis, treatment with diadynamic and sinusoidal currents, manual therapy, acupuncture may be required.

· Often a spasm caused by diseases such as osteochondrosis, sciatica, or myositis shoots not only in the neck, but can also radiate to the area of ​​the shoulder blade or shoulder, headaches are possible. In such cases, the doctor prescribes effective pain medications.

Prevention of cervical spasms

If you already once drove your neck, you should pay attention to the lifestyle that you lead. By adjusting some aspects of your daily life, you can reduce the risk of recurrence of spasm.

· Since it can even reduce the neck from an uncomfortable posture in a dream, check how comfortable your pillow is, whether it is too high or, conversely, low for you. A good pillow should support the cervical spine and head as comfortably as possible. It sleeps well on special orthopedic pillows that allow you to properly fix your head for the whole night.

· Do morning exercises. A simple set of morning exercises will help you start the day with a cheerful note, improve blood circulation, allow you to stretch your muscles after sleep and will bring more health and joy to your life. For the prevention of cervical spasms, the following exercises should be performed:


8-10 reps

Perform slow circular movements of the head first clockwise, then in the opposite direction.

Shoulder lift

8-10 reps

Stand straight, hands freely lie along the body, raise and lower your shoulders first at the same time, then alternately first right, then left.

Lift the head from a prone position

10 reps

Lie on a flat surface. Without lifting your legs and torso off the floor, raise your head and try to see your toes. Hold for 5 seconds, then slowly lower your head to the floor.

Overcoming resistance

5-10 reps

Cross your palms and place them on your forehead. Trying to overcome the tension, push your hands head first. Then move your hands to the back of your head and likewise tilt your head with resistance. Do the same on the sides

Exercises should be performed slowly and without excessive effort. If the slightest discomfort occurs, stop the exercise. Remember that during an exacerbation of pain, such exercise is prohibited.

· Review your diet. Include in your daily diet more vegetables and fruits, fish, meat, nuts, try to eat less sweet, smoked and fried, give up alcohol. Drink more water during the day, and warm milk with honey at night.

· Drink a course of vitamins. Consult a doctor so that he prescribes a course of tablets containing the daily intake of essential vitamins and minerals.

· Dress warmly and cover the collar area with a scarf. A scarf is a wonderful accessory that will always warm you and protect you from a cold.

· Pamper yourself with a massage. A light independent neck massage for 10 minutes will help to establish microcirculation of blood in the cervical spine, relax tired muscles frozen from sedentary work, and will cheer you up for a while.

So, we examined the possible causes of such an unpleasant sensation as a neck spasm. Remember that self-medication will help temporarily relieve pain, but if it reduces the neck in a chronic manner, this is a signal of a possible disease that can only be cured by a highly qualified specialist. Be attentive to your body, be flexible and healthy!


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