The jaw reduces: causes an unpleasant symptom. If the jaw reduces, what to do first, when to start treatment


There can be several reasons for spasms of the jaw muscles. It is impossible to install them yourself. Most often, this symptom quickly disappears and does not cause complications, but in some cases indicates serious health problems.

The jaw reduces: psychosomatic causes

In the vast majority of cases, the cause of functional disorders is the nervous system, or rather, the psyche. Thus, a spasm that does not have any soil under it occurs after prolonged overvoltage. Numbness and weakness appear at the moment when the muscles begin to relax arbitrarily.

A stressful situation can also lead to muscle spasms. Any factor that negatively affects the psyche leads to the activation of the parasympathetic and sympathetic system and the tension of the muscle corset. Most often, a person does not pay attention to these changes. If you analyze the sensations during the period of anger, you can feel a strong tension in the neck, face and shoulder torso. Fear causes spasm in the muscles of the abdominal cavity and legs.

The reason for this phenomenon is an unconscious desire to escape from the current situation or the desire to attack. The subconscious mind perceives this as a source of danger. If such a problem occurs, you must try to relax the lower jaw yourself. Normal massage helps a lot.

In those cases when the attempts made to relax the muscles do not give a result, you need to consult a neurologist. The specialist will identify the causes of this pathology and prescribe a course of treatment.

It reduces the jaw: causes of somatic nature

Among the factors that trigger the occurrence of spasms of the jaw muscles, there can be not only nervous disorders. The cause of this phenomenon is often a disease that occurs in the oral cavity. Thus, even caries, which develops into pulpitis, can provoke the development of the inflammatory process in the gums. As a result, there is swelling that spreads to the nerve tissue. As a result of this person, severe pain is tormented and the jaw begins to flatten.

If you experience discomfort in the jaw area, you should immediately eliminate the likelihood of damage. It can even mean a slight blow and dislocation of the joint during yawning or eating.

Sometimes the appearance of discomfort in the jaw area indicates the presence of diseases that carry a potential danger to life. Similar symptoms often occur with pathologies of the cardiovascular system. That is why, when the jaw reduces, what to do and how to get rid of this phenomenon, the specialist should tell. Self-medication can lead to a number of undesirable consequences.

The jaw reduces: what to do before a visit to the doctor

Each person faced with such an unpleasant problem as a spasm of the jaw apparatus, it is necessary first of all to remove the functional load from this area. She needs to ensure complete peace. Do not eat solid foods, and speak and open your mouth wide.

Experts highly do not recommend with this phenomenon, as the jaw reduces, treatment should be started before a visit to the doctor. It is allowed to take painkillers medications only in cases where the pain syndrome is too pronounced. This is due to the fact that as a result of eliminating unpleasant sensations, it is more difficult to diagnose. Palpation of the anesthetized zone will not provide the necessary information. The only possible way to reduce pain is with cold compresses. They need to be applied directly to the affected area.

Diagnostic Methods

In order to determine the tactics of further treatment, the reason for the appearance of this pathology is identified. It is extremely difficult to independently determine which factor provoked a spasm of the jaw muscles. At home, conducting a series of studies is simply impossible. That is why when a converging symptom occurs in the area of ​​the jaw apparatus, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist as soon as possible.

Due to the fact that there can be several causes of spasms of the jaw apparatus, a number of studies are being conducted, among which:

• analysis of urine and blood;

• radiography;

• CT;

• MRI.

Only after carrying out all the necessary studies and identifying the reasons why the jaw began to be reduced, can the most effective and effective treatment be prescribed.

The patient needs to be examined by a number of specialists, including a dentist, neuropathologist, surgeon, therapist, traumatologist and cardiologist. In the process of therapy, not only the cause of the development of the pathology is eliminated, but also each individual symptom.

The jaw reduces: treatment of pathology

Therapy for spasms of the jaw muscles directly depends on the cause of the appearance of these symptoms. If the clinical picture is manifested against the background of traumatic injury, then all necessary measures are carried out. The dislocation is immediately corrected, and in case of a fracture, an operation is urgently performed. Soft tissue injuries are treated with cold compresses.

If cardiac pathologies are detected that are accompanied by pain in the lower or upper jaw, all therapeutic measures are aimed at combating the disease itself, and not at eliminating the symptoms. You need to diagnose it as soon as possible.

If there is a suspicion of angina pectoris, stroke or heart attack, an ambulance team is called immediately. The therapeutic course for spasms of the jaw of a neuralgic nature is prescribed by the joint efforts of a neurologist and dentist.

Infectious inflammatory diseases must be treated with antibiotics. If, during the examination, a pathological process was found in the hard tissues of the oral cavity, then the treatment methods directly depend on the characteristics of the clinical picture. In cases where the tooth is subject to restoration, it is restored by installing a crown or a special orthopedic design. If it is not possible to restore hard tissues, they resort to their immediate removal.

The cause of jaw dropping may be teething wisdom. Depending on the situation, it is deleted or saved. The decision is made after an X-ray examination and clarification of the position of the dental bone. In some cases, in order to alleviate the patient’s condition, it is enough to carry out the procedure of incising the mucous membrane of the hood in the crown area.

To eliminate the reducing symptom, resort to the use of painkillers. In those cases when the provoking factor has not yet been determined, the specialist can additionally prescribe also antidepressants.

The jaw reduces: what to do in order to prevent

In order to avoid such unpleasant symptoms as spasms of the jaw muscles, a number of recommendations must be followed. Among the main preventive measures, the following can be distinguished:

• training of ligaments of the jaw apparatus using gymnastics;

• annual visits to the dental office to conduct routine examinations and treatment of developing diseases at an early stage. Thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid the development of pathologies and the occurrence of pain;

• regular exercise. With the help of physical exertion, the cardiovascular system is strengthened as much as possible, and the risk of developing problems with blood flow is minimized.

Only if the patient is attentive to his state of health, is it possible to timely diagnose diseases that can provoke spasms of the jaw apparatus.

Such an unpleasant phenomenon as the reduction of the jaw is most often caused by a neuralgic disorder. In this case, treatment boils down to a relaxing massage and the elimination of an irritating factor. Despite this, it is extremely important to conduct a full diagnosis and determine the exact cause of the appearance of such symptoms. Sometimes this unpleasant symptom can indicate the development of serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, which pose a real danger to the patient's life. Only a doctor can identify a factor that causes spasm and prescribe effective treatment.


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